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Important in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
important important
How to say “important” in French? “Important”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “important” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on important in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “Important”

French sentence with “important” English translation for important S

C’est très important.

This is very important.

Dormir est plus important que manger

Sleeping is more important than eating?

C’était très important que vous preniez du temps

It was very important that you took the time

Il est important que vous vous entraîniez

It’s important that you guys practice

C’est très important de s’étirer pour faire du yoga.

It is very important to stretch out to do yoga.

Est-il important que nous allions à la fête?

Is it important that we go to the party?

Il est important que vous appreniez les conjugaisons.

It is important that you learn the conjugations.

Il est important que vous rencontriez mes parents.

It is important that you meet my parents.

Il est très important que david approuve.

It is very important that David approves.

Il est important que vous preniez de bonnes photos.

It is important that you take good photos of them.

Il est important que vous le changiez pour elle.

It is important to change it for her.

Il est important qu’il puisse participer.

It is important that he can participate.

Il est important que vous visitiez votre frère.

It is important that you have visited your brother.

était-ce important que je m’entraîne?

Was it important that I practice?

C’était important que vous aviez su la vérité.

It was important that you had known the truth.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About Important in French

Comment on the French word “important” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say important in French
  • Explanations on the translation important
  • Sentences that use the word “important”
  • Questions about important in French, etc.

important info.

The French word for “important” is “important” for masculine and “importante” for feminine, which is conveniently similar to the English word. Here are some tips and explanations to help you remember and understand the usage of “important(e)”:

**Tips to remember the French word:**
– Associate the word with importance in English – they share almost the same spelling and meaning.
– Remember that in French, adjectives can have a gender, so “important” becomes “importante” when it’s used to describe a feminine noun.

– In French, “important” describes something of great significance or value.
– It can be used to discuss the importance of a task, the size of an object, or the significance of a person in a certain context.

**Other words that mean the same thing:**
– Essentiel/essentielle (essential, crucial)
– Significatif/significative (significant)
– Majeur/majeure (major)
– Primordial/primordiale (paramount)

**Alternate meanings, like slang:**
“Important” doesn’t really have a slang meaning, but it could be used in informal contexts to stress the seriousness or the impact of a situation. For example, “C’est important de noter que…” suggests that what follows is something one should pay special attention to.

**Examples of sentences that use it:**
– Il est important de faire de l’exercice régulièrement. (It is important to exercise regularly.)
– Cette décision est très importante pour notre avenir. (This decision is very important for our future.)
– Elle joue un rôle important dans l’entreprise. (She plays an important role in the company.)
– Pour lui, l’argent est moins important que le bonheur. (For him, money is less important than happiness.)

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