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I make in German 🇩🇪

in English in German S
I make ich mache
How to say “I make” in German? “Ich mache”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “ich mache” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on I make in German like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

German Sentences with the Word “I make”

German sentence with “ich mache” English translation for ich mache S

Was machen Sie in ihrer Freizeit?

What do you do in your free time?

Wir machen Schokolade.

We are making chocolate.

Wir machen es

We are making it

Ich werde einen schwarzen Tee machen.

I will make a black tea.

Was musst du morgen machen?

What do you have to do tomorrow

Sie können mehr als einhundert Situps machen

You can do more than one hundred situps

Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen um Kinder, sie kommen fast an.

Do not worry about the kids, they are almost arriving.

Es ist wichtig sich zu strecken, um Yoga zu machen.

It is too important to stretch out to do yoga.

Das ist der richtige Weg, sie brauchen sich keine Sorgen zu machen.

That is the right way, they don’t need to worry.

Es ist wichtig, dass Sie gute Fotos machen.

It is important that you take good photos of them.

Mache es nicht kaputt.

Do not break it.

Ich werde es für dich fertig machen.

I will have it ready for you.

Denkst du nicht, dass er es besser machen würde, wenn er versuchte mehr?

Don’t you think he would do it better if he tried harder?

Hätten wir das machen, können?

Could we have done it?

Diese Aufgabe ist schwierig, möchten Sie, dass ich es für Sie mache?

This task is difficult, do you want me to do it for you?

Comments, Questions, Etc. About I make in German

Comment on the German word “ich mache” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say I make in German
  • Explanations on the translation ich mache
  • Sentences that use the word “ich mache”
  • Questions about I make in German, etc.

I make

Pretty simple, use ich to say “I”

9 months ago

ich mache info.

To remember “ich mache,” it can be helpful to associate the word “mache” with “make” as they both share similar letters and sounds. Additionally, you might remember that “ich” means “I,” which is also a one-syllable word starting with the letter “i.” Associating this personal pronoun can help you cement the subject in your memory.

“machen” is the infinitive form of “ich mache” and means “to do” or “to make.” The root “mach-” stays constant, and different endings are added for different conjugations:

– **Present Tense:**
– ich mache (I am doing/I make)
– du machst (you [singular informal] are doing/you make)
– er/sie/es macht (he/she/it is doing/makes)
– wir machen (we are doing/we make)
– ihr macht (you [plural informal] are doing/you make)
– sie/Sie machen (they/you [formal] are doing/make)

– **Simple Past Tense (Imperfekt):**
– ich machte (I did/I made)
– du machtest (you did/made)
– er/sie/es machte (he/she/it did/made)
– wir machten (we did/made)
– ihr machtet (you did/made)
– sie/Sie machten (they/you did/made)

– **Future Tense:**
– ich werde machen (I will do/make)
– du wirst machen (you will do/make)
– er/sie/es wird machen (he/she/it will do/make)
– wir werden machen (we will do/make)
– ihr werdet machen (you will do/make)
– sie/Sie werden machen (they/you will do/make)

Other words that can mean the same thing depending on the context include “tun” (to do) or “erstellen” (to create/make in the context of constructing or producing something).

Examples of sentences using “machen” in various tenses:
– **Present:** “Ich mache meine Hausaufgaben.” (I am doing my homework.)
– **Simple Past:** “Gestern machte ich einen Kuchen.” (Yesterday I made a cake.)
– **Future:** “Morgen werde ich einen Spaziergang machen.” (Tomorrow I will go for a walk.)

Remember that verbs will be used in sentences according to the context and subject, so being familiar with conjugation patterns will help you form correct sentences.

a few seconds ago

Practice German with this Online Game:

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