in English | in Russian | S |
to get tired | устать |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About To get tired in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “устать” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say to get tired in Russian
- Explanations on the translation устать
- Sentences that use the word “устать”
- Questions about to get tired in Russian, etc.
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устать info.
Tips to remember the Russian word:
– The word "устать" (to get tired) can be remembered by associating it with the word "state." Think of reaching a state of tiredness.
– Another method is to break it down phonetically: "u-sta-t'." Imagine saying "you stay" but feeling too tired to do so.
– "Устать" is the perfective form of the verb, meaning it signifies the completion of the action (to become tired).
– The imperfective form is "уставать," which means to be in the process of getting tired.
Other words that mean the same thing:
– "Уставать" (ustavat') – to be in the process of getting tired.
– "Утомиться" (utomit'sya) – to become weary, often more intense or formal.
Different conjugations of "устать":
Present tense (note: perfective verbs do not have a present tense):
– No present tense form for "устать."
Past tense:
– Я устал / устала (ya ustal / ustala) – I got tired (male / female).
– Ты устал / устала (ty ustal / ustala) – You got tired (male / female).
– Он устал (on ustal) – He got tired.
– Она устала (ona ustala) – She got tired.
– Оно устало (ono ustalo) – It got tired.
– Мы устали (my ustali) – We got tired.
– Вы устали (vy ustali) – You got tired (formal/plural).
– Они устали (oni ustali) – They got tired.
Future tense:
– Я устану (ya ustanu) – I will get tired.
– Ты устанешь (ty ustanesh') – You will get tired.
– Он / Она / Оно устанет (on / ona / ono ustanet) – He / She / It will get tired.
– Мы устанем (my ustanem) – We will get tired.
– Вы устанете (vy ustanete) – You will get tired (formal/plural).
– Они устанут (oni ustan't) – They will get tired.
Examples of sentences:
1. Я устал после работы. (Ya ustal posle raboty.) – I got tired after work.
2. Она быстро устанет, если не отдохнёт. (Ona bystro ustan't, yesli ne otdokhnët.) – She will get tired quickly if she doesn’t rest.
3. Мы устанем к концу поездки. (My ustanem k kontsu poyezdki.) – We will get tired by the end of the trip.
4. Они устали от долгой прогулки. (Oni ustali ot dolgoi progulki.) – They got tired from the long walk.
5. Ты устанешь, если будешь работать без перерывов. (Ty ustanesh', yesli budesh' rabotat' bez pereryvov.) – You will get tired if you work without breaks.
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