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Town, village in Spanish 🇪🇸

in English in Spanish S
town, village pueblo
How to say “town, village” in Spanish? “Pueblo”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “pueblo” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on town, village in Spanish like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

Spanish Sentences with the Word “Town, village”

Spanish sentence with “pueblo” English translation for pueblo S

Puedo resolverlo cuando escucho música del pueblo.

I can solve it when I hear music from the village.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About Town, village in Spanish

Comment on the Spanish word “pueblo” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say town, village in Spanish
  • Explanations on the translation pueblo
  • Sentences that use the word “pueblo”
  • Questions about town, village in Spanish, etc.


normal speech: PWEH-bloh
IPA: ˈpweβlo

8 months ago

Other Meanings

“Pueblo” can also mean “civilian” or “non-military” in certain contexts.

9 months ago

Variations by Country

In some countries, “pueblo” can also refer to the general population, as in “el pueblo español” meaning the Spanish people.

9 months ago


“De pueblo en pueblo, y tiro porque me toca” – This idiom means “from town to town, and I shoot when it’s my turn.” It is used to express a sense of resignation or acceptance of circumstances.

9 months ago


Pueblo can refer to a small town or village, as well as a group of people sharing a common culture or ethnicity.

9 months ago


From the Latin word “populus” meaning people or population.

9 months ago

pueblo info.

Tips to remember the word ‘pueblo’:
1. Associate ‘pueblo’ with the English word ‘people’ since they sound similar and a pueblo is a place where people live.
2. Think of the English word ‘populate,’ as pueblos are populated areas.

– ‘Pueblo’ in Spanish directly refers to a town or village, generally a small or rural community.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– ‘Ciudad’ can also mean a city or a larger town in Spanish.
– ‘Aldea’ refers to a very small village, often more rural than a ‘pueblo’.

Alternate meanings/slang:
– In some Latin American countries, ‘pueblo’ can colloquially refer to the common people or the masses.
– In the southwestern United States, ‘pueblo’ can specifically refer to the traditional communal village of the Pueblo indigenous people, recognized for their unique adobe structures.

Examples of sentences that use it:
1. Vamos a visitar un pueblo cercano este fin de semana para disfrutar de su festival local.
2. El pueblo donde creció era muy tranquilo y todos los vecinos se conocían.
3. Durante las elecciones, los candidatos tratan de ganar el favor del pueblo.
4. Los pueblos indígenas han conservado muchas de sus tradiciones a través de generaciones.
5. El pueblo se levantó en protesta para defender sus derechos.

a few seconds ago

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