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Later I must find a good job | Позже я должен найти хорошую работу |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Later I must find a good job in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “Позже я должен найти хорошую работу” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say Later I must find a good job in Russian
- Explanations on the translation Позже я должен найти хорошую работу
- Questions about Later I must find a good job in Russian, etc.
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Sentence info.
Позже я должен найти хорошую работу.
1. Позже (Pozzhe) – Later
– Adverb indicating time.
2. я (ya) – I
– Pronoun in the nominative case, indicating the subject of the sentence.
3. должен (dolzhen) – must
– Modal verb in the masculine form. It is used to express obligation or necessity. For a female speaker, it would be "должна" (dolzhna).
4. найти (nayti) – to find
– Infinitive verb indicating the action that needs to be done.
5. хорошую (khoroshuyu) – good
– Adjective in the accusative case, feminine form, agrees with the noun "работу."
6. работу (rabotu) – job
– Noun in the accusative case, feminine gender. It is the direct object of the sentence.
Tips to remember the sentence formation:
– Pay attention to word order: Russian typically follows a Subject-Verb-Object structure.
– Match gender endings of adjectives with their corresponding nouns.
– Remember that when expressing necessity, you use "должен" for masculine subjects and "должна" for feminine subjects.
Alternate ways to say "Later I must find a good job":
1. В будущем мне нужно найти хорошую работу.
– V budushchem mne nuzhno nayti khoroshuyu rabotu.
– In the future, I need to find a good job.
2. После этого я должен найти хорошую работу.
– Posle etogo ya dolzhen nayti khoroshuyu rabotu.
– After this, I must find a good job.
3. Скоро я должен найти хорошую работу.
– Skoro ya dolzhen nayti khoroshuyu rabotu.
– Soon I must find a good job.
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