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to prove/demostrate | доказать |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About To prove/demostrate in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “доказать” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say to prove/demostrate in Russian
- Explanations on the translation доказать
- Sentences that use the word “доказать”
- Questions about to prove/demostrate in Russian, etc.
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доказать info.
Tips to remember the Russian word:
– The root "каз" is similar to the English "case" in the sense of making a case or proving something.
– The prefix "до-" can sometimes imply completion, as in finishing the task of proving.
– The verb "доказать" means "to prove" or "to demonstrate".
– It's an aspectual verb (perfective), indicating a completed action.
Other words that mean the same thing:
– Доказывать (dokazyvat') – the imperfective form, indicating an ongoing action.
– Убедить (ubedit') – to persuade or convince.
– Infinitive: доказать (dokazat')
– Past:
– Masculine: доказал (dokazal)
– Feminine: доказала (dokazala)
– Neuter: доказало (dokazalo)
– Plural: доказали (dokazali)
– Present: (Since "доказать" is perfective, it doesn't have a present tense form. Use "доказывать" for the present tense.)
– Я доказываю (ya dokazyvayu) – I am proving
– Ты доказываешь (ty dokazyvayesh') – You are proving
– Он/она/оно доказывает (on/ona/ono dokazyvayet) – He/She/It is proving
– Мы доказываем (my dokazyvayem) – We are proving
– Вы доказываете (vy dokazyvayete) – You (formal/plural) are proving
– Они доказывают (oni dokazyvayut) – They are proving
– Future:
– Я докажу (ya dokazhu) – I will prove
– Ты докажешь (ty dokazhesh') – You will prove
– Он/она/оно докажет (on/ona/ono dokazhet) – He/She/It will prove
– Мы докажем (my dokazhem) – We will prove
– Вы докажете (vy dokazhete) – You (formal/plural) will prove
– Они докажут (oni dokazhut) – They will prove
Examples of sentences:
1. Он доказал свою правоту. (On dokazal svoyu pravotu.) – He proved he was right.
2. Мы докажем это на суде. (My dokazhem eto na sude.) – We will prove this in court.
3. Им нужно доказать свою точку зрения. (Im nuzhno dokazat' svoyu tochku zreniya.) – They need to prove their point of view.
4. Она доказала, что она права. (Ona dokazala, chto ona prava.) – She proved that she was right.
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