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To in Spanish 🇪🇸

in English in Spanish S
to a
How to say “to” in Spanish? “A”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “a” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on to in Spanish like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

Spanish Sentences with the Word “To”

Spanish sentence with “a” English translation for a S

Yo voy a la casa.

I go to the house.

Vamos a la estación.

Let’s go to the station.

Queremos ir a la casa.

We want to go to the house.

a veces me gusta correr.

Sometimes I like to run.

¿Te gustaria ir a la playa?

You would like to go to the beach?

¿a qué hora empieza?

At what time does it start?

Salgo del trabajo a las cinco.

I leave work at five.

Voy a dormir.

I am going to sleep.

Ella va a esta área.

She goes to this area.

a qué hora cierran.

At what time do they close?

¿Puedes llamar a la policía?

Can you call the police?

¿Tú puedes venir a mi casa a visitar a mi familia?

You can come to my house to visit my family?

Fui a su casa ayer.

I went to his house yesterday.

El martes voy a conocer a tu papá.

Tuesday I’m going to meet your father.

El sábado vamos a tomar algo bueno.

Saturday let’s go drink something good.

Si miras a ese lado.

If you look, at that side.

Después de ver a la policía,

After seeing the police

Acabo de llegar a tu país.

I just arrived in your country.

Creo que deberíamos ir a la casa.

I think we should go to the house

Ayudaría a mi mamá.

I would help my mom

¿Llamarías a nuestro padre?

Would you call our dad?

¿Vendrías a mi fiesta mañana?

Would you come to my party tomorrow?

Mi hermana cuidaría a los niños

My sister would take care of the children

Visitaríamos a nuestros amigos.

We would visit our friends.

Voy a usarlo.

I am going to use it

Mi hermano le toma fotos a Maria.

My brother takes photos of Maria

Jennifer puede comprarle un pastel a su hijo.

Jennifer can buy a cake for her son

Voy a darles un regalo

I am going to give you guys a present

Vamos a organizarte una fiesta

We are going to organize a party for you

Las voy a llamar

I am going to call them

Voy a llamarlas

I am going to call them

Voy a pedirles un favor

I am going to ask you all for a favor

Voy a comprarte un teléfono

I am going to buy a phone for you

a veces tienes que pensar

Sometimes you have to think

Ella se levanta a las 7 de la mañana.

She gets up at 7 in the morning.

Vamos a sentarnos en la playa.

Let’s sit on the beach.

Han viajado a Sur América.

They have traveled to South America.

¿Por qué no has viajado a Corea?

Why haven’t you traveled to Korea?

Por cierto voy a visitarte

For sure, I am going to visit you

Escuché a mi hermana tocando mi puerta

I heard my sister knocking at my door

La compañía reemplazaba a los trabajadores

The company used to replace the workers

Marco alimentaba a su perro.

Marco used to feed his dog

¿Llamabas a tu novia frecuentemente?

Did you call your girlfriend frequently?

Daniel ha viajado a más países que Tomás

Daniel has traveled to more countries than Tomas

Me hubiera gustado conocer a el cantante

I would have liked to meet the singer

No sé si se hubieran arriesgado a saltar

I don’t know if they would have risked to jump

Quería que ayudaras a mi papá

I wanted you to help my dad

Tal vez hubiéramos podido visitar a Jorge

Maybe we could have visited Jorge

Hubieramos ido a la fiesta

We would have gone to the party

Juliana se parece a su hermana.

Juliana looks like her sister.

Los niños van a pintarse la cara por diversión.

The kids are going to paint their face for fun.

Espero que vayas a la fiesta

I hope that you go to the party

¿Cuando viajes a Suecia vas a visitarlo?

When you travel to Sweden are you going to visit him?

Voy a irme

I am going to leave

¿a qué hora te levantas?

What time do you get up?

Voy a viajar a Europa por tren

I’m going to travel to Europe by train

Visité a mi amigo por dos horas

I visited my friend for 2 hours

Voy a amarte para siempre

I am going to love you forever

Me mudé a Chile para aprender español

I moved to Chile to learn spanish

¿a qué hora te despiertas mientras estabas ahí?

At what time were you waking up while you were there?

Tenemos que aprender a amarnos más

We have to learn to love ourselves more.

Vamos a mudarnos mañana.

We are going to move tomorrow.

Estaría enojado si te subieras a la cama con los zapatos sucios.

I would be angry if you get into bed with dirty shoes.

¿Cuándo vas a graduarte?

When are you going to graduate?

¿Ustedes se encontraron a Carolina?

Did you guys run into Carolina?

Te emociona viajar a Francia?

Are you excited to travel to France?

Ellos se refieren a la película.

They refer to the movie.

¿Es importante que vayamos a la fiesta?

Is it important that we go to the party?

Es mejor que llamemos a tus padres.

It’s better to call your parents.

¿a ella le gusta que viajemos juntos?

Does she like us to travel together?

No le creas a Juan.

Do not believe Juan.

Es importante que conozcas a mis padres.

It is important that you meet my parents.

Es imposible que lleguemos a tiempo.

It is impossible that we arrive on time.

No importa, no le des dinero a los niños.

It’s not important, don’t give money to the children.

Necesito que les enseñes a nadar.

I need you to teach them how to swim.

Es bueno que le agradezcas a tu mamá.

It’s good that you thank your mom.

¿Quieres que le pregunte a Patricia?

Do you want me to ask Patricia?

Ve a ayudarles a tus padres.

Go help your parents.

a Rafael le encanta jugar con sus amigos.

Rafael loves to play with his friends.

a ellos les interesa la medicina.

They are interested in medicine.

Mi papá le compró un teléfono a mi hermano.

My dad bought my brother a phone.

Le dedicaré una canción a Lucía.

I will dedicate a song to Lucia.

¿Creen que a Alejandra le va a gustar la camisa?

Do you guys think Alejandra is going to like the shirt?

Lo tengo escondido a un kilometro del río.

I have it hidden one kilometer from the river.

Los voy a buscar.

I am going to look for them.

Voy a tenerlo listo para ti.

I will have it ready for you.

Te lo voy a agradecer pronto.

I will thank you soon.

Se lo voy a comprar para su cumpleaños.

I’m going to buy it for her birthday.

¿Se lo compraron a Sandra o para otra persona?

Did you guys buy it for Sandra or for another person?

Es mejor que le desa la mujer.

It’s better that you give it to the woman.

Voy a escribirtela ahora.

I’m going to write it for you now.

Mi mamá quería que le ayudara a limpiar la casa.

My mom wanted me to help her clean the house.

Fue bueno que Emmanuel cuidara a su hermana.

It was good that Emmanuel took care of his sister.

¿Te imaginas que hubiéramos viajado a Paris?

Can you imagine we would have traveled to Paris?

a Ricky le sorprendió que hubieras comido todo.

Ricky was surprised you ate everything.

¿Quieres que te ayude a estudiar?

Do you want me to help you study?

Necesito que me acompañes a la plaza.

I need you to accompany me to the square.

Es importante que hayas visitado a tu hermano.

It is important that you have visited your brother.

Dime cuando hayas llegado a casa.

Tell me when you get home.

Quizá Jesús no haya ido a la fiesta.

Maybe Jesus didn’t go to the party.

Él me dijo que cuidara a los niños.

He told me to watch the kids.

Nos alegraría que vinieras a visitarnos.

We would be glad if you came to visit us.

Él quería que yo aprendiera a cantar.

He wanted me to learn to sing.

Te ayudaría a cruzar la valla amarilla si pudiera.

I would help you cross the yellow fence if I could.

Dales café a tus padres.

Give your parents coffee.

Dale a tu sobrina sopa de pescado.

Give your niece fish soup.

Cántale una canción a los niños.

Sing a song to the children.

¿Puedes prestarle dinero a Gabriela?

Can you loan her money (Gabriela)?

Quiero que te comprometas a practicar.

I want you to commit to practicing.

Puedo ayudarte a empacar.

I can help you pack.

¿Le diste un regalo a Juan?

Did you give a gift to Juan?

a nosotros nos gustaría proponerles un plan.

We (emphasis) would like to propose you a plan.

Préstale atención a los profesores.

Pay attention to the teachers.

María les envió una carta a sus padres.

Maria sent a letter to her parents.

Le voy a hacer una broma.

I’m going to tell (make) her a joke.

Quiero aprender a tocarlo.

I want to learn to play it.

Se los voy a dar esta noche.

I’m going to give them to him tonight.

¿Cuándo me lo vas a comprar?

When are you going to buy it for me?

Probablemente voy a limpiar la casa sólo.

Probably I’m going to clean the house alone.

Voy a comprobártelo ahora.

I am going to prove it to you now.

No te lo voy a decir hasta el miércoles

I’m not going to tell it to you until Wednesday.

Entonces quieres a alguien especial en la vida.

Then you want someone special in life.

Va a llegar el jueves.

He is going to arrive thursday.

No creía que él fuera a pensar eso.

I didn’t think he would think that.

Fue bueno que llamaras a tus padres.

It was good that you called your parents.

a Rosa le gusta mucho el chocolate.

Rosa really likes chocolate.

¿Necesitas que yo le pague a Sebastián?

Do you need me to pay Sebastian?

Quiero hacerle una pregunta a Diego.

I want to ask Diego a question.

Podemos ayudarles a conseguir trabajo.

We can help them find a job.

Necesito que le lleves agua a Mauricio.

I need you to bring water to Mauricio.

Tal vez no hubieras llegado a tiempo.

Maybe you would not have arrived in time.

Ojalá hubiéramos viajado a Francia este año.

I wish we had traveled to France this year.

Le escribí un poema a mi abuela.

I wrote a poem to my grandmother.

Le pedí disculpas a mi hermana.

I apologized to my sister.

Kimberly quiere decirle la verdad a Joshua.

Kimberly wants to tell Joshua the truth.

Es normal que ames a tu hermana

It’s normal that you love your sister

¿Se lo vamos a comprar el lunes?

Are we going to buy it for her on Monday?

Ayúdame a ponérselo.

Help me put it on her.

Te lo voy a recordar luego.

I will remind you then.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About To in Spanish

Comment on the Spanish word “a” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say to in Spanish
  • Explanations on the translation a
  • Sentences that use the word “a”
  • Questions about to in Spanish, etc.


Normal speech: ah
IPA: a

8 months ago


Yo voy a la tienda. I go to the store

8 months ago

a info.

**Tips to remember the word “a”**:

– Think of “a” as the first letter of the alphabet, which could symbolize the idea of starting something – in Spanish, often starting the action of going to a place.
– Associate it with the English word “at” since it can often be used in similar contexts, such as “a la casa” (“at the house/to the house”).


In Spanish, “a” is a preposition that has several uses:
– It indicates direction or destination (equivalent to “to” in English), as in “Voy a la escuela” (“I’m going to school”).
– It can indicate the time when an action takes place, similar to “at” in English, as in “a las ocho” (“at eight o’clock”).
– It’s used before a direct object when that object is a person or a pet, which is known as the “personal a”, as in “Veo a María” (“I see María”).

**Other words that mean the same thing**:

– “Hacia” can be used to mean “towards”, which is similar to “a” in the sense of direction.
– “Hasta” can mean up to or even to, as in getting to a certain point.

**Alternate meanings like slang**:

– In some contexts, “a” can be part of a phrase, such as “a lo mejor” (maybe) or “a pie” (on foot).
– In slang, “a” might not change but the phrases it is part of do, for example, “a tope” in some regions can mean “to the fullest” or “to the max”.

**Examples of sentences that use it**:

– Voy a la tienda a comprar pan. (I’m going to the store to buy bread.)
– Llegamos a tiempo para la película. (We arrived on time for the movie.)
– Aprender español es importante para mi futuro. (Learning Spanish is important for my future.)
– Le di el libro a Luis. (I gave the book to Luis.)
– Estudiamos de lunes a viernes. (We study from Monday to Friday.)

a few seconds ago

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