in English | in Russian | S |
it means | значит |
Russian Sentences with the Word “It means”
Russian sentence with “значит” | English translation for значит | S |
Что это значит? |
What does that mean? |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About It means in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “значит” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say it means in Russian
- Explanations on the translation значит
- Sentences that use the word “значит”
- Questions about it means in Russian, etc.
значит info.
Tips to remember the Russian word:
– You might recognize it's similar to the English word "signify" or "meaning," which could help you memorize it.
– Linking it to the English word "sign" may also reinforce your memory, as both are related to indicating or meaning something.
"Значит" means "it means" or "therefore." It is a very common word used to indicate a conclusion drawn from what has been previously mentioned.
Other words that mean the same thing:
– "То есть" (to yest') – which translates to "that is" or "i.e."
– "Следовательно" (sledovatel'no) – which translates to "therefore" or "consequently."
Conjugations (if infinitive):
"Значить" is the infinitive form, meaning "to mean." However, "значит" itself is not typically conjugated, as it's used as a fixed expression. Below are the conjugations for the verb "значить":
– Infinitive: значить (znachit')
– Past:
– Я/он/оно/кто значил (ya/on/ono/kto znachil) – I/he/it/who meant
– Я/она значила (ya/ona znachila) – I/she meant
– Мы/вы/они значили (my/vy/oni znachili) – We/you/they meant
– Present:
– Я значу (ya znachu) – I mean
– Ты значишь (ty znachish') – You mean
– Он/она/оно значит (on/ona/ono znachit) – He/she/it means
– Мы значим (my znachim) – We mean
– Вы значите (vy znachite) – You mean (formal/plural)
– Они значат (oni znachat) – They mean
– Future:
– Я буду значить (ya budu znachit') – I will mean
– Ты будешь значить (ty budesh' znachit') – You will mean
– Он/она/оно будет значить (on/ona/ono budet znachit') – He/she/it will mean
– Мы будем значить (my budem znachit') – We will mean
– Вы будете значить (vy budete znachit') – You will mean (formal/plural)
– Они будут значить (oni budut znachit') – They will mean
Examples of sentences:
– Что это значит? (Chto eto znachit?) – What does this mean?
– Это значит, что мы должны уйти. (Eto znachit, chto my dolzhny uyti.) – It means that we have to leave.
– Значит, мы договорились? (Znachit, my dogovorilis'?) – So, we have an agreement?
By understanding the verb forms and practicing with example sentences, you can get a better grasp of how "значить" and "значит" function in various contexts.
15 minutes ago
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значит info.
Tips to remember the Russian word:
– Associate "значит" with "sign" or "significant" as they share a common root.
– Remember the "zna-" beginning similar to "know" because to signify something is to make it known.
– "Значит" translates to "it means" or "that means."
– It is used to signify or indicate the meaning of something.
Other words that mean the same thing:
– Означает (oznachaet) – means, signifies
– Известно (izvestno) – is known
Conjugations (Note: "значит" is not an infinitive but here are related forms of the verb "значить"):
– Infinitive: значить (znachit')
– Present: значу (znachu), значишь (znachish'), значит (znachit), значим (znachim), значите (znachite), значат (znachat)
– Past: значил (znachil – masculine), значила (znachila – feminine), значило (znachilo – neuter), значили (znachili – plural)
– Future: буду значить (budu znachit'), будешь значить (budesh’ znachit’), будет значить (budet znachit’), будем значить (budem znachit’), будете значить (budete znachit’), будут значить (budut znachit’)
Examples of sentences that use it:
– Это значит, что мы должны идти. (Eto znachit, chto my dolzhny idti.) – This means that we should go.
– Значит, ты согласен. (Znachit, ty soglasen.) – So, you agree.
– Она умная, значит, она справится. (Ona umnaya, znachit, ona spravitsya.) – She is smart, which means she will manage.
a few seconds ago