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to harm | blesser |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About To harm in French
Comment on the French word “blesser” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say to harm in French
- Explanations on the translation blesser
- Sentences that use the word “blesser”
- Questions about to harm in French, etc.
blesser info.
Tips to Remember:
You might associate “blesser” with the English word “blessing,” which ironically means something beneficial or positive, but in this case, “blesser” means to harm or injure. To remember this, think of someone who intended to give a blessing, but instead, accidentally caused harm.
“Blesser” is a French verb that means “to hurt,” “to injure,” or “to wound.” Unlike the English “to bless,” it has a negative connotation as it involves causing pain or injury to someone.
Other Words That Mean the Same Thing:
– “Faire mal” (to hurt)
– “Endommager” (to damage — used more for objects)
– “Lésionner” (to lesion — medical term)
– “Traumatiser” (to traumatize or injure — often psychologically or deeply physically)
Here are the basic conjugations for the verb “blesser” in the indicative mood:
– je blesse (I hurt)
– tu blesses (you hurt)
– il/elle/on blesse (he/she/one hurts)
– nous blessons (we hurt)
– vous blessez (you hurt)
– ils/elles blessent (they hurt)
– je blessais (I was hurting)
– tu blessais (you were hurting)
– il/elle/on blessait (he/she/one was hurting)
– nous blessions (we were hurting)
– vous blessiez (you were hurting)
– ils/elles blessaient (they were hurting)
Future Simple:
– je blesserai (I will hurt)
– tu blesseras (you will hurt)
– il/elle/on blessera (he/she/one will hurt)
– nous blesserons (we will hurt)
– vous blesserez (you will hurt)
– ils/elles blesseront (they will hurt)
Passé Composé (Compound Past):
– j’ai blessé (I hurt)
– tu as blessé (you hurt)
– il/elle/on a blessé (he/she/one hurt)
– nous avons blessé (we hurt)
– vous avez blessé (you hurt)
– ils/elles ont blessé (they hurt)
Examples of sentences using “blesser”:
– “Je ne voulais pas te blesser avec mes paroles.” (I didn’t mean to hurt you with my words.)
– “Il s’est blessé en jouant au football.” (He injured himself while playing football.)
– “Les critiques peuvent blesser autant que les blessures physiques.” (Criticism can hurt as much as physical injuries.)
– “Nous devons faire attention à ne pas blesser les sentiments des autres.” (We need to be careful not to hurt other people’s feelings.)
– “Comment avez-vous blessé votre main?” (How did you injure your hand?)
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blesser info.
French: blesser
To remember the French word “blesser,” you can associate it with the English word “bless,” as they look similar but have opposite meanings. It might help you remember that “blesser” means “to harm” in French.
“Blesser” is a regular -ER verb in French, which means its conjugations follow a specific pattern. When used as a transitive verb, it means “to harm” or “to injure” someone physically or emotionally.
Other words meaning the same thing:
– Nuire à: to harm
– Faire du mal à: to do harm to
– Causer des dommages à: to cause damage to
Conjugations of “blesser” (indicative mood):
Present tense:
– Je blesse: I harm
– Tu blesses: You harm
– Il/elle blesse: He/she harms
– Nous blessons: We harm
– Vous blessez: You harm (formal/plural)
– Ils/elles blessent: They harm
Past tense (passé composé):
– J’ai blessé: I harmed
– Tu as blessé: You harmed
– Il/elle a blessé: He/she harmed
– Nous avons blessé: We harmed
– Vous avez blessé: You harmed (formal/plural)
– Ils/elles ont blessé: They harmed
Future tense:
– Je blesserai: I will harm
– Tu blesseras: You will harm
– Il/elle blessera: He/she will harm
– Nous blesserons: We will harm
– Vous blesserez: You will harm (formal/plural)
– Ils/elles blesseront: They will harm
Example sentences:
1. Il a blessé son bras en tombant. (He injured his arm by falling.)
2. Elle blesse souvent les sentiments des autres avec ses paroles. (She often hurts other people’s feelings with her words.)
3. Ne blesse personne intentionnellement. (Don’t harm anyone intentionally.)
4. Nous avons blessé notre adversaire lors du match. (We injured our opponent during the game.)
5. Ne t’inquiète pas, je ne te blesserai jamais. (Don’t worry, I will never harm you.)
The French word “blesser” means “to harm” or “to injure.” It is a regular verb, and its conjugations follow regular patterns in various tenses. Other words meaning the same thing include “nuire à,” “faire du mal à,” and “causer des dommages à.”
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