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research | исследовательская работа |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Research in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “исследовательская работа” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say research in Russian
- Explanations on the translation исследовательская работа
- Sentences that use the word “исследовательская работа”
- Questions about research in Russian, etc.
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исследовательская работа info.
Tips to remember the Russian word:
– Break it down: "исследовательская" (issledovatelskaya) comes from "исследовать" (issledovat) meaning "to research" and "-ская" (-skaya) is an adjective ending. "Работа" (rabota) means "work" or "job."
– Mnemonic: "I searched a lot" which sounds like "исследование" (issledovanie) and "работA" sounds like "a job".
– The term "исследовательская работа" (issledovatelskaya rabota) combines "research" (исследование, issledovanie) and "work" (работа, rabota), to mean "research work" or "research project."
Other words that mean the same thing:
– Исследование (issledovanie) – Research
– Научная работа (nauchnaya rabota) – Scientific work
Alternate meanings like slang:
– In informal settings, "исследовательская работа" (issledovatelskaya rabota) doesn't usually have slang meanings. However, "работа" (rabota) can simply refer to a "job" or "task."
Examples of sentences that use it:
– Она занимается исследовательской работой в области биологии. (Ona zanimayetsya issledovatelskoy rabotoy v oblasti biologii.)
– She is engaged in research work in the field of biology.
– Исследовательская работа занимает много времени и усилий. (Issledovatelskaya rabota zanimaet mnogo vremeni i usiliy.)
– Research work takes a lot of time and effort.
– Для успешной исследовательской работы необходимы хорошие источники информации. (Dlya uspeshnoy issledovatelskoy raboty neobkhodimy khoroshie istochniki informatsii.)
– For successful research work, good sources of information are necessary.
– Студенты представляют свои исследовательские работы на конференции. (Studenty predstavlyayut svoi issledovatelskie raboty na konferentsii.)
– The students present their research projects at the conference.
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