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To give in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
to give donner
How to say “to give” in French? “Donner”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “donner” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on to give in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “To give”

French sentence with “donner” English translation for donner S

Tu peux me le donner?

Can you give it to me?

Je vais les lui donner ce soir.

I’m going to give them to him tonight.

Je vais vous les donner dans l’après-midi.

I will give them to you in the afternoon.

Je ne vous donnerais pas une seule chose.

I would not give you even one thing.

Vous n’auriez pas dû vous donner la peine.

You should not have bothered.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About To give in French

Comment on the French word “donner” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say to give in French
  • Explanations on the translation donner
  • Sentences that use the word “donner”
  • Questions about to give in French, etc.


Looks like English donate and that’s what it means. However in the more general sense of give

9 months ago

donner info.

Tips to remember the French word “donner”:

1. Visualize the word: Associate the word “donner” with an image or object that helps you remember its meaning. For example, you can imagine someone giving or handing an object to someone else.

2. Practice with flashcards: Create flashcards with the word “donner” on one side and the English translation on the other side. Regularly review these flashcards to reinforce your memory.

3. Use mnemonic devices: Create a catchy phrase or sentence using the word “donner” to help you remember it. For instance, “Donner means to give, just like a generous person.”


“Donner” is a French verb that means “to give” in English. It is a regular -er verb, which follows a set pattern for conjugation in different tenses.

Other words that mean the same thing as “donner” include “offrir” (to offer), “remettre” (to hand over), and “transmettre” (to transmit).


– Present tense:
– Je donne (I give)
– Tu donnes (You give)
– Il/elle donne (He/she gives)
– Nous donnons (We give)
– Vous donnez (You give/You all give)
– Ils/elles donnent (They give)

– Past tense (Passé composé):
– J’ai donné (I gave)
– Tu as donné (You gave)
– Il/elle a donné (He/she gave)
– Nous avons donné (We gave)
– Vous avez donné (You gave/You all gave)
– Ils/elles ont donné (They gave)

– Future tense:
– Je donnerai (I will give)
– Tu donneras (You will give)
– Il/elle donnera (He/she will give)
– Nous donnerons (We will give)
– Vous donnerez (You will give/You all will give)
– Ils/elles donneront (They will give)


1. Je vais donner une surprise à mon ami. (I am going to give a surprise to my friend.)
2. Est-ce que tu peux me donner un coup de main ? (Can you give me a hand?)
3. Il donne toujours des conseils utiles. (He always gives useful advice.)
4. Nous donnons des cadeaux à Noël. (We give gifts for Christmas.)
5. Ils ont donné leur argent aux personnes dans le besoin. (They gave their money to people in need.)

Note: The present, past, and future tenses have been provided as examples, but there are more tenses in French grammar. Consult a comprehensive conjugation resource or verb conjugation tool for a complete list.

a few seconds ago

donner info.

**Tips to Remember “Donner” in French:**
1. Associate “donner” with “donation,” since donating is a form of giving.
2. Think of “dinner” but with a ‘o’ instead of ‘i’—you often give or share food at dinner.
3. Consider the phrase “Donner Party”, the American pioneer group; they had to give a lot to survive, although this is a darker memory aid.

“Donner” is the French verb that means “to give.” It is a regular -er verb, so its conjugations follow the typical pattern for most verbs in this category in French.

**Synonyms for Donner:**
1. Offrir (to offer)
2. Fournir (to provide)

– **Present:**
– **Je donne** (I give)
– **Tu donnes** (You give [singular/informal])
– **Il/Elle donne** (He/She gives)
– **Nous donnons** (We give)
– **Vous donnez** (You give [plural/formal])
– **Ils/Elles donnent** (They give)

– **Passé composé (Past):**
– **J’ai donné** (I gave/have given)

– **Imperfect:**
– **Je donnais** (I was giving/used to give)

– **Future Simple:**
– **Je donnerai** (I will give)

– **Conditional:**
– **Je donnerais** (I would give)

– **Subjunctive Present:**
– **Que je donne** (That I give)

– **Imperative:**
– **Donne** (Give! [singular/informal])
– **Donnons** (Let’s give!)
– **Donnez** (Give! [plural/formal])

**Examples of Sentences Using “Donner”:**
– **Present:** “Il me donne un cadeau pour mon anniversaire.” (He gives me a gift for my birthday.)
– **Passé composé:** “Elle a donné son livre à sa sœur.” (She gave her book to her sister.)
– **Imperfect:** “Quand j’étais petit, je donnais souvent à manger aux canards.” (When I was little, I often used to feed the ducks.)
– **Future Simple:** “Je te donnerai une réponse demain.” (I will give you an answer tomorrow.)
– **Conditional:** “Je te donnerais un conseil si tu m’écoutais.” (I would give you advice if you listened to me.)
– **Subjunctive:** “Il faut que tu donnes ton accord avant qu’ils commencent.” (You have to give your agreement before they start.)
– **Imperative:** “Donne-moi la clé.” (Give me the key.)

a day ago

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