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Us, we in French đŸ‡«đŸ‡·

in English in French S
us, we nous
How to say “us, we” in French? “Nous”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “nous” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on us, we in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “Us, we”

French sentence with “nous” English translation for nous S

nous voulons aller Ă  la maison.

We want to go to the house.

nous nous verrons ce soir.

We will see each other tonight

nous faisons du chocolat.

We make chocolate.

Je pense que nous devrions aller Ă  la maison.

I think that we should go home.

nous visiterions nos amis.

We would visit our friends.

nous entendrions cette chanson tous, les jours

We would listen to this song every day

nous sommes fatiguĂ©s aujourd’hui

We are tired today

nous allons organiser une fĂȘte pour vous

We are going to organize a party for you. (formal)

nous voulons les lire

We want to read them

nous sommes en train de le faire

We are doing it

nous savons que vous devez voyager bientĂŽt

We know that you have to travel soon. (formal)

nous n’avons pas achetĂ© le cadeau

We have not bought the present

nous avons déjà parlé

We have already talked

nous avons toujours voulu faire du sport

We have always wanted to practice sports

Au moins, nous pouvons prendre une boisson

At least we can have a drink

nous allions au supermarché

We used to go to the supermarket

Il y a deux jours nous Ă©tudions pour notre test

Two days ago we were studying for our test

nous avons pratiqué le yoga tous les aprÚs-midi

We used to practice yoga every afternoon

nous avions beaucoup de choses, en commun

We used to have a lot of things in common

Peut-ĂȘtre que nous pourrions visiter jorge

Maybe we could have visited Jorge

nous serions allĂ© Ă  la fĂȘte

We would have gone to the party

Je voulais que nous chantions au karaoké.

I wanted us to sing at the karaoke.

Je ne pense pas que nous aurions voulu savoir

I don’t think we would have wanted to know

Peut-ĂȘtre que nous avions trop bu

Maybe we had drunk a lot

nous devrons probablement y aller

We will probably have to go

nous sommes dans un hĂŽtel

We are staying in a hotel

Pour nous, ils sont petits

For us, they are small

nous sommes dans le café

We are in the cafe

nous serons au restaurant dans cinq minutes,

We will be in the restaurant in 5 minutes

nous devons apprendre Ă  nous aimer plus

We have to learn to love ourselves more.

nous déménageons demain.

We are going to move tomorrow.

Est-il important que nous allions Ă  la fĂȘte?

Is it important that we go to the party?

Pouvons-nous aller au cinéma quand nous terminons?

Can we go to the movies when we finish?

Est-ce qu’elle aimerait que nous voyagions ensemble?

Does she like us to travel together?

Par conséquent, nous voulons que vous restiez.

That’s why we want you to stay.

Est-ce probable que nous dinions demain?

Are we likely to have dinner tomorrow?

Il est impossible, que nous arrivions Ă  l’heure.

It is impossible that we arrive on time.

Pensez-vous que c’est bien que nous nous rencontrions?

Is it okay for us to meet?

nous en avons besoin pour notre groupe scientifique.

We need them for our science group.

nous aimerions l’acheter.

We would like to buy it.

Ce serait mieux si nous le visitions plus.

It would be better if we visit him more.

nous voulons le louer.

We want to rent it.

nous l’avons fait plusieurs fois.

We have done it many times.

Pouvez-vous nous l’envoyer cette semaine?

Can you send it to us this week?

Pouvez-vous imaginer que nous aurions voyagé à Paris?

Can you imagine we would have traveled to Paris?

Si nous avions pratiqué plus, nous aurions gagné.

If we had practiced more, we would have won.

Peut-ĂȘtre que nous aurions parlĂ©.

Maybe we would have talked.

nous l’aurions fait mieux.

We would have done it better.

Il est probable que nous aurions apprécié.

We probably would have enjoyed.

Que préférez-vous que nous mangions?

What do you prefer us to eat?

Est-ce mauvais que nous mangions autant de sucre?

Is it bad that we eat so much sugar?

C’est bien que nous ayons parlĂ©.

It’s good that we’ve talked.

Est-il possible que nous ayons gagné la loterie?

Is it possible that we have won the lottery?

Peut-ĂȘtre que nous avons perdu les clĂ©s.

We may have lost the keys.

Peut-ĂȘtre que nous n’avions pas travaillĂ© beaucoup, aujourd’hui.

We may not have worked much today.

nous avons probablement fait une erreur.

We probably made a mistake.

Il est possible que nous n’ayons pas Ă©tĂ© prĂ©parĂ©s.

We may not have been prepared.

Ce serait formidable si nous avions travaillé ensemble.

It would be great if we worked together.

Ma famille est trĂšs heureuse que tu nous aies rendu visite.

My family is very happy that you visited us.

nous serions heureux que vous veniez nous visiter.

We would be glad if you came to visit us.

nous aimerions que vous mangiez avec nous.

We would like you to eat with us.

nous ne croyons pas le gouvernement.

We don’t believe the government.

nous aimerions proposer un plan.

We (emphasis) would like to propose you a plan.

nous pouvons le réserver demain.

We can book it tomorrow.

nous devons les prendre pour ouvrir la maison.

We have to take them to open the house.

Je suis d’accord, nous l’avions toujours su.

I agree, we always knew it.

Il nous l’a promis.

He promised us.

Ce serait bien si nous nous voyions demain.

It would be nice if we meet tomorrow.

nous ne savions pas que vous pouviez jouer au piano.

We didn’t know that you could play the piano.

Demain, nous pouvons acheter un cadeau pour le bébé.

Tomorrow we can buy a gift for the baby.

nous pouvons les aider Ă  trouver du travail.

We can help them find a job.

nous n’aurions pas pu le faire seuls.

We couldn’t have done it alone.

Auriez-vous préféré que nous partions?

Would you have preferred that we would had gone?

Je pense que nous aurions eu la capacité.

I do think we would have had the ability.

nous aurions sûrement apprécié cela énormément.

We sure would have enjoyed a lot.

Ne pensez-vous pas que nous pouvons le trouver?

Don’t you think that we can find it?

Peut-ĂȘtre que nous allons le lui ramener demain.

Maybe we will take it to him tomorrow.

Il n’est pas nĂ©cessaire de le lui dire, cela peut rester entre nous.

It isn’t necessary to tell her, it can stay between us.

nous pouvons danser jusqu’Ă  l’aube.

We can dance until sunrise.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About Us, we in French

Comment on the French word “nous” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say us, we in French
  • Explanations on the translation nous
  • Sentences that use the word “nous”
  • Questions about us, we in French, etc.


This is the second person plural pronoun English “we”

9 months ago

nous info.

**Tips to remember the French word “nous”:**
1. “Nous” sounds like “new,” so you can think of “we” as a “new” team or group.
2. Rhyme “us” with “house,” then replace the “h” with “n” to get “nous,” which symbolizes “us” in French as a home for togetherness.

– In French, “nous” is the personal pronoun for the first person plural, which translates to “we” or “us,” depending on the sentence structure in English.
– It is used to refer to a group including the speaker.

**Other words that mean the same thing:**
In formal or literary contexts, “on” can be used in the place of “nous” to mean “we,” though it is more commonly translated as “one” or an informal “we” in spoken French.

**Alternate meanings/slang:**
There aren’t any notable alternate meanings or slang uses for the word “nous,” as it’s a pretty fundamental part of the French language and retains its meaning as a personal pronoun.

**Examples of sentences that use “nous”:**
– “Nous allons Ă  la plage.” (We are going to the beach.)
– “Voulez-vous venir avec nous ?” (Do you want to come with us?)
– “Nous avons mangĂ© avant de venir.” (We ate before coming.)
– “Ils viendront nous voir demain.” (They will come to see us tomorrow.)
– “Nous devrions prendre une photo !” (We should take a picture!)

a few seconds ago

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