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To go up in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
to mount/ go up(stairs) monter
How to say “to mount/ go up(stairs)” in French? “Monter”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “monter” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on to mount/ go up(stairs) in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About To mount/ go up(stairs) in French

Comment on the French word “monter” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say to mount/ go up(stairs) in French
  • Explanations on the translation monter
  • Sentences that use the word “monter”
  • Questions about to mount/ go up(stairs) in French, etc.


This is a verb of movement or motion.

This has implications regarding how it is Passé Composé is formed amongst others

9 months ago


Looks like English mount and that’s what it means

9 months ago

monter info.

Tips to remember the French word “monter”:

1. Visualize a mountain: Imagine yourself physically climbing a mountain to reinforce the concept of going up or ascending.

2. Associate with other words: Connect “monter” with related terms such as “escalier” (stairs) or “ascenseur” (elevator) to create a mental link.

3. Practice with examples: Repeat and use the word “monter” in various sentences to help internalize its meaning and context.

“Monter” is a French verb that means “to mount” or “to go up” in English. It is commonly used to express the action of ascending physically, like climbing stairs or going up a hill.

Other words with similar meanings include “grimper” (to climb), “escalader” (to scale or climb), and “élever” (to raise).

Conjugations of “monter”:
– Present tense:
– Je monte (I go up)
– Tu montes (You go up)
– Il/elle monte (He/she goes up)
– Nous montons (We go up)
– Vous montez (You go up)
– Ils/elles montent (They go up)

– Past tense:
– J’ai monté (I went up)
– Tu as monté (You went up)
– Il/elle a monté (He/she went up)
– Nous avons monté (We went up)
– Vous avez monté (You went up)
– Ils/elles ont monté (They went up)

– Future tense:
– Je monterai (I will go up)
– Tu monteras (You will go up)
– Il/elle montera (He/she will go up)
– Nous monterons (We will go up)
– Vous monterez (You will go up)
– Ils/elles monteront (They will go up)

1. Je vais monter les escaliers. (I am going to climb the stairs.)
2. Il monte la colline tous les matins. (He climbs the hill every morning.)
3. Nous allons monter dans l’ascenseur. (We are going to get into the elevator.)

Notes: Different verb tenses and conjugations exist in French, and the examples provided showcase the present, past, and future tenses of “monter.” Remember to adapt the verb form based on the subject (je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles) and the context of the sentence.

a few seconds ago

monter info.

Tips to remember the French word “monter”:
– Associate the word “monter” with the English word “mount,” as they have a similar meaning.
– Visualize someone climbing up a ladder or stairs, which can help you remember the concept of going up.
– Practice using the word “monter” in sentences or create flashcards with its meaning and different forms for practice.

“Monter” is an infinitive verb that means “to climb up” or “to go up” in English. It is commonly used to describe physical actions of ascending, but it can also be used figuratively.

Conjugations of “monter”:
– Present tense:
– Je monte (I climb up)
– Tu montes (You climb up)
– Il/elle/on monte (He/she/one climbs up)
– Nous montons (We climb up)
– Vous montez (You climb up)
– Ils/elles montent (They climb up)

– Past tense:
– J’ai monté (I climbed up)
– Tu as monté (You climbed up)
– Il/elle/on a monté (He/she/one climbed up)
– Nous avons monté (We climbed up)
– Vous avez monté (You climbed up)
– Ils/elles ont monté (They climbed up)

– Future tense:
– Je monterai (I will climb up)
– Tu monteras (You will climb up)
– Il/elle/on montera (He/she/one will climb up)
– Nous monterons (We will climb up)
– Vous monterez (You will climb up)
– Ils/elles monteront (They will climb up)

Other words with a similar meaning to “monter”:
– Grimper (to climb)
– Escalader (to scale)
– S’élever (to rise)

Examples of sentences using “monter”:
1. Je vais monter les escaliers pour aller au bureau. (I am going to climb the stairs to go to the office.)
2. Est-ce que tu peux m’aider à monter cette étagère ? (Can you help me to mount this shelf?)
3. Hier soir, nous avons monté la tente dans le camping. (Last night, we pitched the tent in the campsite.)

Summary paragraph:
In summary, “monter” is a French verb meaning “to climb up” or “to go up.” It can be used in various tenses such as the present, past, and future. Some similar words to “monter” include “grimper,” “escalader,” and “s’élever.” By visualizing actions or associating it with English words like “mount,” it can be easier to remember. Practice using “monter” in sentences to reinforce your understanding and usage of the word.

9 minutes ago

monter info.

**Tips to Remember the French Word “Monter”:**
1. Associate “monter” with “mountain” in English, as you go up a mountain.
2. Think about “montage”, a term used in film editing, which involves building or “going up” through different scenes.
3. Remember that “monter” sounds like “monster,” and you might go up to escape from a monster.

“Monter” is a French verb that principally means to go up, to climb, to get on, or to mount. It is frequently used when talking about going up stairs (monter les escaliers), getting in a vehicle (monter en voiture), or going up a level or floor (monter au premier étage).

**Other words that mean the same thing:**
– “grimper” (to climb)
– “escalader” (to scale or climb up)
– “s’élever” (to rise)


– je monte
– tu montes
– il/elle/on monte
– nous montons
– vous montez
– ils/elles montent

*Passé composé (past):*
– j’ai monté
– tu as monté
– il/elle/on a monté
– nous avons monté
– vous avez monté
– ils/elles ont monté

*Imparfait (imperfect):*
– je montais
– tu montais
– il/elle/on montait
– nous montions
– vous montiez
– ils/elles montaient

*Futur simple (future):*
– je monterai
– tu monteras
– il/elle/on montera
– nous monterons
– vous monterez
– ils/elles monteront

*Conditionnel (conditional):*
– je monterais
– tu monterais
– il/elle/on monterait
– nous monterions
– vous monteriez
– ils/elles monteraient

**Examples of sentences that use “monter”:**
– Je monte dans ma chambre. (I’m going up to my room.)
– Il a monté les valises au grenier. (He took the suitcases up to the attic.)
– Nous monterons voir la tour Eiffel demain. (We will go up to see the Eiffel Tower tomorrow.)
– Elles ont monté un spectacle. (They put together a show.)
– Tu monteras dans le train à la prochaine station. (You will get on the train at the next station.)

a day ago

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