in English | in Russian | S |
remote, distant, far | удаленный |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Remote, distant, far in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “удаленный” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say remote, distant, far in Russian
- Explanations on the translation удаленный
- Sentences that use the word “удаленный”
- Questions about remote, distant, far in Russian, etc.
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удаленный info.
Tips to Remember the Russian Word:
– Think of the English word "remote" in terms of something that is "removed" or "far away" from you. In Russian, "удаленный" captures this idea.
– Associate "удаленный" with the word "удалять" (udalyat') which means "to remove" or "to delete." When something is removed, it becomes distant.
– "Удаленный" (udalenny) describes something that is located at a distance from a particular point. It can refer to physical distance, or metaphorically to something that is socially or emotionally distant.
Other Words that Mean the Same Thing:
– Далёкий (dalekiy) – far, distant
– Отдалённый (otdalenny) – remote, distant
Alternate Meanings:
– As a technical term, "удалённый" is often used in IT to describe remote access (удалённый доступ) or remote work (удалённая работа).
– In slang, "удалёнка" (udalenka) is derived from "удалённый" and refers to remote work.
Examples of Sentences:
1. Мы находимся в удалённом месте, где нет интернета.
– My nakhodimsya v udalennom meste, gde net interneta.
– We are in a remote place where there is no internet.
2. Во время пандемии многие сотрудники перешли на удалённую работу.
– Vo vremya pandemii mnogie sotrudniki pereshli na udalennuyu rabotu.
– During the pandemic, many employees switched to remote work.
3. Этот удалённый остров почти недоступен для туристов.
– Etot udalenny ostrov pochti nedostupen dlya turistov.
– This remote island is almost inaccessible to tourists.
4. Я использую удалённый доступ, чтобы работать из дома.
– Ya ispol'zuyu udalennyy dostup, chtoby rabotat' iz doma.
– I use remote access to work from home.
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