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Luck in Spanish 🇪🇸

in English in Spanish S
luck suerte
How to say “luck” in Spanish? “Suerte”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “suerte” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on luck in Spanish like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

Spanish Sentences with the Word “Luck”

Spanish sentence with “suerte” English translation for suerte S

Buena suerte.

Good luck.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About Luck in Spanish

Comment on the Spanish word “suerte” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say luck in Spanish
  • Explanations on the translation suerte
  • Sentences that use the word “suerte”
  • Questions about luck in Spanish, etc.


Normal speech: SWER-teh
IPA: ‘swer.te

8 months ago


Derived from Latin “sors” (luck)

6 months ago

do not confuse with

“Suerte” should not be confused with “surte,” which is a conjugated form of the verb “surtir” and means “to supply” or “to stock.”

7 months ago

cultural referece

The concept of “suerte” is important in Spanish-speaking cultures, where luck is often seen as a factor in success and happiness.

7 months ago


“Echar la suerte” is an idiom that means “to cast lots” or “to leave something to chance,” while “tener suerte” means “to be lucky” and “mala suerte” means “bad luck.”

7 months ago


“Suerte” is commonly used to refer to good or bad luck, and can be used in a variety of contexts, from wishing someone good luck to expressing surprise at a lucky or unlucky event.

7 months ago


“Suerte” comes from the Latin word “sors,” which means “lot” or “fate,” and has evolved to mean “luck” in Spanish.

7 months ago

suerte info.

Tips to remember the word ‘suerte’ (meaning ‘luck’ in Spanish):

1. Visualize a lucky charm that is commonly associated with good fortune – such as a four-leaf clover or a horseshoe – and then imagine the word ‘suerte’ written on it.
2. Associate the word with a common Spanish expression, “Buena suerte,” which means “Good luck,” and is often used to wish someone well.
3. Link ‘suerte’ to its English counterpart ‘luck’ by noticing that both have a ‘u’ as their second letter.
4. Think of the phrase “Es mi día de suerte” (“It’s my lucky day”) and connect it to days you’ve felt particularly fortunate.

Explanations of ‘suerte’:

– ‘Suerte’ refers to the concept of luck or fortune, the chance happening of pleasant or adverse events.
– It represents a force that brings good fortune or adversity.

Other words that mean the same thing:

– Fortuna: Often used interchangeably with ‘suerte,’ can also mean ‘fortune’ in the sense of wealth.
– Destino: While it generally means ‘destiny’ or ‘fate,’ it can imply luck in how one’s life is predetermined.
– Casualidad: It can be used when referring to something that occurs by chance, similar to a lucky coincidence.

Alternate meanings and slang:

– In some contexts, ‘suerte’ might be used to refer to a person’s lot or situation in life, which can be either positive or negative.
– As an informal term, it can sometimes be used playfully or sarcastically. For example, if someone is going to perform a daunting task, you might say “¡Buena suerte con eso!” with a tone that implies they’ll need all the luck they can get.

Examples of sentences using ‘suerte’:

1. “Espero que tengas mucha suerte en tu entrevista de trabajo.”
(I hope you have lots of luck in your job interview.)

2. “Ganó la lotería por pura suerte.”
(He won the lottery by pure luck.)

3. “¿Tuviste suerte en tu examen de matemáticas?”
(Did you have luck in your math exam?)

4. “La suerte no estuvo de mi lado en el juego anoche.”
(Luck was not on my side in the game last night.)

5. “Nos encontramos por suerte en el parque y pasamos un gran día juntos.”
(We met by chance in the park and spent a great day together.)

a few seconds ago

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