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To forget in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
to forget oublier
How to say “to forget” in French? “Oublier”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “oublier” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on to forget in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About To forget in French

Comment on the French word “oublier” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say to forget in French
  • Explanations on the translation oublier
  • Sentences that use the word “oublier”
  • Questions about to forget in French, etc.


Oublier (to forget) – Se souvenir (to remember)

7 months ago


Can also be used reflexively

To forget oneself

9 months ago


Looks like English obliterate and has the sense of removal or leaving or even destruction from the mind

9 months ago

oublier info.

Tips to remember the French word “oublier”:

1. Associative Learning: Link the word “oublier” with a memorable image or situation that involves forgetting something. For instance, imagine leaving your keys behind and saying to yourself, “Oh, j’ai oublié mes clés!” (Oh, I’ve forgotten my keys!).

2. Mnemonic Device: Use a mnemonic like “Oubliez-to-have-left-behind” to recall that “oublier” means “to forget.”

3. Practice: Use flashcards with “oublier” on one side and “to forget” on the other to test yourself regularly.

4. Frequent Repetition: Integrate “oublier” in daily language practice through speaking or writing sentences, helping to solidify it in your memory.

5. Contextual Learning: Read or listen to French content where “oublier” is used, such as songs, stories, or news articles, where the word appears in a natural context.

“Oublier” is an infinitive form of a French verb that means “to forget.” It belongs to the first group of French regular verbs ending in -er, which means it follows a standard pattern when conjugated.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– “Démembrer” can sometimes mean forget, although it’s less common and can also be translated as “to dismember.”
– “Perdre de vue” translates to “lose sight of” or “forget” in more figurative contexts.

Infinitive: oublier (to forget)
– Je oublie (I forget)
– Tu oublies (You forget – informal or singular)
– Il/Elle oublie (He/She forgets)
– Nous oublions (We forget)
– Vous oubliez (You forget – formal or plural)
– Ils/Elles oublient (They forget)

– Je oubliais (I used to forget/was forgetting)
– Tu oubliais (You used to forget/were forgetting)
– Il/Elle oubliait (He/She used to forget/was forgetting)
– Nous oubliions (We used to forget/were forgetting)
– Vous oubliiez (You used to forget/were forgetting)
– Ils/Elles oubliaient (They used to forget/were forgetting)

– Je oublierai (I will forget)
– Tu oublieras (You will forget)
– Il/Elle oubliera (He/She will forget)
– Nous oublierons (We will forget)
– Vous oublierez (You will forget)
– Ils/Elles oublieront (They will forget)

Passé Composé (Past):
– J’ai oublié (I forgot)

Examples of sentences:
– N’oublie pas de prendre ton parapluie. (Don’t forget to take your umbrella.)
– J’ai oublié son nom. (I’ve forgotten his/her name.)
РIls oublieront vite ce probl̬me. (They will quickly forget this problem.)
– Nous n’oublierons jamais cette journée incroyable. (We will never forget this incredible day.)
РAvant, elle oubliait souvent ses cl̩s, maintenant elle les accroche pr̬s de la porte. (Before, she often forgot her keys, now she hangs them near the door.)

a few seconds ago

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