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sum, total | итог |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Sum, total in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “итог” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say sum, total in Russian
- Explanations on the translation итог
- Sentences that use the word “итог”
- Questions about sum, total in Russian, etc.
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итог info.
Tips to remember the Russian word:
– Connect "итог" (itog) with "total" since they sound somewhat similar.
– Visualize a math problem summing up numbers to get the final result or "итог".
– Think of "it" as "it all comes down to" and "og" as a visual of “0” and “G” leading to a final point, or sum.
– The word "итог" (itog) means the final result, sum, or outcome of something.
– In contexts like discussions and writings, "итог" represents the final conclusion or summary.
Other words that mean the same thing:
– результат (rezultat) – result
– сумма (summa) – sum
– окончание (okonchanie) – ending, completion
– вывод (vyvod) – conclusion
Alternate meanings like slang:
– While "итог" is primarily used in its literal sense, it can occasionally be used in informal settings to denote the upshot or punchline of a discussion.
Examples of sentences that use it:
– Итог работы показал успешные результаты. (Itog raboty pokazal uspeshnye rezul'taty.) – The final result of the work showed successful outcomes.
– В итоге мы решили не ехать. (V itoge my reshil ne ekhat'.) – As a result, we decided not to go.
– Подведем итоги встречи. (Podvedem itogi vstrechi.) – Let's summarize the meeting.
– Итог матчa был непредсказуемым. (Itog matcha byl nepredskazuemym.) – The outcome of the match was unpredictable.
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