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Town, village in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
town, village village
How to say “town, village” in French? “Village”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “village” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on town, village in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “Town, village”

French sentence with “village” English translation for village S

Je peux le résoudre quand j’écoute de la musique du village.

I can solve it when I hear music from the village.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About Town, village in French

Comment on the French word “village” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say town, village in French
  • Explanations on the translation village
  • Sentences that use the word “village”
  • Questions about town, village in French, etc.


Looks just like English village. And that’s what it is.

9 months ago

village info.

The French word for ‘village’ is ‘village,’ pronounced /vi.laÊ’/. It shares the same spelling with English but has a different pronunciation.

**Tips to remember the French word:**
1. Recognize that it looks identical to the English word ‘village,’ which should help in remembering the word.
2. Note the pronunciation difference, focusing on the French ‘v’ sound (more gentle than in English) and the soft ‘j’ sound at the end (/Ê’/).
3. Associate the word with a mental image of a quaint, small French village to solidify the term in your memory.

– In French, ‘village’ refers to a small population center that is smaller than a town but larger than a hamlet, often characterized by a rural setting.
– The word ‘village’ also implies a sense of community and traditional rural life.

**Other words that mean the same thing:**

– “Hameau” in French refers to an even smaller settlement than a village, something akin to a hamlet in English.
– “Bourg” signifies a market town or a village that is slightly larger or more important than a simple village, sometimes serving as a commercial or administrative hub.

**Alternate meanings/slang:**
There aren’t widely recognized slang meanings for ‘village’ in French, though words can gain slang connotations in specific regional or cultural contexts.

**Examples of sentences that use it:**

– “Nous habitons dans un petit village à la campagne.” (We live in a small village in the countryside.)
– “Le village organise une fête ce weekend.” (The village is organizing a festival this weekend.)
– “Chaque village a son histoire et ses traditions.” (Every village has its history and traditions.)
– “Le village s’endort quand la nuit tombe.” (The village goes to sleep when night falls.)
– “Il y a une belle église au centre du village.” (There is a beautiful church at the center of the village.)

a few seconds ago

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