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Instrument in Spanish 🇪🇸

in English in Spanish S
instrument instrumento
How to say “instrument” in Spanish? “Instrumento”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “instrumento” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on instrument in Spanish like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About Instrument in Spanish

Comment on the Spanish word “instrumento” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say instrument in Spanish
  • Explanations on the translation instrumento
  • Sentences that use the word “instrumento”
  • Questions about instrument in Spanish, etc.


Normal speech: een-stroo-MEHN-toh
IPA: ins.tɾo.’

8 months ago

other meanings

In some contexts, “instrumento” can also refer to a legal instrument or document, such as a contract or a deed.

8 months ago

do not confuse with

“Instrumento” can be confused with “instrucción,” which means “instruction” or “direction” in Spanish.

8 months ago


Refers to an instrument or tool used to perform a task or produce a result, or to a musical instrument.

8 months ago


From the Latin word “instrumentum,” meaning “tool” or “implement.”

8 months ago

instrumento info.

Tips to remember the word ‘instrumento’:
– Associate ‘instrumento’ with the English word ‘instrument’, since both have a very similar spelling and meaning, differing only in the added ‘o’ at the end.
– Break down the word: ‘instru-‘ can remind you of ‘instruct’ or ‘instruction’, which is something an instrument helps achieve (as tools guide us), and ‘-mento’ is a common ending in Spanish for tools or instruments, similar to ‘-ment’ in English.
– Think of musical instruments, as they are common references (e.g., ‘instrumento musical’ in Spanish has the same meaning as ‘musical instrument’ in English).

– ‘Instrumento’ is a noun in Spanish that refers to a tool or device you use to perform a task, especially in the context of precision or artistry.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– Herramienta: Generally used for tools, especially hand tools or implements used for a specific purpose in manual work.
– Aparato: Often used for devices or machinery, particularly with mechanical or electronic parts.

Alternate meanings / slang:
– ‘Instrumento’ can also refer to something used in a figurative sense, like a means to accomplish something (e.g., using a person or an organization as an ‘instrumento’ to achieve a goal).
– There is no widely recognized slang meaning for ‘instrumento’.

Examples of sentences that use ‘instrumento’:
– Necesito un instrumento para medir la temperatura del agua.
(I need an instrument to measure the water temperature.)
– El violín es mi instrumento favorito.
(The violin is my favorite instrument.)
– La constitución es un instrumento fundamental de la democracia.
(The constitution is a fundamental instrument of democracy.)
– Este tratado será un instrumento para mejorar las relaciones internacionales.
(This treaty will be an instrument for improving international relations.)

a few seconds ago

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