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instrument, tool | инструмент |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Instrument, tool in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “инструмент” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say instrument, tool in Russian
- Explanations on the translation инструмент
- Sentences that use the word “инструмент”
- Questions about instrument, tool in Russian, etc.
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инструмент info.
Tips to Remember the Russian Word:
– "Инструмент" looks and sounds similar to the English word "instrument," making it easier to recognize and remember.
– Break it down: "инстру-" (instru-) and "мент" (ment), which corresponds closely to the English representation.
– "Инструмент" (instrument) in Russian is used similarly to its English counterpart. It refers to a device or implement used to perform a task or operation, particularly in trades such as construction, music, surgery, or any mechanical work.
Other Words That Mean the Same Thing:
– Орудие (orudie) – often used to refer to a tool or implement, but can also mean an instrument of war or labor.
– Прибор (pribor) – another word for device or instrument, commonly used in a scientific or technical context.
– Аппарат (apparat) – refers to an apparatus or device, particularly high-tech or mechanical.
Alternate Meanings (Like Slang):
– In a musical context, "инструмент" is often used to refer to a musical instrument.
– It can be used metaphorically to describe something that serves as a means to an end, for example, "He used it as an instrument of change" (Он использовал это как инструмент изменений).
Examples of Sentences:
1. "Мне нужен инструмент для ремонта машины."
Romanized: "Mne nuzhen instrument dlya remonta mashiny."
Translation: "I need a tool for fixing the car."
2. "Этот инструмент очень дорогой, будь осторожен."
Romanized: "Etot instrument ochen' dorogoy, bud' ostorozhen."
Translation: "This instrument is very expensive, be careful."
3. "Он играет на нескольких музыкальных инструментах."
Romanized: "On igraet na neskol'kikh muzykal'nykh instrumentakh."
Translation: "He plays several musical instruments."
4. "Компьютер стал важным инструментом в нашей работе."
Romanized: "Kompyuter stal vazhnym instrumentom v nashey rabote."
Translation: "The computer has become an important tool in our work."
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