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To return (object)/refund in Spanish 🇪🇸

in English in Spanish S
to return (object)/refund devolver
How to say “to return (object)/refund” in Spanish? “Devolver”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “devolver” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on to return (object)/refund in Spanish like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About To return (object)/refund in Spanish

Comment on the Spanish word “devolver” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say to return (object)/refund in Spanish
  • Explanations on the translation devolver
  • Sentences that use the word “devolver”
  • Questions about to return (object)/refund in Spanish, etc.


Devolver (to return) – Quedarse (to keep)

7 months ago

devolver info.


– To remember the word “devolver” in Spanish, you can associate it with the English word “devolve,” which also means to return something.
– You can break down the word “devolver” into two parts: “de” which means “away” or “back,” and “volver” which means “to return.” So, “devolver” combines the ideas of returning or giving something back.


– “Devolver” is a regular Spanish verb belonging to the -er verb group. This means that it follows a regular conjugation pattern.
– It is an infinitive verb, which means it is the base form of the verb that has not been conjugated to indicate tense, subject, or mood.


– Reembolsar: It is another Spanish verb that means “to refund” or “to reimburse.” It can be used as a synonym for “devolver” in the context of returning money or products.
– Retornar: This is another verb that can be used as a synonym for “devolver” in certain contexts. It means “to return” or “to give back” and is commonly used in formal or legal contexts.


– Present:
– Yo devuelvo (I return)
– Tú devuelves (You return)
– Él/Ella/Usted devuelve (He/She/You return)
– Nosotros/Nosotras devolvemos (We return)
– Vosotros/Vosotras devolvéis (You all return)
– Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes devuelven (They/You all return)

– Preterite:
– Yo devolví (I returned)
– Tú devolviste (You returned)
– Él/Ella/Usted devolvió (He/She/You returned)
– Nosotros/Nosotras devolvimos (We returned)
– Vosotros/Vosotras devolvisteis (You all returned)
– Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes devolvieron (They/You all returned)

– Future:
– Yo devolveré (I will return)
– Tú devolverás (You will return)
– Él/Ella/Usted devolverá (He/She/You will return)
– Nosotros/Nosotras devolveremos (We will return)
– Vosotros/Vosotras devolveréis (You all will return)
– Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes devolverán (They/You all will return)


– Necesito devolver este libro a la biblioteca. (I need to return this book to the library.)
– El cliente quiere devolver el artículo y obtener un reembolso. (The customer wants to return the item and get a refund.)
– María devolvió el dinero que le habían prestado. (María returned the money they had lent her.)
– El dueño de la tienda devolverá el producto defectuoso. (The store owner will return the defective product.)

Note: The conjugations provided above are given in the first person singular (yo), second person singular (tú), third person singular (él/ella/usted), first person plural (nosotros/nosotras), second person plural (vosotros/vosotras), and third person plural (ellos/ellas/ustedes).

a few seconds ago

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