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you all will turn out | окажетесь |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About You all will turn out in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “окажетесь” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say you all will turn out in Russian
- Explanations on the translation окажетесь
- Sentences that use the word “окажетесь”
- Questions about you all will turn out in Russian, etc.
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окажетесь info.
Tips to Remember the Russian Word:
– "Окажетесь" can be remembered by associating it with the English word "occur." It denotes that you will end up in a certain state or place.
– "Окажетесь" is the future tense, second person plural form of the verb "оказаться," which means "to turn out" or "to find oneself."
Other Words That Mean the Same Thing:
– Попадёте (popadyote) – will end up
– Выйдете (vyydete) – will come out
Infinitive and Conjugations of "оказаться":
– Infinitive: оказаться (okazat'sya)
– Past Tense:
– я/ты/он оказался (ya/ty/on okazalsya) – I/you/he turned out
– я/ты/она оказалась (ya/ty/ona okazalas') – I/you/she turned out
– мы/вы/они оказались (my/vy/oni okazalis') – we/you all/they turned out
– Present Tense:
– Does not exist in the present; use "оказываюсь" (okazyvayus') for "I find myself" in a habitual sense
– Future Tense:
– я окажусь (ya okazhus') – I will turn out
– ты окажешься (ty okazhehsya) – you will turn out
– он/она/оно окажется (on/ona/ono okazhetsya) – he/she/it will turn out
– мы окажемся (my okazhemsya) – we will turn out
– вы окажетесь (vy okazhetes') – you all will turn out
– они окажутся (oni okazhutsya) – they will turn out
Example Sentences:
1. Вы окажетесь в незнакомом месте. (Vy okazhetes' v neznakomom meste.) – You all will end up in an unfamiliar place.
2. Оказалось, что он был прав. (Okazalos', chto on byl prav.) – It turned out that he was right.
3. Она позже оказалась в больнице. (Ona pozdnee okazalas' v bol'nitse.) – She later ended up in the hospital.
4. Если поедешь на этот поезд, окажешься в Москве утром. (Yesli poyedesh' na etot poyezd, okazheshsya v Moskve utrom.) – If you take this train, you will end up in Moscow in the morning.
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