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Night in Spanish 🇪🇸

in English in Spanish S
night noche
How to say “night” in Spanish? “Noche”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “noche” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on night in Spanish like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

Spanish Sentences with the Word “Night”

Spanish sentence with “noche” English translation for noche S

Buenas noches.

Good night.

Nos vemos esta noche.

We will see each other tonight?

¿Hubieras preferido trabajar en las noches?

Would you have preferred to work nights?

¿Es en serio, él solo se ducha por las noches?

Is it serious?(seriously) He only showers at night.

¿Dónde quieren quedarse esta noche?

Where do you guys want to stay tonight?

Ella no puede ponérselo esta noche.

She can’t put it on tonight.

Es tu turno de cocinarla esta noche.

It’s your turn to cook it tonight.

Se los voy a dar esta noche.

I’m going to give them to him tonight.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About Night in Spanish

Comment on the Spanish word “noche” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say night in Spanish
  • Explanations on the translation noche
  • Sentences that use the word “noche”
  • Questions about night in Spanish, etc.


Normal speech: NOH-cheh
IPA: ˈnotʃe

8 months ago


Derived from Latin “nocte” (night)

6 months ago

noche info.

Tips to remember the word “noche”:
– “Noche” sounds similar to “notch,” and you can think of night as a “notch” on the timeline of a day, marking the dark period.
– Visualize “noche” and “night” under a moon, which comes out at night, to create a memory link between the words.

– “Noche” is a noun in Spanish that refers to the period of the day from sunset to sunrise when it is dark outside.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– “Vespertino” (relates to the evening, but not the whole night).
– “Nocturno” (adjective meaning “of the night” or “nightly”).

Alternate meanings/slang:
– “Noche” can also mean an evening event, like “una noche de fiesta” (a party night).
– In some contexts, “noche” can refer to the night as a period of sleep, as in “tengo sueño, necesito una buena noche” (I’m sleepy, I need a good night’s rest).

Examples of sentences using “noche”:
– “Me gusta pasear por la playa durante la noche.” (I enjoy walking on the beach during the night.)
– “Esta noche vamos a cenar fuera.” (Tonight we are going out to dinner.)
– “La fiesta comenzará a las ocho de la noche.” (The party will start at eight in the evening.)
– “Anoche no pude dormir bien.” (Last night I couldn’t sleep well.)
– “El cielo se ve hermoso en la noche estrellada.” (The sky looks beautiful on a starry night.)

a few seconds ago

noche info.

Tips to remember:
– The Spanish word “noche” sounds like “notch,” and you can think of each evening as a “notch” on the timeline of your life.
– Associate “noche” with the common Spanish phrase “buenas noches,” which means “good night.”
– Visualize an “o” as a moon in the night sky to remember the “o” in “noche.”

– “Noche” is a feminine noun in Spanish.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– “Vespertino” – an adjective related to or occurring in the evening.
– “Anochecer” – the act of it becoming night, or dusk, but not used interchangeably as a noun for night.
– “Nocturnidad” – pertains more to the quality or condition of being nocturnal or related to nighttime activities.

Alternate meanings/slang:
– “Noche” doesn’t typically carry slang meanings in Spanish, but it can be used figuratively to refer to a period of darkness or difficulty in one’s life.

Examples of sentences:
– “La noche estrellada es hermosa.” (The starry night is beautiful.)
– “Nos vemos esta noche para cenar.” (We’ll see each other tonight for dinner.)
– “Prefiero conducir de noche, hay menos tráfico.” (I prefer driving at night, there’s less traffic.)
– “Durante la noche, la ciudad se transforma completamente.” (During the night, the city transforms completely.)
– “Las tiendas están cerradas por la noche.” (The shops are closed at night.)

15 hours ago

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