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wing | крыло |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Wing in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “крыло” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say wing in Russian
- Explanations on the translation крыло
- Sentences that use the word “крыло”
- Questions about wing in Russian, etc.
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крыло info.
Tips to Remember the Russian Word:
1. Association Technique: The Russian word “крыло” (krylo) sounds somewhat like "cryo," which can be associated with a frozen bird whose wing is frosty. Visualize this bird to remember "крыло" means wing.
2. Mnemonic: "Keep Rising, You Little Osprey" (KRYLO) can be a sentence to remember the spelling.
– "Крыло" refers to the wing of a bird, an insect, or other flying creatures. It’s also used for mechanical wings like those of an airplane.
Other Words that Mean the Same Thing:
– Лопатка (lopatka): Although primarily it means "shoulder blade," in some informal contexts, it can refer to wings in a culinary or anatomical sense.
Alternate Meanings/Slang:
– In automotive contexts, "крыло" can refer to the fender of a car.
– In slang, "крыло" can also mean a trusted group or faction within an organization or party.
Examples of Sentences:
1. Птица расправила свои крылья и взлетела. (Ptitsa raspravila svoi krylya i vzletela.) – The bird spread its wings and flew off.
2. Механик поправил крыло автомобиля. (Mekhanik popravil krylo avtomobilya.) – The mechanic fixed the car fender.
3. У него есть большое влияние в левом крыле партии. (U nego yest’ bol’shoe vliyaniye v levom kryle partii.) – He has significant influence in the left wing of the party.
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