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laptop, notebook, logbook | ноутбук |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Laptop, notebook, logbook in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “ноутбук” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say laptop, notebook, logbook in Russian
- Explanations on the translation ноутбук
- Sentences that use the word “ноутбук”
- Questions about laptop, notebook, logbook in Russian, etc.
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ноутбук info.
Tips to remember the Russian word:
– The word "ноутбук" sounds very similar to the English word "notebook", which is a common term for a laptop. This similarity makes it easier to remember.
– "ноутбук" is directly borrowed from English, so it keeps a similar pronunciation and meaning.
Other words that mean the same thing:
– "портативный компьютер" (portativnyy komp'yuter) – portable computer
– "лэптоп" (leptop) – laptop (less commonly used but understood)
Alternate meanings like slang:
– There are no widely recognized slang meanings for "ноутбук" in Russian, it predominantly means a laptop computer.
Examples of sentences that use it:
1. Мне нужно купить новый ноутбук для работы. (Mne nuzhno kupit' novyy noutbuk dlya raboty.) – I need to buy a new laptop for work.
2. На моём ноутбуке закончилась батарея. (Na moyom noutbuke zakonchilas' batareya.) – My laptop ran out of battery.
3. Я забыл ноутбук дома. (Ya zabyl noutbuk doma.) – I forgot my laptop at home.
4. Она всегда носит свой ноутбук с собой. (Ona vsegda nosit svoy noutbuk s soboy.) – She always carries her laptop with her.
5. У тебя есть ноутбук или настольный компьютер? (U tebya est' noutbuk ili nastol'nyy komp'yuter?) – Do you have a laptop or a desktop computer?
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