in English | in Russian | S |
must | должен |
Russian Sentences with the Word “Must”
Russian sentence with “должен” | English translation for должен | S |
Я должен быть вовремя. |
I(male) must be on time. |
Я должен пойти спать рано. |
I should go to sleep early. |
Позже я должен найти хорошую работу. |
Later I must find a good job. |
Ты должен продать свое ожерелье. |
You should sell your necklace. |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Must in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “должен” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say must in Russian
- Explanations on the translation должен
- Sentences that use the word “должен”
- Questions about must in Russian, etc.
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должен info.
Tips to Remember the Russian Word:
– Think of "doyen" which is a respected or prominent person; they often must do important things.
– Imagine "do lush en(d)" to remember you must do things to reach lush ends.
– "Должен" (dolzhen) means "must" or "have to" and is used to express obligation or necessity.
– It changes form based on gender and number:
– Мальчик должен (mal'chik dolzhen) — A boy must
– Девочка должна (devochka dolzhna) — A girl must
– Мы должны (my dolzhny) — We must
Other Words that Mean the Same Thing:
– Обязан (obyazan) — obliged
– Нужен (nuzhen) — needed
Alternate Meanings Like Slang:
– In a casual context, it can imply owing money:
– Я должен ему 100 рублей. (Ya dolzhen emu 100 rubley) — I owe him 100 rubles.
Examples of Sentences:
1. Он должен учиться. (On dolzhen uchit'sya) — He must study.
2. Она должна пойти в магазин. (Ona dolzhna poyti v magazin) — She must go to the store.
3. Мы должны быть там в 8 утра. (My dolzhny byt' tam v 8 utra) — We must be there at 8 AM.
4. Ты должен сделать это сегодня. (Ty dolzhen sdelat' eto segodnya) — You must do it today.
5. Я не должен забывать об этом. (Ya ne dolzhen zabyvat' ob etom) — I must not forget about this.
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