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That, than in Spanish 🇪🇸

in English in Spanish S
that, than que
How to say “that, than” in Spanish? “Que”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “que” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on that, than in Spanish like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

Spanish Sentences with the Word “That, than”

Spanish sentence with “que” English translation for que S

Claro que si me gusta.

Of course I like it.

Creo que es muy bueno.

I believe that it’s very good.

Me gusta cada persona que veo.

I like every person that I see.

Me parece que Ă©l es interesante.

It seems to me that he is interesting.

Yo vi tanto amor que

I saw so much love that…

Porque hice algo que no fue legal.

because I did something that wasn’t legal.

Supe que algo no era normal.

I knew that something wasn’t normal.

Creo que deberĂ­amos ir a la casa.

I think we should go to the house

TendrĂ­an que hablar primero

They would have to talk first

Tienen que ser altos para ser modelos

They have to be tall to be models

Sandra dice que el postre está delicioso

Sandra says the dessert is delicious

Mi madre necesita que la cuides

My mom needs you to take care of her

ÂżNecesitas que Ă©l lo arregle?

Do you need him to fix it?

Necesito que los leas

I need you to read them

Tienes que prometerme.

You have to promise me.

Tienes que amarlo.

You have to love him.

No tienes que pagarlas

You don’t have to pay them

Tal vez lo que necesitas es

Maybe what you need is…

No sé lo que quiero comprar

I don’t know what I want to buy

Entiendo lo que quieres decir

I understand what you want to say

Es necesario que vayas

It’s necessary that you go

Sabemos que tienes que viajar pronto

We know that you have to travel soon

ÂżTienes lo que estabas buscando?

Do you have what you were looking for?

Esto es lo que querĂ­as comer

This is what you wanted to eat

¿Qué es lo que quieres que haga?

What is it that you want me to do?

A veces tienes que pensar

Sometimes you have to think

Tienes que hacer lo que digo

You have to do what I say

Lo que tienes que hacer mañana es

What you have to do tomorrow is…

No es lo que dices

It’s not what you say

Lo que tengo aquĂ­

What I have here

Puedes lograr todo lo que quieras

You can achieve everything you want to

Tienes que cepillarte los dientes?

Do you have to brush your teeth?

Tengo que lavarme la cara con jabĂłn especial.

I have to wash my face with special soap.

Lo que esta ciudad necesita es

What this city needs is…

Espero que hayan dormido

I hope you guys had slept

Su padre ha tenido que trabajar

His father has had to work

No pensé que hayamos hecho mal

I didn’t think we had done poorly

Más interesante que eso

More interesting than that

Martín es más alto que Eduard

Martin is taller than Eduard

El italiano es más fácil que el francés

Italian is easier than french

Daniel ha viajado a más países que Tomás

Daniel has traveled to more countries than Tomas

Argentina es más grande que Paraguay

Argentina is bigger than Paraguay

El té es más saludable que el café

Tea is healthier than coffee

Tu familia te necesita más de lo que piensas

Your family needs you more than what you think

Dormir es más importante que comer

Sleeping is more important than eating?

Las peras son más dulces que las manzanas

Pears are sweeter than apples

Prefiere tener más perros que gatos

She prefers to have more dogs than cats

Quería que ayudaras a mi papá

I wanted you to help my dad

Era bueno que no trabajara

It was good that she did not work

No querĂ­a que estuvieras sĂłlo

She did not want you to be alone

No querĂ­a que te sintieras mal

I did not want you to feel bad

No creo que hubieras comido esa

I don’t think you would have eaten that

QuerĂ­a que celebraras tu graduaciĂłn

I wanted you to celebrate your graduation

Era necesario que usaras la máscara

It was necessary that you wear the mask

QuerĂ­a que mi tĂ­o fuera feliz

I wanted my uncle to be happy

No creo que hubiera sido

I don’t think it would have been…

Mis padres querĂ­an que fuera una doctora

My parents wanted me to be a doctor

Solo querĂ­a que vieras la pelĂ­cula

He just wanted you to watch the movie

QuerĂ­a que cantaramos en el karaoke.

I wanted us to sing at the karaoke.

¿No crees que hubieran tenido más?

Don’t you think they would have had more?

Esperé para que él llegara

I waited for him to arrive

No pienso que hubiéramos querido saber

I don’t think we would have wanted to know

Era muy importante que tomaras el tiempo

It was very important that you took the time

No creo que hayas pagado

I don’t think you had paid

Me alegro que hayas ganado

I am glad you had won

Espero que hayan disfrutado el juego

I hope that you all had enjoyed the game

Roger no cree que hayas roto tu teléfono

Roger does not believe that you had broken your phone

Quiero que sepas la verdad

I want you to know the truth

Espero que vayas a la fiesta

I hope that you go to the party

Es probable que tengamos que irnos

We probably have to go

Me gusta que comas saludable

I like that you eat healthy

Creo que necesitas ir al dentista

I think you need to go to the dentist

No creo que estés preparado

I do not think you are prepared

Es bueno que Mateo estudie español

It’s good that Mateo studies spanish.

No me parece bien que salgan

It doesn’t seem good that you guys go out

¡que tengas un buen día!

Have a good day!

Es importante que practiquen

It’s important that you guys practice

Es imposible que gane

It’s impossible that he wins

Me alegro de que disfrutes la comida

I am glad that you enjoy the food

Espero que te mejores

I hope that you get better

Dudo que duerman tantas horas

I doubt that they sleep so many hours

Es raro que hablemos tan frecuentemente

It’s weird that we talk so frequently

que tengas un buen viaje

Have a good trip

Espero que puedan visitarme

I hope that you guys can visit me

No es bueno que comamos muchos

It’s not good that we eat a lot

No pienso que tu teléfono funcione

I don’t think that your phone works

Espero que presten atenciĂłn

I hope that you pay attention

Necesito que enciendas la radio

I need you to turn the radio on

Es positivo que los niños jueguen

It’s positive that children play

Tengo que secarme

I have to dry off

ÂżTe acuerdas de lo que te dije?

Do you remember what I told you?

Me siento triste de que no puedo venir

I feel sad that I can’t come

Tengo que hacer ejercicio por una hora

I have to exercise for 1 hour

Tengo que comprar un regalo para mi hermana

I have to buy a gift for my sister

Tienes que terminarla para el viernes

You have to finish it by Friday

En su granja tienen una vaca que come hierba.

On their farm they have a cow that eats grass.

Tenemos que aprender a amarnos más

We have to learn to love ourselves more.

Es bueno que sepas la verdad.

It’s good that you know the truth.

ÂżEs importante que vayamos a la fiesta?

Is it important that we go to the party?

Es necesario que ordenes tu habitaciĂłn.

It’s necessary that you clean your room.

No quiero que traigas alcohol.

I don’t want you to bring alcohol.

Es mejor que llamemos a tus padres.

It’s better to call your parents.

Es importante que aprendas las conjugaciones.

It is important that you learn the conjugations.

Espero que te guste esta comida.

I hope you like this food.

Les aconsejo que usen ropa cálida.

I advise you to wear warm clothes.

¿Tú crees que Andrea esté en su casa?

Do you think Andrea is at her home?

ÂżQuieres que te ayude?

Do you want me to help you?

ÂżA ella le gusta que viajemos juntos?

Does she like us to travel together?

Espero que tu hermano se mejore .

I hope thatyour brother gets better.

¡que tengas un buen día!.

Have a good day!.

Por eso queremos que te quedes.

That’s why we want you to stay.

Es urgente que compren arroz.

It is urgent that they buy rice.

Te recomiendo que veas el documental.

I recommend that you watch the documentary.

¿Es probable que Lucía llegue mañana?

Is Lucia likely to arrive tomorrow?

Es importante que conozcas a mis padres.

It is important that you meet my parents.

¿Es probable que cenemos mañana?

Are we likely to have dinner tomorrow?

No quiero que trabajemos el fin de semana.

I don’t want us to work the weekend.

Es muy importante que David apruebe.

It is very important that David approves.

Es imposible que lleguemos a tiempo.

It is impossible that we arrive on time.

Necesito que practiques más.

I need you to practice more.

ÂżTe parece bien que nos reunamos?

Is it okay for us to meet?

Necesito que les enseñes a nadar.

I need you to teach them how to swim.

Es bueno que le agradezcas a tu mamá.

It’s good that you thank your mom.

ÂżQuieres que le pregunte a Patricia?

Do you want me to ask Patricia?

Es importante que les tomes buenas fotos.

It is important that you take good photos of them.

Quiero que les pidas disculpas.

I want you to apologize to them.

ÂżCreen que a Alejandra le va a gustar la camisa?

Do you guys think Alejandra is going to like the shirt?

Necesito que lo visites.

I need you to visit him.

Quiero que la sepas.

I want you to know it.

Es bueno que lo piensen.

It is good that they think about it.

QuerĂ­a que lo conocieras.

I wanted you to meet him.

Tienes que cuidarla siempre.

You have to always take care of it.

Es necesario que la cuides.

It’s necessary that you take care of her

Tienen que aceptarlo.

You guys have to accept it.

Es posible que tengan que arreglarlo hoy .

They may have to fix it today.

ÂżQuieres que nos la comamos?

Do you want us to eat it?

ÂżQuieres que te la cante?

Do you want me to sing it to you?

Todavía tengo que arreglársela.

I still have to fix it for her.

No creo que se lo merezcan.

I don’t think they deserve it.

Es importante que se lo cambies.

It is important to change it for her.

Quiero que le exijas dinero.

I want you to demand money from him.

Es mejor que le desa la mujer.

It’s better that you give it to the woman.

Quiero que le digas lo mismo.

I want you to tell him the same.

Desearía que tuvieras más tiempo.

I wish you had more time.

Necesitaba que cuidaras al bebé.

I needed you to take care of the baby.

Mi mamá quería que le ayudara a limpiar la casa.

My mom wanted me to help her clean the house.

Fue bueno que Emmanuel cuidara a su hermana.

It was good that Emmanuel took care of his sister.

La profesora dijo que estudiáramos más.

The teacher said to study(we) more.

¿Te gustaría que pasáramos más tiempo juntos?

Would you like us to spend more time together?

Fue negativo que trajeras alcohol.

It was negative that you brought alcohol.

¿Te imaginas que hubiéramos viajado a Paris?

Can you imagine we would have traveled to Paris?

No creo que Ă©l lo hubiera soportado.

I don’t think he would have taken it.

Me alegré de que te hubieras graduado.

I was glad that you graduated.

ÂżTĂş crees que Jess hubiera podido aceptar?

Do you think that Jess could have accepted?

No me imaginé que te hubiera gustado.

I did not imagine that you would have liked it.

A Ricky le sorprendiĂł que hubieras comido todo.

Ricky was surprised you ate everything.

Es imposible que MarĂ­a hubiera llegado antes.

It is impossible that MarĂ­a would have arrived before.

Es probable que hubiéramos disfrutado.

It’s probably that would have enjoyed.

ÂżCrees que hubieran tomado una mejor decisiĂłn?

Do you think they would have made a better decision?

Es sorprendente que no te guste el helado.

It’s surprising that you don’t like ice cream.

Te ordeno que escribas el correo en español.

I order you to write the mail in Spanish.

Te recomiendo que te duermas más temprano.

I recommend that you go to sleep earlier.

¿Por qué no quieres que yo juegue?

Why don’t you want me to play?

¿Qué prefieres que comamos?

What do you prefer us to eat?

Es importante que Ă©l pueda participar.

It is important that he can participate.

ÂżQuieres que te ayude a estudiar?

Do you want me to help you study?

Es imposible que ella recuerde tanta informaciĂłn.

It is impossible for her to remember so much information.

No quiero que te cases.

I do not want you to marry.

Necesito que me acompañes a la plaza.

I need you to accompany me to the square.

Es posible que la compañía crezca.

It’s possible that the company grows.

¿Crees que él esté diciendo la verdad?

Do you think he’s telling the truth?

No creo que el carro esté afuera.

I don’t think the car is outside.

No creo que tengas razĂłn.

I don’t think you’re right.

Quiero que escuches esta canciĂłn.

I want you to hear this song.

No es necesario que ustedes compren comida.

It is not necessary for you to buy food.

ÂżEs malo que comamos tanta azĂşcar?

Is it bad that we eat so much sugar?

No creo que hayas comido serpiente.

I do not think you’ve eaten snake.

Es bueno que hayamos hablado.

It’s good that we’ve talked.

Espero que tu mamá se haya mejorado.

I hope your mom got better.

Me gusta que hayas visto el programa.

I like that you have seen the program.

Me alegro de que te hayas graduado.

I’m glad that you’ve graduated.

Es bueno que hayas lavado hoy.

It’s good that you have washed today.

Es extraño que los niños no hayan llegado.

It is weird that the children have not arrived.

ÂżEs posible que hayamos ganado la loterĂ­a?

Is it possible that we have won the lottery?

No creo que hayas hecho la cena.

I don’t think you made dinner.

Es necesario que Ă©l haya traĂ­do los documentos.

It is necessary that he has brought the documents.

¿Tú crees que Andrés haya comprado esa casa?

Do you think Andrés has bought that house?

Es injusto que hayan cambiado las reglas.

It’s unfair that they have changed the rules.

No es normal que hayas dormido tanto.

It is not normal that you have slept so much.

ÂżTe parece bien que yo haya tomado la decisiĂłn?

Is it okay that I made the decision?

Es curioso que ellos hayan aceptado.

It is curious that they have accepted.

Dudo que hayan resuelto el problema.

I doubt they have solved the problem.

No creo que los niños lo hayan hecho.

I don’t think the kids have done it.

Dudo que haya llovido anoche.

I doubt it rained last night.

No creo que hayas dormido mucho ayer.

I don’t think you slept much yesterday.

Es importante que hayas visitado a tu hermano.

It is important that you have visited your brother.

Me gustĂł mucho que hayas participado.

I really liked that you’ve participated.

No creo que se te haya olvidado.

I don’t think you have forgotten.

ÂżEs posible que la caja ya haya llegado?

Is it possible that the box has already arrived?

No es verdad que Patricia haya mentido.

It is not true that Patricia lied.

Lamento que tu gato haya muerto.

I’m sorry your cat died.

Dudo que Ricardo haya escuchado las noticias.

I doubt Ricardo has heard the news.

Es excelente que hayas aprendido otro idioma.

It is excellent that you have learned another language.

Es posible que el jefe haya perdido el interés.

The boss may have lost interest.

ÂżCrees que ellos hayan celebrado su aniversario?

Do you think they have celebrated their anniversary?

No creo que ellos hayan olvidado la cita.

I don’t think they forgot the appointment.

Es muy bueno que hayas aprobado.

It is very good that you approved.

Es positivo que hayas estudiado.

It is positive that you have studied.

ÂżEs posible que no hayamos estado preparados.

It’s possible thatwe have not been prepared.

Dudo que hayas comprado comida saludable.

I doubt you bought healthy food.

ÂżEs bueno que el gobierno haya tomado esas medidas?

Is it good that the government has taken these measures?

Es bueno que hayas tomado vacaciones.

It’s good that you took a vacation.

ÂżCrees que ellos hayan visitado el museo?

Do you think they have visited the museum?

¿Mi mamá me pidió que regara el jardín.

My mom asked me to water the garden.

Él me dijo que cuidara a los niños.

He told me to watch the kids.

No creo que mi jefe pensara eso.

I don’t think my boss thought that.

ÂżEra importante que yo practicara?

Was it important that I practice?

Sería genial que trabajáramos juntos.

It would be great if we worked together.

Mi familia está muy feliz de que nos visitaras.

My family is very happy that you visited us.

Me gustaría que fuéramos al cine.

I would like us to go to the movies.

Nos alegrarĂ­a que vinieras a visitarnos.

We would be glad if you came to visit us.

Te sugerĂ­ que no trabajaras esta semana.

I suggested you not work this week.

No sabĂ­a que tuvieras una hermana.

I didn’t know you had a sister.

Es posible que ellos no tuvieran tiempo.

It’s possible that they may not have the time.

No creo que hicieras la comida tan rápido.

I don’t think you made food that fast.

Fue bueno que quisieras aprender otro idioma.

It was good that you wanted to learn another language.

Nos gustarĂ­a que comieras con nosotros.

We would like you to eat with us.

Él quería que yo aprendiera a cantar.

He wanted me to learn to sing.

SerĂ­a bueno que te quedaras hoy.

It would be nice if you stayed today.

No creo que el gobierno estuviera mintiendo.

I don’t think the government was lying.

Estuvo mal que tuvieras ese comportamiento.

It was wrong that you had that behavior.

No fue bueno que te durmieras tan tarde.

It was not good that you fell asleep so late.

No pensé que fuera tan fácil.

I didn’t think it was that easy.

Quiero que te comprometas a practicar.

I want you to commit to practicing.

Es posible que les tengas que pagar.

You may have to pay them.

Tienen que lavarlo con aire.

They have to wash it with air.

Tenemos que llevarlas para abrir la casa.

We have to take them to open the house.

Desde hace mucho tiempo que no escucho esa palabra.

It’s been a long time since I have heard that word.

Es probable que yo las tenga que ayudar.

I will probably have to help them.

Prefiero que lo preparemos mañana.

I prefer that we prepare it tomorrow.

En la tierra hay mas plantas que insectos.

In the earth there are more plants than insects.

Es peor pegar la cabeza que el hombro.

It’s worse to hit the head than the shoulder.

ÂżTĂş querĂ­as que Ă©l trabajara contigo?

Did you want him to work with you?

Sería bueno que nos reuniéramos mañana.

It would be nice if we meet tomorrow.

No creĂ­a que Ă©l fuera a pensar eso.

I didn’t think he would think that.

No creo que ellos volvieran anoche.

I don’t think they came back last night.

Me gustarĂ­a que Jean se mudara pronto.

I wish Jean would move in soon.

Fue bueno que llamaras a tus padres.

It was good that you called your parents.

Me alegra que disfrutaras la cena.

I’m glad thatyou enjoyed dinner.

¿No crees que él lo haría mejor si se esforzara más?

Don’t you think he would do it better if he tried harder?

Yo querĂ­a que tĂş me ayudaras en la fiesta.

I wanted you to help me at the party.

No sabĂ­amos que pudieras tocar el piano.

We didn’t know that you could play the piano.

No era necesario que compraras más comida.

You didn’t need to buy more food.

Fue excelente que ganaran el torneo.

It was excellent that they won the tournament.

que frustrante que no pudieras competir.

How frustrating that you couldn’t compete.

Quizá el gobierno no quería que supiéramos la verdad.

Maybe the government didn’t want us to know the truth.

¿Necesitas que yo le pague a Sebastián?

Do you need me to pay Sebastian?

Necesito que le lleves agua a Mauricio.

I need you to bring water to Mauricio.

ÂżCrees que no hubiera sido necesario?

Do you think it would not have been necessary?

No fue bueno que hubieras bebido tanto alcohol.

It was not good that you had so much alcohol.

Creo que lo hubieras hecho mejor.

I think you would have done it better.

Fue asombroso que hubieran participado en el show.

It was amazing that they participated in the show.

Sé que hubieras querido pasar más tiempo conmigo.

I know you would have wanted to spend more time with me.

¿Habrías preferido que hubiéramos ido?

Would you have preferred that we would had gone?

Creo que sí hubiéramos tenido la capacidad.

I do think we would have had the ability.

No creo que Ă©l hubiera dicho eso.

I don’t think he would have said that.

Es imposible que ellos hubieran actuado de esa manera.

It is impossible that they would have acted that way.

Era importante que hubieras sabido la verdad.

It was important that you had known the truth.

Me sorprendiĂł que no hubieras comido.

It surprised me that you had not eaten.

No creo que hubiera sido tan grave.

I don’t think it would have been that bad.

Recomiendo que veas estas pelĂ­culas

I recommend that you watch these movies

Prefiero que nos casemos en Inglaterra

I prefer we get married in England

Me sorprende que hagas esas preguntas

I am surprised that you ask those questions

Exigo que pagues

I demand that you pay

Deseo que encuentren otra casa

I wish that they find another house

Es necesario que la gente no salga

It’s necessary that people don’t leave

Ana sugiere que terminen la tarea

Ana suggests that you all finish the homework

ÂżNecesitas que te ayude?

Do you need me to help you?

ÂżNo crees que podamos encontrarlo?

Don’t you think that we can find it?

Lamento que no te sientas bien

I am sorry that you don’t feel well

Es maravilloso que aprendan un idioma

It’s wonderful that you guys learn a language

Es normal que ames a tu hermana

It’s normal that you love your sister

ÂżQuieres que te corten el cabello.

Do you want them to cut your hair?

ÂżLa estufa es difĂ­cil, quieres que te lo haga?

The stove is dificult, do you want me to do it for you?

No es necesario que se lo digas, puede serentre nosotros.

It isn’t necessary to tell her, it can be between us.

Es mejor que se lo digas antes de la boda.

It’s better that you tell him before the wedding.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About That, than in Spanish

Comment on the Spanish word “que” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say that, than in Spanish
  • Explanations on the translation que
  • Sentences that use the word “que”
  • Questions about that, than in Spanish, etc.


I thought que meant what

2 years ago

“Qué” means what. “Que” means that. The accent changes everything

a year ago

I think it is a homonym like “whack” as in I wacked the dummy with a stick, and whack as in the wise guy got whacked.

2 years ago


It can be used that way too.

2 years ago


Normal speech: KEH
IPA: ke

a year ago


Normal speech: KEH
IPA: ke

a year ago


Que is a turtle

a year ago

Puedes hacerlo mejor QUE eso.

a year ago


ÂżQue quieres comer?
What do you want to eat?

2 years ago

Your example is actually “quĂ©” meaning “what”.

Eg. Qué quieres comer hoy?

This que, without the accent is uaually used after a comparison or initial subject.

Eg. Los cocodrilos son mas grandes que las hormigas.
Me alegro de que hayas mejorado en español

2 years ago

Top 10 most frequently used words in Spanish

The top 10 most frequently used words in Spanish are:

que (that)
de (of, from)
no (no)
a (to)
la (the)
el (the)
es (is)
y (and)
en (in, on)
lo (it, him, you)
These words are extremely common and appear frequently in spoken and written Spanish.

10 months ago


Que es eso? Eso es queso

a year ago

qué info.

Tips to remember the word “quĂ©”:
– Associate “quĂ©” with the familiar English word “what” since they both have a questioning tone and are used to inquire about information.
– Remember that the acute accent over the “e” distinguishes “quĂ©” (what) from “que” (that), which is a very common word in Spanish.

– “QuĂ©” is an interrogative word used in questions to ask for information about something or someone, similar to how “what” is used in English.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– “Cuál” can sometimes be used in the same context as “quĂ©” when asking for a choice from among known options, e.g., “ÂżCuál prefieres?” (Which one do you prefer?).

Alternate meanings/slang:
– “QuĂ©” can also express surprise or disbelief, akin to saying “What!” in English, as in “¡QuĂ© caro!” (How expensive!).

Examples of sentences that use “quĂ©”:
– ÂżQuĂ© haces? (What are you doing?)
– ÂżQuĂ© hora es? (What time is it?)
– ÂżQuĂ© significa esta palabra? (What does this word mean?)
– ÂżA quĂ© te dedicas? (What do you do [for a living]?)
– ¡QuĂ© interesante! (How interesting!)
– ÂżDe quĂ© hablas? (What are you talking about?)

3 months ago

que info.

Tips to remember “que”:
– Think of “que” as a building block in language, much like “what” or “that” in English. It’s very common and versatile.
– Associate “que” with questions, as it often starts question phrases (quĂ© – with an accent – means “what?” in interrogative sentences).
– Connect “que” to “that” because they often serve a similar purpose as conjunctions or relative pronouns.

– “Que” is a conjunction or a relative pronoun in Spanish that generally means “that,” “which,” or “who.”
– It’s used to introduce subordinate clauses.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– “El cual/la cual/los cuales/las cuales” can also mean “which” or “who” in more formal contexts.

Alternate meanings/slang:
– In some dialects, “que” can be a filler word or an expression of disbelief similar to saying “what?” in English.
– It can also intensify an adjective, akin to “how” in English (e.g., “¡QuĂ© interesante!” / “How interesting!”).

Examples of sentences:
– Creo que tienes razĂłn. (I think that you’re right.)
– El libro que leĂ­ es fantástico. (The book that I read is fantastic.)
– ÂżQuĂ© dices? (What are you saying?)
– ¡QuĂ© bonito está el dĂ­a! (How beautiful the day is!)
– Tengo que trabajar mañana. (I have to work tomorrow.) – In this case, “que” is part of the expression “tener que,” which means “to have to.”

3 months ago


Qué hora es? What time is it?

a year ago


Mas de is used for quantities. Mas que is used for comparisons.

a year ago

Que buena

I can still write

a few seconds ago

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