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Land in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
earth, soil, land terre
How to say “earth, soil, land” in French? “Terre”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “terre” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on earth, soil, land in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “Earth, soil, land”

French sentence with “terre” English translation for terre S

Dans la terre, il y a plus de plantes que d’insectes.

In the earth there are more plants than insects.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About Earth, soil, land in French

Comment on the French word “terre” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say earth, soil, land in French
  • Explanations on the translation terre
  • Sentences that use the word “terre”
  • Questions about earth, soil, land in French, etc.


Also Earth ? if capitalized

9 months ago


Land or earth

Think of English “territory”

9 months ago

terre info.

To remember the French word “terre,” think of the English word “terrain,” which is similar in spelling and refers to an area of land or the ground, encompassing the concept of “earth” and “land.” You can also associate “terre” with “terrestrial,” which means “relating to the earth.”

Here are some explanations and other words that mean the same thing:

1. “Terre” can refer to the planet we live on, Earth.
2. It can also mean “ground” or “soil,” the surface layer of the earth in which plants grow.
3. In terms of land, it can reference a piece of land or property.
4. It is sometimes used to refer to the material world, as in “sur terre” meaning “on earth.”

Alternate meanings and slang usage:
– In nautical terms, “terre” can mean “land” as opposed to the sea. For example, “en vue de terre” means “in sight of land.”
– “Terre” can also mean “earth” in an electrical context, relating to grounding.
– As an interjection, “terre!” can be used to warn of the imminent impact with the ground, often used in flight or skydiving contexts.

Here are some examples of sentences using “terre”:

РNous habitons sur la m̻me terre. (We live on the same earth.)
– Il faut fertiliser la terre pour que les plantes poussent. (The soil needs to be fertilized for the plants to grow.)
РIls ont achet̩ une parcelle de terre pour construire leur maison. (They bought a plot of land to build their house on.)
РElle r̻ve de voyager sur toutes les terres du monde. (She dreams of traveling to all the lands of the world.)
– La connexion à la terre est essentielle pour éviter les chocs électriques. (The connection to the earth is essential to prevent electric shocks.)
– L’avion va atterrir, préparez-vous pour toucher terre. (The plane is going to land, get ready to touch down.)

a few seconds ago

terre info.

Tips to remember the French word “terre”:

1. Associate “terre” with “terra,” which is Latin for earth and is the root of many English words like “terrain” or “terrestrial.”
2. Find a visual mnemonic, like imagining the earth (terre) beneath the Eiffel Tower.
3. Note the word “terrible” starts with “terr” and can remind you of the ground shaking during a terrible earthquake – terre.


“Terre” is a feminine noun in French that refers to the ground or the Earth as a celestial body. It can be used in various contexts, from geography to everyday expressions.

Other words that mean the same thing:

– “Sol” is another French word for ground or soil.
– “La planète” when you are specifically referring to the Earth as a planet.

Alternate meanings and slang:

– “Terre” can refer to soil in a farming context: “terre arable” means arable land.
– “À terre” means on the ground; for example, when someone has fallen.
– Informally, “terre” in phrases can mean the ‘real world’ or practical matters, as in “revenir sur terre” – to come back down to earth or to become realistic about something.

Examples of sentences that use “terre”:

1. La terre est fertile dans cette région. (The soil is fertile in this region.)
2. Il a acheté un lopin de terre pour construire sa maison. (He bought a plot of land to build his house.)
3. Les astronautes sont revenus sur terre après six mois dans l’espace. (The astronauts returned to Earth after six months in space.)
4. L’enfant est tombé et s’est retrouvé à terre. (The child fell and ended up on the ground.)
5. Après cette nouvelle choquante, il a fallu revenir sur terre et faire face à la réalité. (After that shocking news, it was necessary to come back down to earth and face reality.)

an hour ago

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