in English | in German | S |
to dance | tanzen |
German Sentences with the Word “To dance”
German sentence with “tanzen” | English translation for tanzen | S |
Willst du mit mir tanzen? |
Would you like to dance with me? |
Wir können, bis zum Sonnenaufgang tanzen. |
We can dance until sunrise. |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About To dance in German
Comment on the German word “tanzen” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say to dance in German
- Explanations on the translation tanzen
- Sentences that use the word “tanzen”
- Questions about to dance in German, etc.
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tanzen info.
Tips to remember the German word ‘tanzen’:
– Associate the word ‘tanzen’ with a lively dance or tanz party, which sounds similar.
– Think of the phrase “to do a ten dance” where “ten” and “dance” together sound like ‘tanzen’.
– Visualize someone dancing energetically whenever you hear or think about the number ten (‘tan’ from ‘tanzen’).
– ‘Tanzen’ is a regular German verb, and it follows the standard conjugation pattern for verbs ending in -en.
– The infinitive form is ‘tanzen’, which means ‘to dance’.
– Its conjugation would be: ich tanze (I dance), du tanzt (you dance), er/sie/es tanzt (he/she/it dances), wir tanzen (we dance), ihr tanzt (you all dance), sie tanzen (they dance), and Sie tanzen (you dance, formal).
Other words that mean the same thing:
– ‘Tanzen gehen’ means to go dancing or to go out to dance.
Alternate meanings like slang:
– In colloquial use, ‘tanzen’ can also refer to the idea of someone being bossed around or controlled, as in “Er lässt sie nach seiner Pfeife tanzen” (“He’s making her dance to his tune”).
Examples of sentences that use it:
– “Ich liebe es, zu tanzen!” (I love to dance!)
– “Wollen wir heute Abend tanzen gehen?” (Shall we go dancing tonight?)
– “Auf der Party haben alle getanzt.” (Everybody danced at the party.)
– “Kinder, jetzt tanzen wir im Kreis!” (Children, now we dance in a circle!)
– “Sie tanzt klassisches Ballett.” (She dances classical ballet.)
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