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wonderful | чудесный |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Wonderful in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “чудесный” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say wonderful in Russian
- Explanations on the translation чудесный
- Sentences that use the word “чудесный”
- Questions about wonderful in Russian, etc.
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чудесный info.
Tips to remember the Russian word:
– Associate "чудесный" with "chudo" (чудо) which means "miracle" in Russian. Think of something wonderful as being miraculous.
– The ending "-есный" sounds like "es-nee," and you might remember it by thinking of "yes, neat!"
– "Чудесный" is an adjective used to describe something that is wonderful, marvelous, or enchanting.
– It can be used to express admiration for experiences, objects, events, or qualities that are exceptionally good or lovely.
Other words that mean the same thing:
– Прекрасный (prekrasny) – beautiful, wonderful
– Изумительный (izumitel'nyy) – amazing, marvelous
– Восхитительный (voitel'nyy) – delightful, marvelous
Alternate meanings like slang:
– In some colloquial contexts, "чудесный" can be used more loosely to describe something or someone as charming or delightful, but it does not have a direct slang meaning.
Examples of sentences that use it:
1. У нас был чудесный день в парке.
(U nas byl chudesnyy den' v parke.)
We had a wonderful day in the park.
2. Этот фильм просто чудесный!
(Etot film prosto chudesnyy!)
This movie is just wonderful!
3. У тебя чудесная улыбка.
(U tebya chudesnaya ulybka.)
You have a wonderful smile.
4. Погода сегодня чудесная.
(Pogoda segodnya chudesnaya.)
The weather today is wonderful.
5. Мы провели чудесные выходные на даче.
(My proveli chudesnye vykhodnye na dache.)
We spent a wonderful weekend at the dacha.
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