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So in German 🇩🇪

in English in German S
so so
How to say “so” in German? “So”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “so” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on so in German like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

German Sentences with the Word “So”

German sentence with “so” English translation for so S

Ich bin so durstig.

I am very thirsty.

Ich habe so viel Liebe gesehen, dass

I saw so much love that…

Ich soll nicht so besorgt sein

I don’t need to be that worried

Du weißt ihm nicht so gut

You don’t know him well

Die Situation wäre nicht so schwierig gewesen

The situation would have not been that difficult

Ich bezweifle, dass sie so viele Stunden schlafen

I doubt that they sleep for so many hours

Es ist seltsam, dass wir uns so oft unterhalten

It’s weird that we talk so frequently

Es ist nicht gut dass wir so viel essen

It’s not good that we eat a lot

Diese Leute waren so angenehm

Those people were so nice

Sie war gestern so glücklich

She was so happy yesterday

Du bist immer, so schön

You are always so pretty

Es ist unmöglich, dass sie sich so sehr Informationen memoriert.

It is impossible for her to remember so much information.

Ist es schlecht, dass wir so viel Zucker essen?

Is it bad that we eat so much sugar?

Es ist nicht normal, dass Sie so viel geschlafen haben.

It is not normal that you have slept so much.

Hoffentlich lebte mein Freund nicht so weit.

I wish my friend didn’t live so far.

Ich glaube nicht, dass du das Essen so schnell gemacht hast.

I don’t think you made food that fast.

Es war nicht gut, dass du so spät geschlafen hast.

It was not good that you fell asleep so late.

Ich dachte nicht, dass es so einfach war.

I didn’t think it was that easy.

Es war nicht gut, dass Sie so viel Alkohol getrunken haben.

It was not good that you had so much alcohol.

Es ist unmöglich, dass sie so gehandelt hätten.

It is impossible that they would have acted that way.

Ich glaube nicht, dass es so schlim gewesen wäre.

I don’t think it would have been that bad.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About So in German

Comment on the German word “so” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say so in German
  • Explanations on the translation so
  • Sentences that use the word “so”
  • Questions about so in German, etc.


It is so nice that so is the same spelling in English and German.

9 months ago

so info.

The German word for ‘so’ is “so” as well. It’s spelled and pronounced the same way but is used in slightly different contexts based on German grammar and usage.

**Tips to remember:**
– Associate the English “so” with the German “so” due to their identical spelling.
– Think of the common usage in German, such as “so groß” (“so big”) or “so schnell” (“so fast”), to reinforce its similarity to English usage.

– In German, “so” can be used to compare, meaning “as” or “such.”
– It can express a condition or manner, similar to the English “so.”
– “So” can be part of conjunctions like “sodass” (so that) to indicate a consequence.

**Other words that mean the same thing:**
Depending on the context, some synonyms or related expressions could include:
– “daher” or “deswegen” (therefore),
– “somit” (thus),
– “also” (so, or a casual ‘well’ at the beginning of a sentence),
– “folglich” (consequently).

**Alternate meanings like slang:**
– “So?” can be a casual and sometimes impolite way of saying, “What about it?” or “So what?” in German, much like in English.
– “So so” is also used to express a nonchalant or indifferent attitude towards a situation.

**Examples of sentences that use it:**
– “So denke ich darüber.” (That’s what I think about it.)
– “Mach es so, wie ich es dir gesagt habe.” (Do it the way I told you.)
– “So, und jetzt?” (So, what now?)
– “Du siehst heute so müde aus.” (You look so tired today.)
– “So so, das hast du also gemacht!” (I see, so that’s what you’ve done!)

Remember to look at the context when encountering “so” to determine its exact meaning and function within a German sentence.

a few seconds ago

Practice German with this Online Game:

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