in English | in Russian | S |
loss | потеря |
Russian Sentences with the Word “Loss”
Russian sentence with “потеря” | English translation for потеря | S |
Я потерял паспорт. |
I lost my passport. |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Loss in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “потеря” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say loss in Russian
- Explanations on the translation потеря
- Sentences that use the word “потеря”
- Questions about loss in Russian, etc.
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потеря info.
Tips to Remember the Russian Word:
– Visualize: Imagine something important slipping through your fingers, which helps you remember the concept of "loss."
– Sound association: The word "потеря" sounds like "po-TE-rya." You can associate "po-" with "after" or "post" and "-terya" with the word "tear." So, loss happens after you shed a tear.
– "потеря" means "loss" in Russian, signifying the act or an instance of losing something.
– It can be used both in tangible contexts (like losing money) and intangible contexts (like the loss of an opportunity).
Other Words That Mean the Same Thing:
– утрата (utrata) – Another word for loss, often used in a more abstract or serious context, like the loss of loved ones.
– лишение (lisheniye) – Deprivation, often implying a lack or denial of something one once had.
Alternate Meanings/Slang:
– In slang, "потеря" doesn’t typically have a different meaning but can sometimes be used casually among friends to mean a minor loss or misplacement, often humorously.
Examples of Sentences that Use It:
1. Потеря работы была для него большим ударом.
– Poterya raboty byla dlya nego bol'shim udarom.
– The loss of his job was a big blow for him.
2. Смерть её любимой собаки была огромной потерей.
– Smert' yeё lyubimoy sobaki byla ogromnoy poteryey.
– The death of her beloved dog was a huge loss.
3. Потеря времени на этот проект оказалась напрасной.
– Poterya vremeni na etot proyekt okazalas' naprasnoy.
– The loss of time on this project turned out to be in vain.
Romanized Characters:
– потеря – poterya
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