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You in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
you tu
How to say “you” in French? “Tu”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “tu” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on you in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “You”

French sentence with “tu” English translation for tu S

D’où viens tu?

Where are you from?

Comment tu t’appelles?

What is your name?

Que fais-tu?

What are you doing?

Quel travail fais-tu?

What work do you do?

Es-tu prêt?

Are you ready?

Qu’est ce que tu as fait aujourd’hui?

What did you do today?

tu parles Anglais?

Do you speak English?

Es-tu riche?

Are you rich?

As-tu froid?

Are you cold?

Que veux-tu faire?

What do you want to do?


What do you study?

tu aimes voyager?

you like to travel?

tu peux venir avec moi si tu veux.

you can come with me if you want.

tu aimes sortir?

you like to go out?

tu es célibataire?

Are you single?

tu es toujours une personne gentille

you are always a kind person

tu les as

you have them

tu peux me le donner?

Can you give it to me?

tu dois me le promettre.

you have to promise me.

tu n’as pas besoin de payer pour eux

you don’t have to pay for them

tu sais quoi dire

you know what to say

Je comprends ce que tu veux dire

I understand what you want to say

Voilà ce que tu voulais manger

This is what you wanted to eat

Parfois tu dois réfléchir

Sometimes you have to think

tu dois faire ce que je dis

you have to do what I say

Ce que tu dois faire demain est…

What you have to do tomorrow is…

Ce n’est pas ce que tu dis

It’s not what you say

tu es seul?

Are you alone?

Je voulais que tu aides mon papa

I wanted you to help my dad

Elle ne voulais pas que tu sois seul

She did not want you to be alone

Je ne voulais pas ça tu te sente mal

I did not want you to feel bad

Je ne pense pas que tu aurais mangé ça

I don’t think you would have eaten that

Il voulait juste que tu regardes le film

He just wanted you to watch the movie

Je suis content que tu aies gagné

I am glad you had won

Je veux que tu saches la vérité

I want you to know the truth

J’aime que tu manges sainement

I like that you eat healthy

Je pense que tu as besoin d’aller chez le dentiste

I think you need to go to the dentist

Je ne pense pas que tu sois prêt

I do not think you are prepared

Je suis content que tu aimes la nourriture

I am glad that you enjoy the food

J `espere que tu te sentiras mieux

I hope that you get better

Je veux que tu m’allumes la radio

I need you to turn the radio on

tu te souviens de ce que je t’ai dit?

Do you remember what I told you?

À quelle heure tu te lèves?

What time do you get up?

Comment tu t’appelles?

What’s your name?

tu travailles maintenant?

Are you working now?

tu es toujours si jolie

you are always so pretty

Je serais en colère si tu allais au lit avec des chaussures sales.

I would be angry if you get into bed with dirty shoes.

C’est bien que tu saches la vérité.

It’s good that you know the truth.

tu veux que je t’aide?

Do you want me to help you?

Pourquoi tu ne veux pas le répondre?

Why don’t you want to answer him?

Je veux que tu le visites.

I need you to visit him.

Je veux que tu le sache.

I want you to know it.

Pourquoi tu ne veux pas le manger?

Why don’t you want to eat it?

tu le fais très bien.

you do it very well.

tu as raison, je ne peux pas te le dire.

you are right, I can’t tell it to you.

J’avais besoin que tu prenne soin du bébé.

I needed you to take care of the baby.

Pourquoi tu ne veux pas que je joue?

Why don’t you want me to play?

Je ne veux pas que tu m’épouse.

I do not want you to marry me.

J’ai besoin que tu m’accompagnes au square.

I need you to accompany me to the square.

Je veux que tu écoutes cette chanson.

I want you to hear this song.

J’aime que tu aies vu le programme.

I like that you have seen the program.

J’ai vraiment aimé que tu aies participé.

I really liked that you‘ve participated.

Ma famille est très heureuse que tu nous aies rendu visite.

My family is very happy that you visited us.

Je ne savais pas que tu avais une sœur.

I didn’t know you had a sister.

Ce n’était pas bon que tu aies dormi aussi tard.

It was not good that you fell asleep so late.

tu l’as? demanda-t-elle

Do you have it? she asked.

Je voulais que tu m’aides à la fête.

I wanted you to help me at the party.

J’ai besoin que tu ramène de l’eau à Mauricio.

I need you to bring water to Mauricio.

tu ne te serais pas inquiété.

you would not have worried.

Je sais que tu aurais voulu passer plus de temps avec moi.

I know you would have wanted to spend more time with me.

J’exige que tu payes

I demand that you pay

Ana, suggère que tu finisse tout le devoir

Ana suggests that you all finish the homework

C’est normal que tu aimes ta sœur

It’s normal that you love your sister

Comments, Questions, Etc. About You in French

Comment on the French word “tu” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say you in French
  • Explanations on the translation tu
  • Sentences that use the word “tu”
  • Questions about you in French, etc.


Simalr in use to spanish.

7 months ago

Tu and Vous

The distinction between these is very important. Tu is used for people with whom you are familiar.

9 months ago


Second person singular pronoun English “you”

9 months ago


It is very often the case that the tu conjugation is identical to the je conjugation

9 months ago

tu info.

Tips to remember the French word ‘tu’:
– Associate it with the English word ‘you’ but for informal singular use, as in talking to a friend.
– Think of ‘tu’ as a more personal and casual version of ‘you.’
– Remember that ‘tu’ is always used with a verb in the singular, often ending in -s in the present tense.

The French word ‘tu’ is a subject pronoun that means ‘you’ in English. However, it is only used when speaking to one person with whom you have a casual or familiar relationship, such as a friend, family member, or someone your age or younger.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– ‘Vous’ is another French word for ‘you,’ but it’s used for formal situations, when speaking to someone you don’t know well, or when addressing more than one person, even if you know them well.

Alternate meanings/slang:
– There are no alternate meanings or slang versions of ‘tu,’ as it is a fundamental part of the French language. However, it’s important to choose between ‘tu’ and ‘vous’ according to the context to avoid being too formal or informal.

Examples of sentences that use ‘tu’:
– Tu parles français ? (Do you speak French?)
– Tu viens ce soir ? (Are you coming tonight?)
– Tu as mangé ? (Have you eaten?)
– Pourquoi es-tu triste ? (Why are you sad?)
– Tu aimes la musique classique ? (Do you like classical music?)

a few seconds ago

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