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To reach in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
to reach atteindre
How to say “to reach” in French? “Atteindre”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “atteindre” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on to reach in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About To reach in French

Comment on the French word “atteindre” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say to reach in French
  • Explanations on the translation atteindre
  • Sentences that use the word “atteindre”
  • Questions about to reach in French, etc.


Atteindre – Manquer (to reach – to miss)

7 months ago

atteindre info.

Tips to remember the French word ‘atteindre’:
– Break it down into syllables: at-tein-dre.
– Create memory associations: for example, think of “attendre” (to wait) and imagine reaching your destination after waiting for a long time.
– Practice pronunciation by repeating the word multiple times.

The French verb “atteindre” means “to reach” in English. It is a regular verb of the third group, which means it follows a consistent conjugation pattern.

Other words that mean the same thing as “atteindre”:
– Joindre (to join)
– Parvenir (to achieve)
– Atteindre son but (to reach one’s goal)

– Present tense: j’atteins, tu atteins, il/elle atteint, nous atteignons, vous atteignez, ils/elles atteignent
– Past tense: j’ai atteint, tu as atteint, il/elle a atteint, nous avons atteint, vous avez atteint, ils/elles ont atteint
– Imperfect tense: j’atteignais, tu atteignais, il/elle atteignait, nous atteignions, vous atteigniez, ils/elles atteignaient
– Future tense: j’atteindrai, tu atteindras, il/elle atteindra, nous atteindrons, vous atteindrez, ils/elles atteindront

1. J’atteins toujours mes objectifs. (I always reach my goals.)
2. Est-ce que tu as atteint ton ami à la gare? (Did you reach your friend at the train station?)
3. Nous atteignons la plage en dix minutes. (We reach the beach in ten minutes.)
4. Ils atteindront le sommet de la montagne demain. (They will reach the top of the mountain tomorrow.)

In summary, “atteindre” is a French verb meaning “to reach.” It can be remembered by breaking it down into syllables and creating memory associations. Other words with a similar meaning include “joindre” and “parvenir.” The verb follows a regular conjugation pattern. Examples of sentences using “atteindre” include reaching goals, contacting someone, and reaching a destination.

Note: Remember to revise and practice the conjugation patterns of the verb “atteindre” to fully grasp its usage in different contexts.

a few seconds ago

atteindre info.

Tips to remember the French word ‘atteindre’:
– Break down the word into syllables: at-tein-dre.
– Associate the sound of ‘atteindre’ with a similar word in English, like ‘attain’ which has a similar meaning.
– Create a mnemonic device or mental image that connects ‘atteindre’ to its meaning of reaching a goal or destination.

‘Atteindre’ is a verb in French that means ‘to reach’ in English. It is commonly used to express reaching a physical or figurative destination, achieving a goal, or attaining a certain state or level.

Other words that mean the same thing as ‘atteindre’: parvenir à, arriver à, rejoindre.

Conjugations of ‘atteindre’ in different tenses:

Present tense:
– Je atteins (I reach)
– Tu atteins (You reach)
– Il/elle/on atteint (He/she/one reaches)
– Nous atteignons (We reach)
– Vous atteignez (You reach)
– Ils/elles atteignent (They reach)

Past tense (passé composé):
– J’ai atteint (I reached)
– Tu as atteint (You reached)
– Il/elle/on a atteint (He/she/one reached)
– Nous avons atteint (We reached)
– Vous avez atteint (You reached)
– Ils/elles ont atteint (They reached)

Future tense:
– Je atteindrai (I will reach)
– Tu atteindras (You will reach)
– Il/elle/on atteindra (He/she/one will reach)
– Nous atteindrons (We will reach)
– Vous atteindrez (You will reach)
– Ils/elles atteindront (They will reach)

Sample sentences using ‘atteindre’:
– J’espère atteindre mes objectifs professionnels cette année. (I hope to reach my professional goals this year.)
РNous avons atteint le sommet de la montagne apr̬s une longue ascension. (We reached the top of the mountain after a long climb.)
РSi tu travailles dur, tu pourras atteindre tes r̻ves. (If you work hard, you will be able to reach your dreams.)

Note: This assistant provides translations and explanations based on general knowledge and commonly used meanings. However, word usage and meanings can vary depending on context.

an hour ago

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