in English | in Russian | S |
school, scholastic | школа |
Russian Sentences with the Word “School, scholastic”
Russian sentence with “школа” | English translation for школа | S |
Она ходит в эту школу. |
She goes to this school. |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About School, scholastic in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “школа” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say school, scholastic in Russian
- Explanations on the translation школа
- Sentences that use the word “школа”
- Questions about school, scholastic in Russian, etc.
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школа info.
– Tips to remember the Russian word:
– The first part "шко" sounds somewhat similar to "sko" in "school", helping you recall its meaning.
– The suffix "-ла" is equivalent to "-la" in many European languages, which often appear in words related to institutions or places.
– Explanations:
– "Школа" (shkola) is the standard term used in Russian to refer to a school, which could be an elementary school, middle school, or high school.
– Other words that mean the same thing:
– "Учебное заведение" (uchebnoe zavedeniye) – educational institution.
– "Лицей" (litsey) – lyceum, often referring to a high school or specialized school.
– "Гимназия" (gimya) – gymnasium, another type of advanced secondary school.
– Alternate meanings like slang:
– In a slang context, "школа" can sometimes be used to refer to a particular way of thought or a "school" of fish.
– Examples of sentences that use it:
– "Я иду в школу." (Ya idu v shkolu.) – I am going to school.
– "Моя школа находится недалеко от дома." (Moya shkola nakhoditsya nedaleko ot doma.) – My school is located not far from home.
– "В этой школе учат на трёх языках." (V etoy shkole uchat na tryokh yazykakh.) – In this school, they teach in three languages.
– "У каждого свои мнения, это просто другая школа." (U kazhdogo svoi mneniya, eto prosto drugaya shkola.) – Everyone has their opinions, it's just a different school of thought.
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