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middle | середина |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Middle in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “середина” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say middle in Russian
- Explanations on the translation середина
- Sentences that use the word “середина”
- Questions about middle in Russian, etc.
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середина info.
Tips to Remember the Russian Word 'середина' (seredina):
1. Association: Think of the word “center” or “central” which can help you remember that 'середина' refers to the middle or center of something.
2. Cognates: The root “серед” can be associated with "mid" or "middle", similar to the English prefix "ser-" found in "serene" implying a calm center.
3. Imagery: Visualize an object being cut in half to see its middle section. Associating this split with 'середина' may be helpful.
– 'Середина' refers to the middle part or the center of something.
– It can imply being equidistant from the ends or extremes of something.
Other Words That Mean the Same Thing:
– Центр (tsentr) – Center
– Средина (sredina) – Middle, in some regional usages or older texts
Alternate Meanings Like Slang:
'Середина' in slang can refer to the middle of a time period, such as the midpoint of an event, but it generally doesn't have alternate slang meanings.
Examples of Sentences:
1. Мы встретились в середине пути. *(My vstretilis' v seredine puti.)* – We met in the middle of the way.
2. Он всегда сидит в середине класса. *(On vsegda sidit v seredine klassa.)* – He always sits in the middle of the class.
3. Дом находится в середине улицы. *(Dom nakhoditsya v seredine ulitsy.)* – The house is in the middle of the street.
4. Рыба была прожарена только в середине. *(Ryba byla prozharena tol'ko v seredine.)* – The fish was cooked only in the middle.
5. В середине лета здесь особенно красиво. *(V seredine leta zdes' osobenno krasivo.)* – It's especially beautiful here in the middle of summer.
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