in English | in Russian | S |
incident, occurrence | инцидент |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Incident, occurrence in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “инцидент” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say incident, occurrence in Russian
- Explanations on the translation инцидент
- Sentences that use the word “инцидент”
- Questions about incident, occurrence in Russian, etc.
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инцидент info.
Tips to remember the Russian word 'инцидент':
– It sounds quite similar to the English word "incident," which can help in recalling it.
– Think of the English letters being replaced by their Russian counterparts (this mnemonic mirrors the translation: in-tsi-dent).
– "Инцидент" (intsidyent) refers to an event or occurrence, typically one that is unexpected or disruptive.
– It often conveys something negative or problematic, much like its English counterpart.
Other words that mean the same thing:
– Происшествие (proisshestviye) – a more general term for an incident or event, often used to describe accidents.
– Случай (sluchay) – can mean case, incident, or occasion.
– Событие (sobytie) – generally means "event" and can be used in both positive and negative contexts.
– Происходить (proiskhodit) – focuses on the happening or occurrence itself.
Alternate meanings like slang:
– There are no common slang meanings for "инцидент" in Russian. It retains its formal connotation in most contexts.
Examples of sentences that use it:
– Вчера на улице произошёл инцидент с полицией. (Vchera na ulitse proizoshel intsident s politsiyey.) – "Yesterday, there was an incident with the police on the street."
– Этот инцидент вызвал большое внимание в новостях. (Etot intsident vyzval bol'shoe vnimanie v novostyakh.) – "This incident drew a lot of attention in the news."
– После инцидента с машиной, нам пришлось вызвать эвакуатор. (Posle intsidenta s mashinoy, nam prishlos' vyzvat' evakuator.) – "After the car incident, we had to call a tow truck."
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