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To tell (story) in Spanish 🇪🇸

in English in Spanish S
to tell (story) contar
How to say “to tell (story)” in Spanish? “Contar”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “contar” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on to tell (story) in Spanish like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

Spanish Sentences with the Word “To tell (story)”

Spanish sentence with “contar” English translation for contar S

No te prometo contarte el secreto.

I don’t promise to tell you the secret.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About To tell (story) in Spanish

Comment on the Spanish word “contar” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say to tell (story) in Spanish
  • Explanations on the translation contar
  • Sentences that use the word “contar”
  • Questions about to tell (story) in Spanish, etc.


Normal speech: con-TAR
IPA: /kon.’tar/

7 months ago

contar info.

Tips to remember the word “contar”:
– Associate “contar” with the word “count” in English because “contar” can also mean to count in Spanish, in addition to its meaning of to tell (a story).
– Think of a person counting out a story point by point as if they were counting items, this can help forge a connection between the two meanings.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– Relatar: to relate or to recount (a story)
– Narrar: to narrate

Conjugations of “contar”:
– Infinitive: contar
– Gerund: contando
– Past participle: contado

Present tense:
– Yo cuento (I tell)
РT̼ cuentas (you tell Рinformal singular)
– Él/Ella/Usted cuenta (he/she/you formal tell)
– Nosotros/Nosotras contamos (we tell)
– Vosotros/Vosotras contáis (you all tell – informal plural in Spain)
– Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes cuentan (they/you all formal tell)

Preterite (simple past) tense:
РYo cont̩ (I told)
РT̼ contaste (you told Рinformal singular)
– Él/Ella/Usted contó (he/she/you formal told)
– Nosotros/Nosotras contamos (we told)
– Vosotros/Vosotras contasteis (you all told – informal plural in Spain)
– Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes contaron (they/you all formal told)

Imperfect past tense:
– Yo contaba (I used to tell)
РT̼ contabas (you used to tell Рinformal singular)
– Él/Ella/Usted contaba (he/she/you formal used to tell)
– Nosotros/Nosotras contábamos (we used to tell)
– Vosotros/Vosotras contabais (you all used to tell – informal plural in Spain)
– Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes contaban (they/you all formal used to tell)

Future tense:
РYo contar̩ (I will tell)
– Tú contarás (you will tell – informal singular)
– Él/Ella/Usted contará (he/she/you formal will tell)
– Nosotros/Nosotras contaremos (we will tell)
РVosotros/Vosotras contar̩is (you all will tell Рinformal plural in Spain)
– Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes contarán (they/you all formal will tell)

Examples of sentences using “contar”:
– Present: Cada noche le cuento un cuento a mi hijo antes de dormir.
– Preterite: Ayer le conté a mi amiga lo que pasó.
РImperfect: Cuando era ni̱o, mi abuelo siempre contaba historias fascinantes.
РFuture: Ma̱ana te contar̩ todos los detalles de la fiesta.

a few seconds ago

contar info.

Tips to remember the word “contar”:
– Associate “contar” with the English words “count” and “recount,” as they are cognates sharing the Latin root “com****re,” which means to calculate or count.
– Think of a “counter” in a store where numbers and stories are often shared.
– Visualize someone counting items or telling a story as these are the primary meanings of “contar.”

– “Contar” in Spanish means both “to count” (numerical quantities) and “to tell” (stories or narratives).

Other words that mean the same thing:
– For counting: “enumerar” (to enumerate), “calcular” (to calculate).
– For telling: “relatar” (to relate/tell), “narrar” (to narrate).

Conjugations of “contar”:
– Infinitive: contar
– Present (indicative):
– yo cuento
Рt̼ cuentas
Р̩l/ella/usted cuenta
– nosotros/nosotras contamos
– vosotros/vosotras contáis
– ellos/ellas/ustedes cuentan
– Preterite (past tense):
Рyo cont̩
Рt̼ contaste
– él/ella/usted contó
– nosotros/nosotras contamos
– vosotros/vosotras contasteis
– ellos/ellas/ustedes contaron
– Imperfect (past tense):
– yo contaba
Рt̼ contabas
Р̩l/ella/usted contaba
– nosotros/nosotras contábamos
– vosotros/vosotras contabais
– ellos/ellas/ustedes contaban
– Future:
Рyo contar̩
– tú contarás
– él/ella/usted contará
– nosotros/nosotras contaremos
Рvosotros/vosotras contar̩is
– ellos/ellas/ustedes contarán
– Conditional:
– yo contaría
– tú contarías
– él/ella/usted contaría
– nosotros/nosotras contaríamos
– vosotros/vosotras contaríais
– ellos/ellas/ustedes contarían
– Subjunctive (present):
– yo cuente
Рt̼ cuentes
Р̩l/ella/usted cuente
– nosotros/nosotras contemos
Рvosotros/vosotras cont̩is
– ellos/ellas/ustedes cuenten

Examples of sentences using “contar”:
– Present: Mi hermano cuenta una historia fascinante.
– Preterite: Ayer conté todas las monedas en mi alcancía.
РImperfect: Cuando era ni̱o, mi abuela contaba cuentos antes de dormir.
РFuture: Ma̱ana te contar̩ los detalles del evento.
– Conditional: Si tuviera tiempo, te contaría todo el cuento.
– Subjunctive: Espero que me cuentes tu decisión pronto.

2 days ago

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