in English | in Russian | S |
to meet | встретить |
Russian Sentences with the Word “To meet”
Russian sentence with “встретить” | English translation for встретить | S |
Где ты хочешь встретиться? |
Where do you want to meet? |
Ты хочешь встретиться со мной? |
Do you want to meet with me? |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About To meet in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “встретить” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say to meet in Russian
- Explanations on the translation встретить
- Sentences that use the word “встретить”
- Questions about to meet in Russian, etc.
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встретить info.
Tips to Remember the Russian Word:
– Visualize “meeting” someone in a crowded metro station in Russia, the word "встретить" sounds similar to "street" in English, where many meetings occur.
– Associate the initial "в" sound as "to" and "стретить" sounds like "street" where people often meet.
– "Встретить" is the perfective infinitive form of the verb, used to indicate the completion of an action (to meet someone successfully).
– The imperfective form is "встречать," which indicates the action in progress or a repeated action (to be meeting, to meet regularly).
Other Words That Mean the Same Thing:
– встречать (vstrechat’) – imperfective form of to meet.
– познакомиться (poznakomit'sya) – to become acquainted, to meet for the first time.
Conjugations of "встретить":
1. Past:
– я встретил / я встретила (ya vstretíl / ya vstretíla) – I met
– ты встретил / ты встретила (ty vstretíl / ty vstretíla) – you met
– он встретил / она встретила / оно встретило (on vstretíl / ona vstretíla / ono vstretílo) – he met / she met / it met
– мы встретили (my vstretíli) – we met
– вы встретили (vy vstretíli) – you (plural/formal) met
– они встретили (oni vstretíli) – they met
2. Future:
– я встречу (ya vstretchu) – I will meet
– ты встретишь (ty vstretish') – you will meet
– он/она/оно встретит (on/ona/ono vstreti't') – he/she/it will meet
– мы встретим (my vstretim) – we will meet
– вы встретите (vy vstretite) – you (plural/formal) will meet
– они встретят (oni vstretjat) – they will meet
Examples of Sentences Using "встретить":
1. Я встречу тебя завтра у метро. (Ya vstretchu tebya zavtra u metro.) – I will meet you at the metro tomorrow.
2. Мы встретили его на улице. (My vstretili ego na ulitse.) – We met him on the street.
3. Она встретит своих друзей в кафе. (Ona vstretit svoikh druzey v kafe.) – She will meet her friends in the cafe.
4. Ты встретил нового соседа? (Ty vstretil novogo soseda?) – Did you meet the new neighbor?
5. Они встретят группу туристов на вокзале. (Oni vstretjat gruppu turistov na vokzale.) – They will meet the group of tourists at the station.
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