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to yawn | bâiller |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About To yawn in French
Comment on the French word “bâiller” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say to yawn in French
- Explanations on the translation bâiller
- Sentences that use the word “bâiller”
- Questions about to yawn in French, etc.
bâiller info.
Here’s the response without the opening paragraph, end summary paragraph, and notes:
Tips to remember the French word ‘bâiller’:
– Associate the word ‘bâiller’ with the sound of yawning.
– Imagine someone opening their mouth wide and stretching their jaw while yawning.
– Visualize the image of someone yawning whenever you think of the word ‘bâiller’.
‘Bâiller’ is a French verb that means ‘to yawn’ in English. It is derived from the sound and action of yawning, which involves opening one’s mouth wide and taking a deep breath. Yawning is a reflexive action often associated with tiredness or boredom.
Similar words:
– ‘Hâler’: This verb means ‘to yawn’ as well, but it is less commonly used than ‘bâiller’.
– Infinitive: bâiller
– Present: je baille, tu bâilles, il/elle baille, nous bâillons, vous baillez, ils/elles baillent
– Past: j’ai bâillĂ©, tu as bâillĂ©, il/elle a bâillĂ©, nous avons bâillĂ©, vous avez bâillĂ©, ils/elles ont bâillĂ©
– Future: je bâillerai, tu bâilleras, il/elle bâillera, nous bâillerons, vous bâillerez, ils/elles bâilleront
– Je baille souvent lorsque je suis fatiguĂ©. (I yawn often when I’m tired.)
– Il a bâillĂ© pendant toute la rĂ©union. (He yawned throughout the meeting.)
– Ne bâillons pas en public, c’est impoli. (Let’s not yawn in public, it’s impolite.)
– Les bĂ©bĂ©s bâillent souvent quand ils ont sommeil. (Babies often yawn when they are sleepy.)
Please note that this is a simplified conjugation table with only a few examples. The verb ‘bâiller’ may have additional tenses and forms that are not listed here.
9 minutes ago
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bâiller info.
Tips to remember the French word “bâiller”:
– To remember the word “bâiller,” you can associate it with the English word “bail” or “bay,” as the physical action of yawning resembles an open bay or someone reaching out for bail.
– Visualize yourself yawning while saying the word “bâiller,” as this mental image can help reinforce the meaning and pronunciation.
– “Bâiller” is a regular French verb that means “to yawn.”
– It is an infinitive verb and the base form of the verb.
– The verb “bâiller” belongs to the first group of regular -ER verbs in French.
Conjugations of “bâiller”:
– Present tense:
– Je baille (I yawn)
– Tu bâilles (You yawn)
– Il/elle/on bâille (He/she/one yawns)
– Nous bâillons (We yawn)
– Vous baillez (You yawn)
– Ils/elles bâillent (They yawn)
– Past tense:
– J’ai bâillĂ© (I yawned)
– Tu as bâillĂ© (You yawned)
– Il/elle/on a bâillĂ© (He/she/one yawned)
– Nous avons bâillĂ© (We yawned)
– Vous avez bâillĂ© (You yawned)
– Ils/elles ont bâillĂ© (They yawned)
– Future tense:
– Je bâillerai (I will yawn)
– Tu bâilleras (You will yawn)
– Il/elle/on bâillera (He/she/one will yawn)
– Nous bâillerons (We will yawn)
– Vous bâillerez (You will yawn)
– Ils/elles bâilleront (They will yawn)
Other words with similar meanings:
– “Bailler” (also means “to yawn”)
– “Étirer la mâchoire” (to stretch one’s jaw)
Examples of sentences using “bâiller”:
1. Je baille souvent quand je suis fatiguĂ©. (I often yawn when I’m tired.)
2. Pourquoi est-ce que tu bâilles pendant le cours ? (Why do you yawn during class?)
3. Il ne peut pas s’empĂŞcher de bâiller dès qu’il voit une personne bâiller. (He can’t help but yawn as soon as he sees someone yawn.)
4. Nous avons tous bâillé en regardant le film ennuyeux. (We all yawned while watching the boring movie.)
5. Les bĂ©bĂ©s ont tendance Ă bâiller avant de s’endormir. (Babies tend to yawn before falling asleep.)
a few seconds ago