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To ask in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
to demand demander
How to say “to demand” in French? “Demander”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “demander” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on to demand in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “To demand”

French sentence with “demander” English translation for demander S

Je vais te demander une faveur

I am going to ask you for a favor

Comments, Questions, Etc. About To demand in French

Comment on the French word “demander” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say to demand in French
  • Explanations on the translation demander
  • Sentences that use the word “demander”
  • Questions about to demand in French, etc.


It does not however carry the same strong or harsh connotation of the word demand

Its just a regular ask

To actually demand the French use exiger

9 months ago


Looks like English demand and that’s what it means

9 months ago

demander info.

Tips to remember the French word “demander”:
– Break down the word: The word “demander” is composed of two parts: “de” meaning “of” and “mander” meaning “to order.” This can help you associate it with the idea of making a request or giving an order.
– Create associations: Try to associate the word “demander” with a similar sounding word or phrase in English. For example, you could think of “demand” or “demanding” which also convey the idea of making a request or requirement.
– Practice through repetition: Frequently using the word “demander” in different contexts or sentences can help reinforce its meaning and proper usage.

Explanation: The French word “demander” primarily means “to demand” or “to ask for.” It is a versatile verb that is commonly used in various situations to express the act of making a request or inquiry.

Other words that mean the same thing: Some synonyms of “demander” include “réclamer” (to claim), “solliciter” (to solicit), “exiger” (to require), “interpeller” (to call upon), and “questionner” (to question).

Conjugations of “demander”:
– Present tense: je demande (I ask), tu demandes (you ask), il/elle demande (he/she asks), nous demandons (we ask), vous demandez (you ask), ils/elles demandent (they ask)
– Past tense: j’ai demandé (I asked), tu as demandé (you asked), il/elle a demandé (he/she asked), nous avons demandé (we asked), vous avez demandé (you asked), ils/elles ont demandé (they asked)
– Future tense: je demanderai (I will ask), tu demanderas (you will ask), il/elle demandera (he/she will ask), nous demanderons (we will ask), vous demanderez (you will ask), ils/elles demanderont (they will ask)

Examples of sentences using “demander”:
1. Je vais demander une augmentation à mon patron. (I’m going to ask for a raise from my boss.)
2. Est-ce que tu peux me demander quel est le chemin pour aller à la gare? (Can you ask me what the way to the train station is?)
3. Elle m’a demandé de l’aider avec ses devoirs. (She asked me to help her with her homework.)
4. Nous avons demandé des renseignements à l’accueil de l’hôtel. (We asked for information at the hotel reception.)
5. Le professeur a demandé aux étudiants de remettre leur devoir demain. (The professor asked the students to submit their homework tomorrow.)

a few seconds ago

demander info.

Tips to remember “demander”:
– Associate it with the English word “demand,” even though “demander” is milder and means “to ask.”
– Visualize someone politely “demanding” attention to ask a question, which can help link the concept to the French word.

– “Demander” is a regular -er verb in French.
– It primarily means “to ask,” particularly when requesting something or seeking information.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– “Solliciter” can mean to ask formally or to seek out.
– “Interroger” means to question or to interrogate.
– “Questionner” also means to question.

Conjugations of “demander”:
– Infinitive: demander (to ask)
– Present:
– je demande (I ask)
– tu demandes (you ask, singular informal)
– il/elle/on demande (he/she/one asks)
– nous demandons (we ask)
– vous demandez (you ask, singular formal or plural)
– ils/elles demandent (they ask, masculine/feminine)
– Past (Passé composé):
– j’ai demandé (I asked)
– tu as demandé (you asked)
– il/elle/on a demandé (he/she/one asked)
– nous avons demandé (we asked)
– vous avez demandé (you asked)
– ils/elles ont demandé (they asked)
– Imperfect:
– je demandais (I was asking)
– tu demandais (you were asking)
– il/elle/on demandait (he/she/one was asking)
– nous demandions (we were asking)
– vous demandiez (you were asking)
– ils/elles demandaient (they were asking)
– Future:
– je demanderai (I will ask)
– tu demanderas (you will ask)
– il/elle/on demandera (he/she/one will ask)
– nous demanderons (we will ask)
– vous demanderez (you will ask)
– ils/elles demanderont (they will ask)

Examples of sentences that use “demander”:
– Je demande où se trouve la gare. (I ask where the train station is.)
– Elle a demandé de l’aide pour son devoir. (She asked for help with her homework.)
– Nous demanderons plus d’informations demain. (We will ask for more information tomorrow.)
– Vous avez demandé à voir le manager ? (Did you ask to see the manager?)
– Ils demandaient souvent leur chemin. (They often asked for directions.)

a day ago

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