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I am in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
I follow (suivre), I am (être) je suis
How to say “I follow (suivre), I am (être)” in French? “Je suis”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “je suis” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on I follow (suivre), I am (être) in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “I follow (suivre), I am (être)”

French sentence with “je suis” English translation for je suis S

je suis des états-unis.

I am from the United States.

je suis désolé.

I am sorry.

Je ne suis pas sûr.

I am not sure.

Je ne suis pas encore prêt.

I am not ready yet.

je suis arrivé ici depuis deux jours.

I arrived here two days ago.

je suis en train de nettoyer ma chambre.

I am cleaning my room.

je suis très occupé.

I am very busy.

je suis couché.

I am laying down.

je suis très curieux à propos de votre ami.

I am very curious about your friend.

je suis libre tous les week-ends.

I am free every weekend.

je suis à la recherche d’un appartement.

I am looking for an apartment.

je suis née au Canada.

I was born in Canada.

je suis allé chez lui hier.

I went to his house yesterday.

Mais je suis arrivé en retard.

But I arrived late.

je suis content de vivre, je ne veux pas mourir

I am happy to live, I don’t want to die.

je suis en train de le nettoyer

I am cleaning it

Je me suis rasé hier.

I shaved yesterday

je suis à cent pour cent sûr

I am 100 percent sure

je suis prêt

I am ready

je suis content que tu aies gagné

I am glad you had won

je suis content que tu aimes la nourriture

I am glad that you enjoy the food

Je me suis perdu hier

I got lost yesterday

Je me suis réveillé tard aujourd’hui

I woke up late today

Je me suis rasé ce matin,

I shaved this morning

Je me suis amusé à la fête

I enjoyed myself at the party

Je ne me suis pas rendu compte

I did not realise

Je me suis marié l’année dernière

I got married last year

je suis un homme

I am a man

je suis grand et fort

I am tall and strong

je suis étudiant en français

I am a French student

je suis des états-unis

I am from the United States

je suis debout

I am standing

je suis fatigué

I am tired

je suis assis au bar

I am sitting at the bar

je suis triste parce que le film s’est terminé

I’m sad because the movie ended

je suis content que vous ayez obtenu votre diplôme.

I’m glad you’ve graduated.

je suis d’accord, nous l’avions toujours su.

I agree, we always knew it.

je suis content que aimiez le dîner.

I’m glad you enjoyed dinner.

je suis surpris que vous posiez ces questions

I am surprised that you ask those questions

je suis désolé que vous ne vous sentiez pas bien

I am sorry that you don’t feel well

Comments, Questions, Etc. About I follow (suivre), I am (être) in French

Comment on the French word “je suis” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say I follow (suivre), I am (être) in French
  • Explanations on the translation je suis
  • Sentences that use the word “je suis”
  • Questions about I follow (suivre), I am (être) in French, etc.

Je suis

Je is easy to remember as I. Go!

7 months ago

je suis info.

Tips to remember the French word “je suis”:

– One way to better remember the word “je suis” is to associate it with the English word “I am.” Both phrases start with the pronoun “I” and are used to express identity or existence.


– “Je suis” is the first-person singular form of the verb “être” in French, which means “to be.” It is used to describe and identify oneself or others.

– The verb “être” is irregular, meaning it does not follow a regular pattern of conjugation. However, it is one of the most essential verbs in French and is commonly used in various contexts and tenses.

Other words that mean the same thing:

– In French, there are no direct synonyms for “je suis” when expressing “I am” in terms of identity or existence. However, in specific contexts, alternative expressions can be used. For example, to say “I am alive,” you can say “je suis en vie.” Similarly, to say “I am French,” you can say “je suis français(e).”

Conjugations of “être” (present, past, future, etc.):

– Je suis (I am)
– Tu es (You are singular/informal)
– Il/elle/on est (He/she/one is)
– Nous sommes (We are)
– Vous êtes (You are plural/formal)
– Ils/elles sont (They are)

Past (Passé Composé):
– J’ai été (I have been)
– Tu as été (You have been singular/informal)
– Il/elle/on a été (He/she/one has been)
– Nous avons été (We have been)
– Vous avez été (You have been plural/formal)
– Ils/elles ont été (They have been)

– Je serai (I will be)
– Tu seras (You will be singular/informal)
– Il/elle/on sera (He/she/one will be)
– Nous serons (We will be)
– Vous serez (You will be plural/formal)
– Ils/elles seront (They will be)

Examples of sentences using “je suis”:

– Je suis étudiant(e) en médecine. (I am a medical student.)
– Je suis fatigué(e). (I am tired.)
– Je suis heureux/heureuse. (I am happy.)
– Je suis français(e) d’origine. (I am of French origin.)
– Je suis en ******. (I am late.)

Summary paragraph:

“Je suis” is the first-person singular form of the French verb “être,” meaning “to be.” It is used to express identity and existence. There are no direct synonyms for “je suis” when expressing “I am” in terms of identity or existence, but alternative expressions can be used in specific contexts. The verb “être” is irregular and is used in various tenses such as the present, past, and future. Examples of sentences using “je suis” include “Je suis étudiant(e) en médecine” (I am a medical student) and “Je suis fatigué(e)” (I am tired).

– It is important to note that “je suis” can also mean “I follow” when used in the context of following someone physically or figuratively. However, for the purpose of this response, the focus is on its usage as “I am” to express identity or existence.

a few seconds ago

je suis info.

**Tips to remember the French word ‘je suis’:**

1. Connect ‘je suis’ to the English phrase ‘I am’ by thinking of the popular Latin phrase “Cogito, ergo sum,” which means “I think, therefore I am.” ‘Suis’ sounds a bit like ‘sum,’ linking it to the concept of being.
2. Create a mnemonic such as “Just Say U’re Important” (JSUI), which sounds like “je suis,” to memorize that ‘je suis’ means ‘I am’.
3. Practice using ‘je suis’ in various sentences to reinforce memory through repetition.


‘Je suis’ is a contraction of ‘je’ (I) and ‘suis’ (am) in French and is the first person singular present indicative form of the verb ‘être’ (to be).

**Other words that express similar meanings:**

– C’est moi (It’s me)
– Il est (He is, for masculine subjects)
– Elle est (She is, for feminine subjects)

**Conjugations of ‘être’:**

– Present: je suis (I am)
– Past (Passé Composé, one of the past tenses): j’ai été (I have been)
– Imperfect: j’étais (I was)
– Future: je serai (I will be)
– Conditional: je serais (I would be)
– Subjunctive: que je sois (that I be)
– Imperative: sois (be – commanding yourself or someone you familiarly address as ‘tu’)

**Examples of sentences using ‘je suis’:**

1. Je suis content. (I am happy.)
2. Je suis allé à Paris. (I have been to Paris.) — This uses the passé composé to indicate a past action.
3. Je suis en train de manger. (I am eating [right now].)
4. Demain, je serai chez moi. (Tomorrow, I will be at home.)
5. Si j’étais riche, je voyagerais. (If I were rich, I would travel.) — This uses the imperfect to form the conditional sentence.

2 days ago

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