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Is in Spanish 🇪🇸

in English in Spanish S
is es
How to say “is” in Spanish? “Es”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “es” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on is in Spanish like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

Spanish Sentences with the Word “Is”

Spanish sentence with “es” English translation for es S

¿Qué hora es?

What time is it?

¿Qué es?

What is it?

Ella es pequeña.

She is small.

¿Cuándo es?

When is it?

¿Quién es?

Who is it?

El es muy chévere.

He is very cool.

¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito?

Which is your favorite place?

Mi español es malo.

My spanish is bad.

¿Cual es tu comida favorita?

What is your favorite food.

es una lastima.

It’s a shame.

es una broma.

It’s a joke.

Cual es tu numero de teléfono.

What is your phone number.

Ten cuidado, es peligroso.

Be careful it’s dangerous.

¿Cuál es la dirección?

What is the address.

Esto es muy importante.

This is very important.

Creo que es muy bueno.

I believe that it’s very good.

Esta es mi hija.

This is my daughter.

El carro es rojo.

The car is red.

La casa es blanca.

The house is white.

Ella es mi amiga.

She is my friend.

Ella es la mejor del mundo.

She is the best of the world.

Me parece que él es interesante.

It seems to me that he is interesting.

Mi meta es hablar perfecto.

My goal is to speak perfectly.

El fuego es caliente.

The fire is hot.

Pero es difícil.

but it’s difficult.

Tu amigo es muy interesante.

Your friend is very interesting.

¿Cual es tu color favorito?

What is your favorite color?

La niña es muy tímida

The girl is very shy

Adrián es un hombre fuerte

Adrian is a strong man

Su padre es cuidadoso

His father is careful

Esa cantante es graciosa

That singer is funny

Sebastián es un niño interesante

Sebastian is an interesting boy

Tal vez lo que necesitas es

Maybe what you need is

es necesario que vayas

It’s necessary that you go

Qué es eso?

What is that?

Esto es lo que querías comer

This is what you wanted to eat

¿Qué es lo que quieres que haga?

What is it that you want me to do?

Lo que tienes que hacer mañana es

What you have to do tomorrow is

No es lo que dices

It’s not what you say

Lo que esta ciudad necesita es

What this city needs is

Martín es más alto que Eduard

Martin is taller than Eduard

El italiano es más fácil que el francés

Italian is easier than french

La temperatura es más de 40 grados

The temperature is more than 40°C

Argentina es más grande que Paraguay

Argentina is bigger than Paraguay

El té es más saludable que el café

Tea is healthier than coffee

Dormir es más importante que comer

Sleeping is more important than eating?

es probable que tengamos que irnos

We probably have to go

es bueno que Mateo estudie español

It’s good that Mateo studies spanish.

es importante que practiquen

It’s important that you guys practice

es imposible que gane

It’s impossible that he wins

es raro que hablemos tan frecuentemente

It’s weird that we talk so frequently

No es bueno que comamos muchos

It’s not good that we eat a lot

es positivo que los niños jueguen

It’s positive that children play

Este regalo es para ti.

This gift is for you

Esta comida es para ti

This food is for you

Esto es para ti

This is for you

Para mí, la comida es importante

For me, food is important

Esa agua es para lavar

That water is for washing

¿Este dinero es para mi?

is this money for me?

Mi hermana es inteligente y amable

My sister is intelligent and kind

es tu culpa

It’s your fault

es culpa tuya

It’s your fault

Su padre es un abogado

Her father is a lawyer

Su acento es cada día mejor.

His accent is better every day

El vecino nuestro es un mecánico

Our neighbor is a mechanic

El tío mío es arquitecto.

My uncle is an architect

¿Cuál es su color favorito?

What is her favourite color?

Ese es tu postre favorito

That is your favourite dessert

Este sandwich es tuyo

This sandwich is yours

¿Esta es tu puerta?

is this your door?

Ese teléfono es nuevo.

That cellphone is new.

¿Esa camisa es roja?

is that shirt red?

¡Esta es mi canción favorita!

This is my favourite song!

Esta comida es muy rica

This food is very delicious

Este gato es mío

This cat is mine

Esta fiesta es divertida

This party is fun

Esta es mi novia

This is my girlfriend

Ese es mi novio

That is my boyfriend

Esa casa es hermosa

That house is beautiful

Esa es la iglesia de la ciudad

That is the church of the city

¿Esa es tu hermana?

is that your sister?

Mi esposa es española

My wife is spanish

Mi madre es una doctora

My mum is a doctor

Hoy es lunes

Today is Monday

Mañana es sábado

Tomorrow is Saturday

Mi amigo es de australia

My friend is from Australia

Lyss es mi amiga

Lyss is my friend

Marco es su padre

Marco is his father

Ella es inteligente.

She is smart

Mi familia es de canadá

My family is from Canada

Mi comida favorita es de perú

My favourite food is from Peru

¿es en serio, él solo se ducha por las noches?

is it serious?(seriously) He only showers at night.

es demasiado importante estirarse para hacer yoga.

It is too important to stretch out to do yoga.

Esa es la forma correcta, no necesitan preocuparse.

That is the rightway, they don’t need to worry.

es bueno que sepas la verdad.

It’s good that you know the truth.

¿es importante que vayamos a la fiesta?

is it important that we go to the party?

es necesario que ordenes tu habitación.

It’s necessary that you clean your room.

es mejor que llamemos a tus padres.

It’s better to call your parents.

es importante que aprendas las conjugaciones.

It is important that you learn the conjugations.

es urgente que compren arroz.

It is urgent that they buy rice.

¿es probable que Lucía llegue mañana?

is Lucia likely to arrive tomorrow?

es importante que conozcas a mis padres.

It is important that you meet my parents.

¿es probable que cenemos mañana?

Are we likely to have dinner tomorrow?

es muy importante que David apruebe.

It is very important that David approves.

es imposible que lleguemos a tiempo.

It is impossible that we arrive on time.

es bueno que le agradezcas a tu mamá.

It’s good that you thank your mom.

es importante que les tomes buenas fotos.

It is important that you take good photos of them.

es bueno que lo piensen.

It is good that they think about it.

es necesario que la cuides.

It’s necessary that you take care of her

es posible que tengan que arreglarlo hoy .

They may have to fix it today.

es importante que se lo cambies.

It is important to change it for her.

es mejor que le desa la mujer.

It’s better that you give it to the woman.

es imposible que María hubiera llegado antes.

It is impossible that María would have arrived before.

es probable que hubiéramos disfrutado.

It’s probably that would have enjoyed.

es sorprendente que no te guste el helado.

It’s surprising that you don’t like ice cream.

es importante que él pueda participar.

It is important that he can participate.

es imposible que ella recuerde tanta información.

It is impossible for her to remember so much information.

es posible que la compañía crezca.

It’s possible that the company grows.

No es necesario que ustedes compren comida.

It is not necessary for you to buy food.

¿es malo que comamos tanta azúcar?

is it bad that we eat so much sugar?

es bueno que hayamos hablado.

It’s good that we’ve talked.

es bueno que hayas lavado hoy.

It’s good that you have washed today.

es extraño que los niños no hayan llegado.

It is weird that the children have not arrived.

¿es posible que hayamos ganado la lotería?

is it possible that we have won the lottery?

es necesario que él haya traído los documentos.

It is necessary that he has brought the documents.

es injusto que hayan cambiado las reglas.

It’s unfair that they have changed the rules.

No es normal que hayas dormido tanto.

It is not normal that you have slept so much.

es curioso que ellos hayan aceptado.

It is curious that they have accepted.

es importante que hayas visitado a tu hermano.

It is important that you have visited your brother.

¿es posible que la caja ya haya llegado?

is it possible that the box has already arrived?

No es verdad que Patricia haya mentido.

It is not true that Patricia lied.

es excelente que hayas aprendido otro idioma.

It is excellent that you have learned another language.

es posible que el jefe haya perdido el interés.

The boss may have lost interest.

es muy bueno que hayas aprobado.

It is very good that you approved.

es positivo que hayas estudiado.

It is positive that you have studied.

¿es posible que no hayamos estado preparados.

It’s possible thatwe have not been prepared.

¿es bueno que el gobierno haya tomado esas medidas?

is it good that the government has taken these measures?

es bueno que hayas tomado vacaciones.

It’s good that you took a vacation.

es posible que ellos no tuvieran tiempo.

It’s possible that they may not have the time.

es posible que les tengas que pagar.

You may have to pay them.

¿es muy pequeño, quieres probarlo?

It is very small, do you want to try it?

es tu turno de cocinarla esta noche.

It’s your turn to cook it tonight.

es probable que yo las tenga que ayudar.

I will probably have to help them.

es mejor si las visitamos mañana.

It is better if we visit them tomorrow.

No puedo abrir la ventana eso es el problema.

I can’t open the window that is the problem.

es peor pegar la cabeza que el hombro.

It’s worse to hit the head than the shoulder.

es imposible que ellos hubieran actuado de esa manera.

It is impossible that they would have acted that way.

es necesario que la gente no salga

It’s necessary that people don’t leave

es maravilloso que aprendan un idioma

It’s wonderful that you guys learn a language

es normal que ames a tu hermana

It’s normal that you love your sister

¿La estufa es difícil, quieres que te lo haga?

The stove is dificult, do you want me to do it for you?

No es necesario que se lo digas, puede serentre nosotros.

It isn’t necessary to tell her, it can be between us.

es mejor que se lo digas antes de la boda.

It’s better that you tell him before the wedding.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About Is in Spanish

Comment on the Spanish word “es” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say is in Spanish
  • Explanations on the translation es
  • Sentences that use the word “es”
  • Questions about is in Spanish, etc.


Normal speech: ehs
IPA: es

8 months ago

Simple and easy

Es translates into is. They’re both two letter words and both have a s.

6 months ago


Use it for permanent things. Yo soy de estados unidos. I am from the United States.

9 months ago

es info.

Tips to remember the word “es”:
– Associate “es” with the English word “is,” as they both function as the third person singular of the verb “to be” in the present tense.
– Think of the common phrase “¿Qué es?” which means “What is it?” to help remember the usage of “es.”

– “Es” is derived from the Spanish verb “ser,” which is used to express the nature or identity of something.
– It is used to describe permanent or long-lasting attributes, as opposed to “está,” which comes from “estar” that describes temporary states or locations.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– “Está” can sometimes be used in place of “es” when talking about temporary states, locations, or conditions.

Alternate meanings like slang:
– “Es” does not have a widely recognized slang meaning as it is a basic verb form.

Examples of sentences that use “es”:
1. Él es médico. (He is a doctor.)
2. La casa es grande. (The house is big.)
3. Ella es mi amiga. (She is my friend.)
4. El cielo es azul. (The sky is blue.)
5. ¿Cuál es tu nombre? (What is your name?)

a few seconds ago

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