Learning Japanese can be challenging, but Langlandia makes it fun and engaging. Combining interactive gameplay, gamification, and cultural immersion, Langlandia keeps you motivated as you master the language.
In this guide, we’ll explore how Langlandia stands out with features like PvP challenges and Langlympics, which make learning feel like an exciting adventure. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your skills, Langlandia offers an immersive, interactive experience that makes language learning enjoyable and rewarding.
Why Langlandia is the Best Game for Learning Japanese
Langlandia combines gamification, PvP challenges, Langlympics, and immersive learning for a unique and fun language experience. It motivates you to master grammar, build vocabulary, and improve speaking and listening skills in an interactive, competitive environment.
Join Langlandia and begin your journey to mastering Japanese!
Langlandia: Master Japanese with PvP Battles!
in Spanish | in English | S |
おはようございます – ohayou gozaimasu | Good morning | |
こんにちは – konnichiwa | Hello | |
ありがとう – arigatou | Thank you | |
すみません – sumimasen | Excuse me / I’m sorry | |
どこですか – doko desu ka | Where is it? | |
これは何ですか – kore wa nan desu ka | What is this? | |
はい – hai | Yes | |
いいえ – iie | No | |
お水をください – omizu wo kudasai | Please give me water | |
今、何時ですか – ima, nanji desu ka | What time is it now? | |
お腹がすいています – onaka ga suiteimasu | I’m hungry | |
おやすみなさい – oyasumi nasai | Good night | |
わかりました – wakarimashita | I understand | |
気をつけて – ki wo tsukete | Be careful | |
何か欲しいですか – nanika hoshii desu ka | Do you want something? | |
もう一度言ってください – mou ichido itte kudasai | Please say it again | |
今日は忙しいです – kyou wa isogashii desu | I am busy today | |
お金がありません – okane ga arimasen | I don’t have money | |
日本が好きです – nihon ga suki desu | I like Japan | |
あなたの名前は何ですか – anata no namae wa nan desu ka | What is your name? | |
すぐに戻ります – sugu ni modorimasu | I will be right back | |
私は学生です – watashi wa gakusei desu | I am a student |
in Spanish | in English | S |
好きですか – suki desu ka | Do you like it? | |
食べたい – tabetai | I want to eat | |
忙しい – isogashii | Busy | |
お元気ですか – ogenki desu ka | How are you? | |
日本語を話せますか – nihongo wo hanasemasu ka | Can you speak Japanese? | |
英語を話せますか – eigo wo hanasemasu ka | Can you speak English? | |
お金が欲しい – okane ga hoshii | I want money | |
トイレはどこですか – toire wa doko desu ka | Where is the bathroom? | |
助けてください – tasukete kudasai | Please help me | |
どちらですか – dochira desu ka | Which one is it? | |
どうぞ – douzo | Please (offer something) | |
お疲れ様です – otsukaresama desu | Good job / Thank you for your hard work | |
気にしないでください – ki ni shinaide kudasai | Don’t worry about it | |
お世話になりました – osewa ni narimashita | Thank you for your help (formal) | |
いい一日を – ii ichinichi wo | Have a good day | |
疲れました – tsukaremashita | I’m tired | |
良い週末を – yoi shuumatsu wo | Have a good weekend | |
今、何かをしていますか – ima, nanika wo shiteimasu ka | Are you doing something right now? | |
質問があります – shitsumon ga arimasu | I have a question | |
助けてくれてありがとう – tasukete kurete arigatou | Thank you for helping |