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Secret in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
secret secret
How to say “secret” in French? “Secret”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “secret” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on secret in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “Secret”

French sentence with “secret” English translation for secret S

Je ne vous promets pas de vous dire le secret.

I don’t promise to tell you the secret.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About Secret in French

Comment on the French word “secret” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say secret in French
  • Explanations on the translation secret
  • Sentences that use the word “secret”
  • Questions about secret in French, etc.


Spelled exactly the same.

8 months ago

secret info.

Tips to remember the French word for ‘secret’:

1. Mnemonic devices can help you remember the word ‘secret’ in French. For instance, you can visualize a “secret agent” whispering the word in a secretive manner.
2. Practice saying the word ‘secret’ in French out loud to familiarize yourself with its pronunciation.
3. Create flashcards with the word ‘secret’ written in French on one side and its English translation on the other. Quiz yourself regularly to reinforce your memory.

The French word for ‘secret’ is “secret” (pronounced as seh-kreh). It is a masculine noun that falls into the category of cognates, meaning its spelling and meaning resemble its English counterpart.

Other words that mean the same thing:
1. Confidentiel
2. Caché
3. Dissimulé
4. Mystère

Alternate meanings like slang:
‘Chatouiller les oreilles’ (tickling the ears) is a French slang phrase that means “to whisper a secret.” It refers to secretly sharing information with someone in a hushed or secretive manner.

Examples of sentences:
1. Je ne peux pas te dire mon secret. (I cannot tell you my secret.)
2. C’est un secret entre nous. (It’s a secret between us.)
3. Elle a révélé le secret de son amie. (She revealed her friend’s secret.)
4. Le groupe prépare un projet secret. (The group is working on a secret project.)

Please note that while “secret” is the common translation for the French word, contexts and specific usage may bring variations or nuances to its meaning. Additionally, slang and idiomatic expressions are highly context-dependent, so it is important to understand the situational appropriateness before using them.

a few seconds ago

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