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monday | понедельник |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Monday in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “понедельник” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say monday in Russian
- Explanations on the translation понедельник
- Sentences that use the word “понедельник”
- Questions about monday in Russian, etc.
понедельник info.
Tips to Remember the Russian Word:
– The word "понедельник" can be broken down into "по-" (after) and "недельник" (a week). So, "понедельник" means the first day after the week, referring to the start of the new week.
– понедельник (ponedel'nik) – Monday, the first day of the workweek in Russia.
Other Words That Mean the Same Thing:
– The term is quite specific, but you might colloquially hear:
– первый день недели (perviy den' nedeli) – first day of the week
– начало недели (nachalo nedeli) – beginning of the week
Alternate Meanings Like Slang:
– While not commonly used in slang, "понедельник" may colloquially imply the start of something dreaded, sort of like "Monday blues" in English.
Examples of Sentences:
1. Завтра понедельник, надо рано вставать.
– (Zavtra ponedel'nik, nado rano vstavat'.)
– Tomorrow is Monday; I have to get up early.
2. В понедельник у нас будет важное совещание.
– (V ponedel'nik u nas budet vazhnoe soveschanie.)
– We have an important meeting on Monday.
3. Я ненавижу понедельники.
– (Ya nenavizhu ponedel'niki.)
– I hate Mondays.
4. В понедельник начинается новая неделя.
– (V ponedel'nik nachinaetsya novaya nedelya.)
– A new week starts on Monday.
20 minutes ago
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понедельник info.
Tips to remember the Russian word:
– "Понедельник" (ponedel'nik) can be broken down into "по-" (po-, meaning "after") and "неделя" (nedelya, meaning "week"). So it can be thought of as the day "after the week," since it follows the weekend.
– Imagine Monday as a "pondering day" since the start sounds like "пон" (pon), helping to remind you it's the day to start planning the week.
– "Понедельник" is the Russian word for Monday, the first day of the workweek in many cultures.
– In Russian culture, Monday often carries the same connotations of being the start of the workweek, much like in many other cultures.
Other words that mean the same thing:
– Russian synonyms: There are no direct synonyms, but in context, you might hear about the "start of the week" (начало недели, nachalo nedeli), which implies Monday.
Alternate meanings like slang:
– There are no widely recognized slang or alternate meanings for "понедельник".
Examples of sentences that use it:
1. Завтра понедельник, и мне нужно готовиться к рабочей неделе.
(Zavtra ponedel'nik, i mne nuzhno gotovit'sya k rabochey nedele.)
Translation: Tomorrow is Monday, and I need to prepare for the workweek.
2. Я всегда чувствую усталость в понедельник.
(Ya vsegda chuvstvuyu ustalost' v ponedel'nik.)
Translation: I always feel tired on Monday.
3. Каждый понедельник мы проводим собрание.
(Kazhdyy ponedel'nik my provodim sobranie.)
Translation: Every Monday we hold a meeting.
4. В понедельник будет важная конференция.
(V ponedel'nik budet vazhnaya konferentsiya.)
Translation: There will be an important conference on Monday.
Romanized characters:
понедельник – ponedel'nik
a few seconds ago