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I have in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
I have j’ai
How to say “I have” in French? “J’ai”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “j’ai” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on I have in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “I have”

French sentence with “j’ai” English translation for j’ai S

J’aime ça.

I like this.

j’ai vingt-huit ans.

I am twenty eight years old.

j’ai été très bien merci.

I have been very well, thank you.

j’ai besoin d’aide.

I need help.

Parfois j’aime courir.

Sometimes I like to run.

Bien-sûr j’aime ça.

Of course I like that.

j’ai très soif.

I am very thirsty.

J’aime chaque personne que je vois.

I like every person that I see.

j’ai fait une erreur.

I made a mistake.

j’ai été cambriolé.

I have been robbed.

J’aimais bien regarder la télévision.

I liked very much watching television.

j’ai vu tellement d’amour que…

I saw so much love that…

j’ai eu quelques problèmes.

I had some problems

j’ai eu un accident, et ça fait très mal.

I had an accident and it hurts a lot.

J’aime regarder des films.

I like watching movies.

J’aiderais ma mère.

I would help my mom

j’ai besoin de m’entraîner à parler Français.

I need to practice speaking French.

j’ai vraiment sommeil.

I am very sleepy.

Ce que j’ai ici

What I have here

j’ai déjà mangé

I had already eaten

Parce que j’ai fait quelque chose qui n’était pas légal.

because I did something that wasn’t legal.

j’ai participé à des compétitions

I have competed in contests

j’ai entendu ma sœur frapper à ma porte

I heard my sister knocking at my door

j’ai attendu qu’il arrive

I waited for him to arrive

J’aime que tu manges sainement

I like that you eat healthy

j’ai besoin de le terminer d’ici mercredi

I need to finish it by Wednesday

j’ai rendu visite à mon ami pendant deux heures

I visited my friend for 2 hours

j’ai vécu en Australie pendant cinq ans

I lived in Australia for 5 years

Hier, j’ai regardé la télévision pendant trois heures

Yesterday I watched TV for 3 hours

j’ai déménagé au chili pour apprendre l’Espagnol

I moved to Chile to learn spanish

j’ai besoin que vous vous entraîniez plus.

I need you to practice more.

j’ai besoin que vous leur enseigniez à nager.

I need you to teach them how to swim.

J’aime le mien plus.

I like mine more.

j’ai besoin que tu m’accompagnes au square.

I need you to accompany me to the square.

J’aime que tu aies vu le programme.

I like that you have seen the program.

Pensez-vous que c’est bien que j’aie pris la décision?

Is it okay that I made the decision?

j’ai vraiment aimé que tu aies participé.

I really liked that you’ve participated.

j’ai suggéré vous ne travailleriez pas cette semaine.

I suggested you not work this week.

j’ai dit, la vérité au juge.

I told the truth to the judge.

j’ai besoin que tu ramène de l’eau à Mauricio.

I need you to bring water to Mauricio.

j’ai été surpris que vous n’aviez pas mangé.

It surprised me that you had not eaten.

j’ai écrit un poème à ma grand-mère.

I wrote a poem to my grandmother.

j’ai demandé pardon à ma sœur.

I apologized to my sister.

Quand j’ai le temps, je nettoie l’appartement

When I have time I clean the apartment

Quand j’ai le temps, je nettoierai l’appartement

When I have time I will clean the apartment

Comments, Questions, Etc. About I have in French

Comment on the French word “j’ai” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say I have in French
  • Explanations on the translation j’ai
  • Sentences that use the word “j’ai”
  • Questions about I have in French, etc.


J’ai is a contraction of je ai, I have. French doesn’t like to have back to back vowel sounds, so je, le, la,se, and de are usually contracted if the word following it starts with a vowel.

8 months ago

j’ai info.

**Tips to remember the French word ‘j’ai’:**
– Think of the English phrase “I have” and break it down to a single syllable to get to ‘j’ai’.
– Associate the sound of ‘j’ai’ with the English word “jay” (like the bird), which sounds similar.
– Connect the contraction ‘j” (meaning ‘I’) to the possession (‘ai’ from ‘avoir’, meaning ‘have’).

– ‘J’ai’ is the first person singular present tense form of the verb ‘avoir’, which means ‘to have’ in English.
– It’s used to express possession, to describe attributes or characteristics, and in various idiomatic expressions.
– ‘Avoir’ is an auxiliary verb in French, used to form compound tenses like the passé composé.

**Other words that mean the same thing:**
– There aren’t direct synonyms for ‘j’ai’ since it is a conjugated form of ‘avoir’. But, you may use expressions that convey possession differently, like “Je possède” (I possess), which is more formal and less common.

**Conjugations of ‘avoir’:**
– Present: j’ai (I have), tu as (you have, singular informal), il/elle/on a (he/she/one has), nous avons (we have), vous avez (you have, singular formal or plural), ils/elles ont (they have)
– Past (Passé Composé): j’ai eu (I had), tu as eu, il/elle/on a eu, nous avons eu, vous avez eu, ils/elles ont eu
– Imperfect: j’avais (I used to have), tu avais, il/elle/on avait, nous avions, vous aviez, ils/elles avaient
– Future: j’aurai (I will have), tu auras, il/elle/on aura, nous aurons, vous aurez, ils/elles auront
– Conditional: j’aurais (I would have), tu aurais, il/elle/on aurait, nous aurions, vous auriez, ils/elles auraient

**Examples of sentences:**
– J’ai un chien. (I have a dog.)
– J’ai faim. (I am hungry.)
– J’ai vingt ans. (I am twenty years old.)
– J’ai besoin d’aide. (I need help.)
– J’ai l’intention de voyager. (I intend to travel.)

Remember that ‘j’ai’ is a form of ‘avoir’, so using it correctly is key to constructing basic and complex sentences in French.

a few seconds ago

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