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To speak in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
to converse/talk parler
How to say “to converse/talk” in French? “Parler”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “parler” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on to converse/talk in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “To converse/talk”

French sentence with “parler” English translation for parler S

J’aime parler.

I like talking.

Puis-je parler avec Marco?

May I speak with Marco?

Mon objectif est de parler couramment.

My goal is to speak fluently.

J’ai besoin de m’entraîner à parler Français.

I need to practice speaking French.

Ils devraient parler d’abord

They should talk first

Voulez-vous parler avec mon papa?

Would you like to talk with my dad? (formal)

Comments, Questions, Etc. About To converse/talk in French

Comment on the French word “parler” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say to converse/talk in French
  • Explanations on the translation parler
  • Sentences that use the word “parler”
  • Questions about to converse/talk in French, etc.


Écouter (to listen) – Parler (to speak)

7 months ago

parler info.

Parler is a common French word that means “to converse” or “to talk”. Here are some tips to remember the word:

1. Visualize: Imagine yourself having a conversation and using the word parler to express that action. This mental association can help reinforce the word in your memory.

2. Repetition: Practice saying the word parler out loud or in your head several times. The more you repeat it, the more likely it is to stick in your memory.

Here are some explanations and other words that have a similar meaning to parler:

– Discuter: to discuss
– converser: to converse
– échanger: to exchange

Parler is an infinitive verb in French. Here are its conjugations in different tenses:

Present tense:
– Je parle: I talk
– Tu parles: you talk
– Il/elle parle: he/she talks
– Nous parlons: we talk
– Vous parlez: you talk
– Ils/elles parlent: they talk

Past tense:
– J’ai parlé: I talked
– Tu as parlé: you talked
– Il/elle a parlé: he/she talked
– Nous avons parlé: we talked
– Vous avez parlé: you talked
– Ils/elles ont parlé: they talked

Future tense:
– Je parlerai: I will talk
– Tu parleras: you will talk
– Il/elle parlera: he/she will talk
– Nous parlerons: we will talk
– Vous parlerez: you will talk
– Ils/elles parleront: they will talk

Here are some example sentences using parler:

1. Je parle français couramment. (I speak French fluently.)
2. Est-ce que tu parles anglais? (Do you speak English?)
3. Elle a parlé avec son professeur hier. (She talked with her teacher yesterday.)
4. Nous parlerons de ce sujet lors de la réunion. (We will discuss this topic during the meeting.)
5. Est-ce que vous parlez espagnol? (Do you speak Spanish?)
6. Ils ont parlé pendant des heures. (They talked for hours.)

Please note that these conjugations and example sentences are not exhaustive, but they cover some commonly used forms of parler.

a few seconds ago

parler info.

Tips to remember the French word “parler”:
– Associating the sound and spelling of “parler” with the English word “parlay,” which has a similar sound and involves speaking or discussion.
– Thinking of a “parlor,” a gathering place for conversation, can also link the idea of speaking with “parler.”


– “Parler” is the infinitive form of the French verb meaning “to speak” or “to talk.”
– Since it’s an infinitive, it does not convey any tense (past, present, or future).

Other words that mean the same thing:

– “Discuter” means “to discuss” or “to talk over.”
– “Causser” is an informal way to say “to chat.”

Different conjugations:

– Present:
– je parle (I speak/I am speaking)
– tu parles (you speak/you are speaking [singular informal])
– il/elle/on parle (he/she/one speaks/is speaking)
– nous parlons (we speak/we are speaking)
– vous parlez (you speak/you are speaking [plural and formal singular])
– ils/elles parlent (they speak/they are speaking)

– Past (Passé Composé):
– j’ai parlé (I spoke)
– tu as parlé (you spoke)
– il/elle/on a parlé (he/she/one spoke)
– nous avons parlé (we spoke)
– vous avez parlé (you [plural/formal] spoke)
– ils/elles ont parlé (they spoke)

– Imperfect:
– je parlais (I used to speak/I was speaking)
– tu parlais (you used to speak/you were speaking)
– il/elle/on parlait (he/she/one used to speak/was speaking)
– nous parlions (we used to speak/we were speaking)
– vous parliez (you [plural/formal] used to speak/you were speaking)
– ils/elles parlaient (they used to speak/they were speaking)

– Future Simple:
– je parlerai (I will speak)
– tu parleras (you will speak)
– il/elle/on parlera (he/she/one will speak)
– nous parlerons (we will speak)
– vous parlerez (you [plural/formal] will speak)
– ils/elles parleront (they will speak)

Examples of sentences that use “parler”:

– Present: Je parle avec mes amis. (I am speaking with my friends.)
– Past (Passé Composé): J’ai parlé à mon professeur hier. (I spoke to my teacher yesterday.)
– Imperfect: Quand j’étais petit, je parlais souvent à mon grand-père. (When I was little, I often used to speak to my grandfather.)
– Future Simple: Demain, nous parlerons de ce problème. (Tomorrow, we will talk about this problem.)

2 days ago

Practice French with this Online Game:

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