in English | in French | S |
the (m) | le |
French Sentences with the Word “The (m)”
French sentence with “le” | English translation for le | S |
Je n’ai pas le temps. |
I don’t have the time. |
Je veux apprendre le Français. |
I want to learn French. |
Laissez-moi utiliser le traducteur. |
Let me use the translator. |
Merci pour le repas. |
Thank you for the meal. |
le feu est chaud. |
The fire is hot. |
Pourrais-tu me passer le sel? |
Would you pass the salt? |
J’Ă©changerais le chocolat pour des fruits |
I would trade chocolate for fruits |
Sandra dit que le dessert est délicieux |
Sandra says that the dessert is delicious |
Pouvez-vous le connecter? |
Can you connect it? (formal) |
Voulez-vous qu’il le rĂ©pare? |
Do you need him to fix it? (formal) |
Je peux te le prĂŞter |
I can lend it to you |
Tu peux me le donner? |
Can you give it to me? |
Vous ne le connaissez pas bien |
You don’t know him well |
Je le nettoie |
I am cleaning it |
Je suis en train de le nettoyer |
I am cleaning it |
Nous sommes en train de le faire |
We are doing it |
Tu dois me le promettre. |
You have to promise me. |
Je dois me laver le visage avec un savon spécial. |
I have to wash my face with special soap. |
Ma mère avait fini le nettoyage |
My mother had finished cleaning |
Nous n’avons pas achetĂ© le cadeau |
We have not bought the present |
Ils n’ont pas eu le temps |
They have not had time |
Au jour le jour |
Day by day |
Ma sĹ“ur avait l’habitude de se doucher avant le travail. |
My sister used to shower before work |
Ce matin mon petit ami a préparé le petit déjeuner |
This morning my boyfriend prepared breakfast |
Nous avons pratiqué le yoga tous les après-midi |
We used to practice yoga every afternoon |
J’Ă©tais dans le gymnase pendant deux heures |
I was at the gym for two hours |
L’Italien est plus facile que le Français |
Italian is easier than french |
le thé est plus sain que le café |
Tea is healthier than coffee |
Votre famille a besoin de vous plus que vous ne le pensez |
Your family needs you more than what you think |
J’aurais aimĂ© rencontrer le chanteur |
I would have liked to meet the singer |
Je ne sais pas s’ils auraient pris le risque de sauter |
I don’t know if they would have risked to jump |
Il fallait que vous utilisiez le masque |
It was necessary that you wear the mask |
Il voulait juste que tu regardes le film |
He just wanted you to watch the movie |
J’espère que vous aviez aimĂ© le jeu |
I hope that you all had enjoyed the game |
Je pense que tu as besoin d’aller chez le dentiste |
I think you need to go to the dentist |
Allez-vous le visiter quand vous voyagerez en Suède? |
When you travel to Sweden are you going to visit him? |
Je préfère me doucher le matin |
I prefer to shower in the morning |
Vous vous regardez dans le miroir |
You look at yourself in the mirror |
J’ai besoin de le terminer d’ici mercredi |
I need to finish it by Wednesday |
Elle court le long de la plage |
She runs along the beach |
Vous devez le terminer d’ici vendredi |
You have to finish it by Friday |
Cette eau est pour le lavage |
That water is for washing |
Ce sandwich est le vĂ´tre |
This sandwich is yours |
le film était très intéressant |
The movie was very interesting |
Nous sommes dans le café |
We are in the cafe |
le ciel est nuageux |
The sky is cloudy |
J’Ă©tais allongĂ© tout le matin |
I was lying down all morning |
Pourquoi ne vous séchez-vous pas le visage? |
Why don’t you dry your face? |
le vase s’est cassĂ©. |
The vase broke. |
C’est le bon chemin, ils n’ont pas besoin de s’inquiĂ©ter. |
That is the right way, they don’t need to worry. |
J’espère que vous aimez le cadeau. |
I Hope you like the gift. |
Je vous recommande, que regardiez le documentaire. |
I recommend you watch the documentary. |
Je ne veux pas travailler, le week-end. |
I don’t want us to work the weekend. |
Pouvez-vous le faire savoir? |
Can you let him know? |
le gouvernement leur a permis d’entrer. |
The government allowed them to enter. |
Pourquoi tu ne veux pas le répondre? |
Why don’t you want to answer him? |
Je peux le rĂ©soudre quand j’Ă©coute de la musique du village. |
I can solve it when I hear music from the village. |
Je veux que tu le visites. |
I need you to visit him. |
Pouvez-vous le faire aujourd’hui? |
Can you make it today? |
le lisez-vous? |
Do you read it. |
Je veux que tu le sache. |
I want you to know it. |
Je voulais que vous le rencontriez. |
I wanted you to meet him. |
Je le lis tous les jours. |
I read it every day. |
J’aime le mien plus. |
I like mine more. |
Ce serait mieux si nous le visitions plus. |
It would be better if we visit him more. |
le gouvernement veut les Ă©tablir. |
The government wants to establish them. |
Ne le casse pas. |
Do not break it. |
Nous voulons le louer. |
We want to rent it. |
Pourquoi tu ne veux pas le manger? |
Why don’t you want to eat it? |
Tu le fais très bien. |
You do it very well. |
Ils devront peut-ĂŞtre le rĂ©parer aujourd’hui. |
They may have to fix it today. |
Je vais le préparer pour vous. |
I will have it ready for you. |
Voulez-vous que je le mange? |
Do you want me to eat it? |
Voulez-vous que je vous le chante? |
Do you want me to sing it to you? |
Pourquoi le lui avez-vous dit hier soir? |
Why did you tell it to him last night? |
Mettez-le dessus le matin. |
Put it on in the morning. |
Je dois encore le réparer pour elle. |
I still have to fix it for her. |
Elle ne peut pas le mettre ce soir. |
She can’t put it on tonight. |
Je ne pense pas qu’ils le mĂ©ritent. |
I don’t think they deserve it. |
Il est important que vous le changiez pour elle. |
It is important to change it for her. |
C’est mieux que vous le donniez Ă la femme. |
It’s better that you give it to the woman. |
Tu as raison, je ne peux pas te le dire. |
You are right, I can’t tell it to you. |
Pourriez-vous me le dire Ă nouveau? |
Can you repeat it for me? |
Je suis triste parce que le film s’est terminĂ© |
I’m sad because the movie ended |
J’aurais fait le contraire. |
I would have done the opposite. |
Je vous ordonne d’Ă©crire le courrier en Espagnol. |
I order you to write the mail in Spanish. |
Espérons que le gouvernement aide plus. |
I hope the government helps more. |
J’aime que tu aies vu le programme. |
I like that you have seen the program. |
Je ne pense pas que vous ayez fait le dîner. |
I don’t think you made dinner. |
Je doute qu’ils aient rĂ©solu le problème. |
I doubt they have solved the problem. |
Il est possible que le patron ait perdu son intérêt. |
The boss may have lost interest. |
Je ne pense pas qu’ils aient oubliĂ©, le rendez-vous. |
I don’t think they forgot the appointment. |
Est-il bon que le gouvernement ait pris ces mesures? |
Is it good that the government has taken these measures? |
Pensez-vous qu’ils ont visitĂ© le musĂ©e? |
Do you think they have visited the museum? |
Ma maman m’a demandĂ© d’arroser le jardin. |
My mom asked me to water the garden. |
Si vous pouviez voyager maintenant, le feriez-vous? |
If you could travel now, would you do it? |
Ils pourraient ne pas avoir, le temps. |
They may not have the time. |
Je ne pense pas que le gouvernement mentait. |
I don’t think the government was lying. |
Peut-ĂŞtre que cela fonctionnerait si vous le disiez plus fort. |
Maybe it would work if you spoke louder. |
Je vous aiderais Ă traverser la clĂ´ture jaune si je le pouvais. |
I would help you cross the yellow fence if I could. |
Nous ne croyons pas le gouvernement. |
We don’t believe the government. |
Je leurs ai envoyé le message hier. |
I sent them the message yesterday. |
Je ne vous promets pas de vous dire le secret. |
I don’t promise to tell you the secret. |
Ils doivent le laver avec de l’air. |
They have to wash it with air. |
Nous pouvons le réserver demain. |
We can book it tomorrow. |
Je vous ai dĂ©jĂ dit qu’on va le regarder demain. |
I have already told you, we watch it tomorrow.(formal) |
Je prĂ©fère qu’on le prĂ©pare demain. |
I prefer that we prepare it tomorrow. |
Pouvez-vous aussi me le prĂŞter? |
Can you lend it to me also? |
Je te le promets, la main sur le cœur. |
I promise it to you with the hand on the heart. |
Je vais vous le prouver maintenant. |
I am going to prove it to you now. |
Je vous le demande tout de suite. |
I demand it of you right now. |
Je ne vais pas te le dire jusqu’Ă mercredi |
I’m not going to tell it to you until Wednesday. |
Je ne peux pas ouvrir la fenĂŞtre, c’est ça le problème. |
I can’t open the window that is the problem. |
le balcon sera complet au bout d’un an. |
The balcony will be finished within a year. |
le danseur a dansé comme un ange. |
The ballerina danced like an angel. |
Je suis content que aimiez le dîner. |
I’m glad you enjoyed dinner. |
Peut-être que la banque résoudra le problème. |
Maybe the bank would fix the problem. |
Ne pensez-vous pas qu’il le ferait mieux s’il y mettait plus d’efforts? |
Don’t you think he would do it better if he tried harder? |
C’Ă©tait excellent qu’ils aient gagnĂ© le tournoi. |
It was excellent that they won the tournament. |
Peut-ĂŞtre que le gouvernement ne voulait pas qu’on sache la vĂ©ritĂ©. |
Maybe the government didn’t want us to know the truth. |
Rosa aime beaucoup le chocolat. |
Rosa really likes chocolate. |
Demain, nous pouvons acheter un cadeau pour le bébé. |
Tomorrow we can buy a gift for the baby. |
Nous n’aurions pas pu le faire seuls. |
We couldn’t have done it alone. |
Vous auriez sûrement aimé le cadeau. |
Surely you would have liked the gift. |
Aurions-nous pu le faire? |
Could we have done it? |
Elle l’aurait guĂ©ri avec le traitement adĂ©quat. |
She would have healed with the right treatment. |
Quand j’ai le temps, je nettoie l’appartement |
When I have time I clean the apartment |
Quand j’ai le temps, je nettoierai l’appartement |
When I have time I will clean the apartment |
Ana, suggère que tu finisse tout le devoir |
Ana suggests that you all finish the homework |
Ne pensez-vous pas que nous pouvons le trouver? |
Don’t you think that we can find it? |
Je le leur ai lu ce mois-ci. |
I read it to them this month. |
Allons-nous le lui acheter ce lundi? |
Are we going to buy it for her on Monday? |
Aidez-moi Ă le lui mettre. |
Help me put it on her. |
Peut-ĂŞtre que nous allons le lui ramener demain. |
Maybe we will take it to him tomorrow. |
Je vais vous le rappeler alors. |
I will remind you then. |
le four est difficile Ă utiliser, voulez-vous que je le fasse pour vous? |
The stove is difficult to use, do you want me to do it for you? |
Il n’est pas nĂ©cessaire de le lui dire, cela peut rester entre nous. |
It isn’t necessary to tell her, it can stay between us. |
Vous pouvez le manger en entier sans fourchette. |
You can eat it all without a fork. (formal) |
Ils peuvent le préparer le jour de son anniversaire. |
They can prepare it on his birthday. |
C’est mieux que vous lui disiez avant le mariage. |
It’s better that you tell him before the wedding. |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About The (m) in French
Comment on the French word “le” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say the (m) in French
- Explanations on the translation le
- Sentences that use the word “le”
- Questions about the (m) in French, etc.
le info.
Tips to remember the French word ‘le’:
1. Associate ‘le’ with ‘the’ (masculine singular) in English to remember that it’s a definite article.
2. Think of the English word ‘male’ to remind you that ‘le’ is used for masculine nouns.
3. Link ‘le’ with words starting with ‘l’ that are masculine, such as ‘le livre’ (the book) and ‘le lion’ (the lion).
‘Le’ is a definite article in French used for masculine singular nouns. It indicates a specific noun that is known to the speaker and the listener.
Other words that mean the same thing:
– ‘La’ is the feminine singular definite article in French, used with feminine nouns.
– ‘Les’ is the plural definite article for both masculine and feminine nouns.
Alternate meanings like slang:
There isn’t a direct slang meaning for ‘le’, as it is a grammatical article. However, it’s often used in Internet memes to mock a certain type of old Internet culture, by adding ‘le’ before an English noun for comedic effect (e.g., ‘le epic fail’).
Examples of sentences that use ‘le’:
– J’ai lu le livre que tu m’as prĂŞtĂ©. (I read the book that you lent me.)
– Le chat dort sur le canapĂ©. (The cat is sleeping on the sofa.)
– As-tu vu le film hier soir ? (Did you see the movie last night?)
– Le soleil brille. (The sun is shining.)
a few seconds ago
le info.
Tips to remember the French word ‘le’:
– Associate ‘le’ with the English definite article ‘the’ for masculine singular nouns.
– Remember that ‘le’ is also used before vowels and mute ‘h’ in words like ‘l’ami’ (the friend).
– Note that ‘le’ changes to ‘les’ in the plural form, regardless of gender.
– ‘Le’ is a definite article in French used to refer to a specific masculine singular noun.
– It is used to generalize about a noun, indicating the entirety of a given category.
– When the noun begins with a vowel or a mute ‘h’, ‘le’ becomes ‘l’’ (e.g., l’homme – the man).
Other words that mean the same thing:
– ‘La’ is the feminine equivalent of ‘le’ (e.g., la femme – the woman).
– ‘Les’ is the plural form for both masculine and feminine nouns (e.g., les hommes – the men, les femmes – the women).
Alternate meanings/slang:
– ‘Le’ does not have slang meanings as it is a basic article, but in informal speech, sometimes articles are dropped, although this is grammatically incorrect and not particular to ‘le’.
Examples of sentences that use ‘le’:
– Le chien dort sur le canapĂ©. (The dog sleeps on the sofa.)
– J’ai lu le livre que tu m’as recommandĂ©. (I read the book you recommended to me.)
– Le ciel est bleu aujourd’hui. (The sky is blue today.)
– N’oublie pas de fermer la porte quand tu sors. (Don’t forget to close the door when you leave.)
2 minutes ago
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Masculine singular definite article. English “the”
9 months ago