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Nation in Russian 🇷🇺

in English in Russian S
nation нация
How to say “nation” in Russian? “Нация”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “нация” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on nation in Russian like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About Nation in Russian

Comment on the Russian word “нация” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say nation in Russian
  • Explanations on the translation нация
  • Sentences that use the word “нация”
  • Questions about nation in Russian, etc.

нация info.

Tips to remember the Russian word:
– Think of "nation" and how it sounds somewhat similar to "нация" (natsiya).
– The root "nat-" links it to nationalism, which relates to nations.

– "Нация" (natsiya) refers to a large body of people associated with a particular territory, entity, or political community.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– Народ (narod) – can mean "people" or "nation", though more often used to mean "people".

Alternate meanings like slang:
– There are no significant slang variations of "нация" (natsiya), as it is usually used in formal contexts.

Examples of sentences that use it:
1. Наша нация гордится своей культурой. (Nasha natsiya gorditsya svoyey kul'turoy.) – Our nation is proud of its culture.
2. Война объединила нацию. (Voyna obyedinila natsiyu.) – The war united the nation.
3. Нация должна стремиться к миру. (Natsiya dolzhna stremit'sya k miru.) – The nation should strive for peace.
4. Мы все являемся частью этой нации. (My vse yavlyaemsya chastyu etoy natsii.) – We are all part of this nation.

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